Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius wants abundance: to go big or go home, have your cake and eat it too, as well as have plenty of time for fun. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and also expands the realm of feelings. It rules the pointer finger and can be eager to place blame when it concerns itself with morality and ideals as well as philosophy. However, the shadow side of it can be arrogance, exaggeration, or superiority.
Watch out for overindulgence or being optimistic to a point that ignores the emotions. This full moon offers a wonderful time to examine our truth and tap into our adventurous side, as well as making
Collective energies:
The Taurus new moon on May 15 activates our desire for connection to ourselves, others, but also Earth itself. The Earthly, second sign of the zodiac reminds us to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the finer things in life while also honoring productivity. Taurus, like the Earth, continually leans into the creative process. The shadow side can be indulgence, materialistic, or bull-headedness. All things to notice during this new lunar phase. A key aspect of Taurus energies is understanding our relationship to intimacy itself and this new moon offers the perfect impetus to explore whether through tantric practices or a personal deep dive into the watery realms of our unconscious.
Beltane comes from Proto-Indo-European bhel- meaning “to shine, flash, burn” and also the name of the Celtic Solar God Bel, and ten related to “hot.” And things definitely heat up with Beltane, and I’m not just talking about the weather ;). Originally Beltane was the Celtic holiday honoring the mating of Green Man and the Earth goddess that marked the beginning of summer. This sacred union symbolized the necessary act to bring about Earth’s fertility.
Ritual Kits: A "How To" Guide
Do you get confused when you hear all that esoteric mumbo jumbo about your favorite metaphysical objects? We've simplified the entire process with our Ritual Kits and have created this instructional video as a "How To" guide for your own practice!