Sun Sign Patterns: Significance in the Stars

Sun Sign Patterns: Significance in the Stars

November 12, 2020 0 Comments

Most beginners to astrology are familiar with their own sun signs and traits, and have awareness that signs of like elements are compatible (Water with Water, Earth with Earth, etc). But what about the relationship between other signs? In her comprehensive book Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart, leading astrological authority Linda Goodman examines the nature of a relationship and it's potential for success by organizing the possible pairings based upon their sun signs position on the Karmic Wheel of Life (pictured above) into what she terms "Sun Sign Patterns". Simply put, Sun Sign Patterns express the number of houses away two signs are from each other. 

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Scorpio: The Evolutionary Alchemist & The Shadow Shaman

Scorpio: The Evolutionary Alchemist & The Shadow Shaman

October 22, 2020 0 Comments

Scorpio is the 2nd water sign in the Zodiac, building on the emotionally sensitive sign of Cancer. Scorpios have a lot of growth to do in order to access their alchemical powers. They often start off as the Scorpion that can be the outsider and loner, however in this phase they would rather sting themselves than submit to another. The second phase is when they become aware of their power and start to use it to gain wisdom and insight into the meanings behind things. In this phase they become the eagle or hawk that can see behind the motives of others and from there can manipulate and gain significant power in the world. Many Scorpios stay in this phase out of societal conditioning; it is here that they can become economically and socially powerful but...

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Libra: The Light Liberator & Harbinger of Harmony

Libra: The Light Liberator & Harbinger of Harmony

September 22, 2020 0 Comments

Libra is the 2nd air sign in the zodiac building on the mental capabilities of Gemini and enlightening us with the gift of relating well with another. Libra is the only sign that literally rules the physical traits of beauty. Libras are known to posses an air of mystery as they do not shed their emotions onto others and can be quite superficial. Libras are known to be mentally active and outwardly harmonious. Libras have very large and captivating eyes that could look like a sun is setting when they have decided they love you.  Libras have very balanced and angelic features. They can be some of the most romantic and flirtatious people at the party right up their with Leo and Gemini! Libras usually care a lot about their appearance and can get caught up in...

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Virgo: The Portal Priestess & The Precious Purifier

Virgo: The Portal Priestess & The Precious Purifier

August 22, 2020 0 Comments

Virgo rules over the 6th house in the natal chart which rules over work, medicine, co workers, and daily routine. People with planets in their 6th house will be called to focus on work, day to day tasks, and to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies. The 6th house describes your approach to work, your relationship with medicine, and the way you approach your daily tasks. To better understand your 6th house you will want to take a mental inventory of how you approach these themes and then compare them with...

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Leo: The Sun Goddess & Lioness Leader

Leo: The Sun Goddess & Lioness Leader

July 22, 2020 0 Comments

The word Leo is derived from the Greek word leon meaning lion. The constellation can be seen in the sky as a Lion bearing Regulus, the royal star that is closest to the sun along the ecliptic making it one of the most powerful fixed stars in the sky. In ancient Egypt, several gods and goddesses were depicted with lions heads such as Mahees, and Sekhmet, the son and daughter of the Sun god Ra sent to attack evils and commit honorable acts of sacrifice. In Greek mythology, as part of the twelve labors to King Aristias, Heracles was tasked to ...

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Cancer: Mother Nurture, Sea of Secrets

Cancer: Mother Nurture, Sea of Secrets

June 18, 2020 0 Comments

Cancer is the 4th sign in the Zodiac and is ruled by the moon. The moon is the second most influential and the fastest moving planet. The moon is our mirror, our receiver and transmission of needs. The moon creates waves of intelligent emotional musings that are received and reflected back uniquely by all facets of life on earth. The moon is celebrated all over the world as it cycles, showing us where and when we need to balance emotions, plant seeds, and release. The moon shows us how we were raised to process and receive love and the emotional blocks we may have created or brought in from our mothers...

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Gemini:  The Divine Communicator & Inspired Shapeshifter

Gemini: The Divine Communicator & Inspired Shapeshifter

May 18, 2020 0 Comments

On May 21st, The sun enters the enigmatic sign of Gemini where it will stay until June 20th... Gemini is the 3rd sign in the zodiac and is widely misunderstood because of their often mystical and elusive powers. Gemini is ruled by Mercury along with its more nourishing, feminine and grounded friend the Virgo. Mercury rules over communication, the written word, knowledge, transportation, siblings and is known as the messenger and processor of information. Mercury’s energy is mutable, quick and intelligent...

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Taurus: Earthly Delights with The Sensual One

Taurus: Earthly Delights with The Sensual One

April 20, 2020 0 Comments

The word Taurus comes from the latin word for bull, often referred to as "the bull of heaven” in ancient times. In Greek mythology, one story of Taurus can be represented by the white golden horned bull which symbolizes fertility. The King of Crete, King Minos was granted rule over the seas by the god Poisedon and tried to cheat him out of the magical white bull he promised by sending him a a look alike. In anger, Poseidon asked Aphrodite to assist in a punishment so she cast a spell on King Minos’s wife that caused her to uncontrollably lust for the 

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Aries: The Fire Starter / Energy Initiate

Aries: The Fire Starter / Energy Initiate

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

The word Aries comes from the latin word for ram. In greek mythology the story of Aries is represented by the golden ram. In one story King Athamas had two children, Phrixus and Helle. His second wife tried to have his son Phrixus killed and a flying golden ram was sent by Hermes and their mother, Nephele as a gift to take them away from trouble on his golden back. Unfortunately Helle, fell off leaving only Phrixus to arrive in the island of Colchis. One theory states that Phrixus sacrificed the golden ram to honor Zues which was later stolen by Jason and the Argonats. Zeus then placed the immortal golden ram in the heavens where it remains the constellation of Aries in honer of his courage.

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Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

February 19, 2020 0 Comments

The sign of Pisces dwells in a rich inner world and can be a conduit for brilliant dreams and creations. In the highest manifestation, Pisces can be of service with their unconditional love and healing capabilities. Pisces are connected to the higher realms and can feel everything around them, which can cause some confusion. Whether they choose to channel their intuitive knowledge into healing and art or into climbing the corporate ladder; they will need to learn to...

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Aquarius: Evolution & Expression

Aquarius: Evolution & Expression

January 20, 2020 0 Comments

The word “Aquarius” comes from Latin meaning “water-carrier, water-pourer.” Its astrological symbol represents water, but looks like an electrical jolt. And rightfully so—Aquarius connects us to energies of originality, eccentricity, freedom, radical expression, and epiphanies of all sorts. It craves innovation and orients us to the future and what is possible. When sparked it catalyzes creativity, new insights, or exciting novelty. Activated Aquarius energy in our society spurs...

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Capricorn: Time of Tradition & Slowing Down

Capricorn: Time of Tradition & Slowing Down

December 20, 2019 0 Comments

Understanding Capricorn energies can also be related to Scrooge character in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens or the wise woman or man. It’s the serious sign of the zodiac that can take time to loosen its grip on judgment and skepticism and invites us into the wisdom of time. Those born with Sun or Moon signs in Capricorn can become lighter as they get older and understand its gifts of slowing down and solitude. In its most wise expression with Capricorn, we feel stability and security in ourselves and the world around us. It connects us to...

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