February 02, 2019
Aquarius seeks freedom and awakening and pulls us into future versions of ourselves. Another important aspect of Aquarius is its concern with the collective consciousness and communal thinking. Although its often tech savvy ways cannot be ignored as many prominent entrepreneurs also have this as a Sun or Moon sign. The air sign connects us to energies of originality, eccentricity, freedom, radical expression, and epiphanies of all sorts. It concerns us with the realm of humanity, community and invites us to ponder our place within the whole.
Rebecca Farrar of Wild Witch of the West has her M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, and has worked with many renowned astrologists and cosmologists. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Witch of the West.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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January 29, 2019
Officially celebrated on February 1 at sunset, Imbolc, or Imbolg, signals the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Its name derives from Celtic meaning "in the belly,” as it refers to the “just-showing” pregnancy or a stirring of new life that has just begun. At its core, this Pagan holiday is a clearing and cleansing preparing us for rebirth. Imbolc focuses on fertility and the promise of returning light in the spring season. However, Imbolc’s claim to fame is the Irish Goddess Brigid, also spelled Brigit, Bride, or Brighid. She was considered a triple goddess or triune representing maiden, mother, and crone. In this way she had several facets to her symbolism of fire, hearth, poetry, and smithcraft. Brigit was believed..
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January 27, 2019
The Month Kicks off with a bit of a power struggle between Pluto and Mars. These are the two badasses of our Solar system. The first can be a day of learning to bite your lip, and not throw down with whoever decides to give you a bit of a hard time. Let whatever flares up today go, and trust that the cosmic forces will handle it for you. Avoid and conflict at ALL COST. The second of February is a very lovely and often times surprising transit, where Venus makes aspects to rebellious Uranus in Taurus. Something may catch you off guard, happen suddenly, or...
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January 17, 2019
The lunar eclipse/super moon/full moon in Leo (phew, that is a lot of descriptors!) on January 20 PT and January 21 ET continues the accelerated astrological energies of 2019. This second eclipse in the series from the solar eclipse on January 5, will be visible from North and South America, Europe, and Western Africa. Though Earth casts its shadow on the moon for several hours, the maximum eclipse hour is 9:12 p.m. on Saturday for Pacific Coast and 12:12 a.m. for East Coast. The moon is “super” because it is closest to the Earth and looks magnified or larger than usual. Like all signs, Leo has both its shadow (insert eclipse joke here) and elevated expressions, though with a full moon and eclipse we often tap into the...
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January 03, 2019
While Capricorn isn’t known for being the life of the New Year party, it is what motivates us to set resolutions and get back to business. This new moon and solar eclipse occur shortly after the Gregorian calendar new year and ushers in a grounded beginning to 2019. Eclipses happen every six months in pairs, with the lunar eclipse at the full moon on January 20 or 21(depending on your location), and while this partial eclipse is visible from Asia, the energies can be felt anywhere. Even though eclipses aren’t rare, they are certainly experienced as phases where our personal and collective evolution seems to happen....
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December 28, 2018
As 2019 begins we become more aware of the necessary tasks and resolutions at hand than recent years. The Sun joins serious Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn on New Years Day reminding us to actually commit to what it is we say we’re going to accomplish this year. The good news is there’s a LOT of astrological support to get it achieved. The first two months of 2019 is retrograde free and relatively smooth sailing (apart from the eclipses). So what does it mean? WE MOVE FORWARD. But, Capricorn, like the goat climbs up the hills, over mountains, up the sides of cliffs determined to make his way to the top. Thats how you’re going to need to look at your goals for 2019. Slow and steady wins the race, determination in the face of opposition is key. Be patient, Saturn does rule time after all. The 5th of January will debut a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Coupled up with
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December 18, 2018
Nothing says “all the feels” or emotional rollercoaster quite like a Cancer full moon. This peak/pique of the lunar cycle may bring up a bit more lunacy and continues the Capricorn new moon themes of honoring your own rhythms and cycles of going inward and cultivating an inner sense of security. Moon-ruled Cancer offers the gifts of intuition and nurturing while the shadow side may bring up insecurity or moodiness. Other major themes of Cancer include emotional connections to others and us as well as relationship to our caretaker…or attachment and emotional attunement. Many of us didn't...
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December 18, 2018
Yule or Yuletide, aka Winter Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere marks the longest night and shortest day of the year and is one of the oldest celebrations in the world. Like all the Neopagan holidays the date varies between December 20 to December 23 depending on the year with the Gregorian calendar. Though with modern technology we can more closely track the exact moment when the Earth pole is at its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This year the winter solstice is exact on Friday, December 21 at 2:22 p.m. PT or 5:22 ET as the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Capricorn. As a turning point of light and reflection and of all the cyclical, seasonal holidays, the winter solstice is perhaps the most Christianized from its Earthly Pagan roots and Roman traditions.
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December 04, 2018
This Sagittarius new moon arrives after a week of Jupiter in alignment with the Sun. Sagittarius connects us with the expansive side of life such as optimism, vision, and joy. It moves us towards discovering our ideals and expanding our sense of conviction. Healthy Sagittarius energy is full of faith and adventure, while the shadow side lends itself towards arrogance or bravado. I also notice a tendency towards over-consumption while appreciating the abundance so often experienced with Sagittarius. While many may hail this as the luckiest new moon of the year, I’m dubious of that title. Like all zodiac signs Sagittarius has aspects that aren’t...
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November 26, 2018
Let 2018 be known as the year of retrogrades! Woof, it’s over. As we reflect on the past several months of twists and turns, you may now breathe a sigh of relief. December is a month of some much more manageable and tranquil astrological transits. Take some extra time on the 5th to get some rest and recuperate. The Sun will be blending with Neptune making this a lazy day, where our immune systems are apt to take a hit. Prevent illness with lots of liquids or a warm bath. The Mercury retrograde will be winding down on the 6th of the month, you can rest easy when it comes to making any electronic purchases as gifts. I should note; when it comes to big-budget electronic items, extended warranties are still encouraged since we will be in the Mercury shadow. The same goes for any
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November 19, 2018
This airy full moon arrives on the American holiday Thanksgiving just as the Sun moves into Sagittarius, the sign of celebration and abundance and opposite its ruling planet Jupiter. Indeed, the air may be full of celebration and confusion during this holiday. While collectively we are becoming more and more aware of Thanksgiving’s violent history, the story itself is reflective of the two sides and duality of Gemini. Gemini’s gift of wisdom means holding many truths and ideals (key Sagittarius and Jupiter words) at the same time while seeking out information for ourselves.
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November 05, 2018
This year’s Scorpio New Moon reminds us of the full spectrum of experience inherent with this mystical sign. It invites the metamorphosis of our personal and collective lives while reminding us of the current intensity and turbulent times. No sign in the zodiac seems more misunderstood than Scorpio’s desire to shed or transform in the service of the unseen, powerful evolutionary force. Though before we come into contact or surrender to this process, we often experience the other shadow elements of Scorpio such as manipulation, power, secrets, or shame.
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