Celestial Insights : October 2020

September 30, 2020 0 Comments

Celestial Insights : October 2020

Monthly moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals

October 2020 Celestial Insights 

Welcome to your October 2020 monthly Celestial Insights! This month we are debuting a new format, bringing you all of your monthly lunar and planetary transits in one, clean article! 

Brace yourself kids, because October is easily going to be the most intense month in all of 2020. If you've been reading my monthly insights in recent months, you know that I've touched on the intensity this year has to offer. Between the ongoing conjunctions of the wrecking ball crew; Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Capricorn, as well as the ongoing Mars retrograde, it's safe to say it's been an intense last couple of months. This month The Sun in Libra turns up the heat and moves into cardinal squares with all of these planets mentioned above. Astrologically speaking, this is going to create cardinal tea squares. Similar to that of a T-bone car accident, something hits you out of nowhere. This "something" will be the Sun and Mercury in its retrograde motion in Libra. You see, astrology is simply the study of patterns and geometry in the sky that triggers specific events. Where prediction comes into astrology is when planets move into favorable or unfavorable aspects. While many traditional astrologers see squares as "unfavorable "aspects, they have a method to their madness. Like a pressure cooker, the angle of the square creates pressure to bring about change. Cardinal placements want to initiate something. With planets in Libra making aspects to Aries and Capricorn, we find the need to use diplomacy and fairness. Law and order become extremely important. We learn to slow down and not jump to conclusions, taking your time to analyze any conflict that comes about thoroughly. Make no mistake, this month will not be for the faint of heart.  

It all kicks off with a full moon in Aries. This Moon is exceptionally potent and shines a light on areas where we need self-healing. Full moons are about completions, and in the sign of Aries, it's about personal completions. The physical body, as well as our own goals and achievements, become increasingly important. At the time of this full Moon, Chiron, the wounded healer, is highlighted. Triggering physical or emotional aches and pains, especially those that relate to relationships. Shortly after, Venus enters into the earth sign Virgo, assisting in healing and being of service. Pluto goes direct after its several months-long retrograde, allowing us to dig deeper and expose toxic levels of control or manipulation in our lives. On the seventh of the month, curious Mercury will oppose Uranus in the sign of Taurus. This will bring about unexpected information and conversations revolving around finances or values. Many are likely to be triggered by some issues regarding security. Shocking news may come about in the media this day. On the ninth of the month, Mars in Aries moves into his second dangerous square with Pluto in Capricorn. I am expecting intensity to build from this day clear until nearly the 23rd of the month. When Mars, the aggressor, squares off with Pluto, Lord of the underworld, violence and arguments ensue. Mid October is not a time to go toe to toe in relationships or with those in positions of power. You WILL get burned. You want to keep in mind that when instigating conflicts during a Mars retrograde, it's likely to blow up in your face and boomerang back to you. Look at what took place in mid-August for similar themes at this time. From the 10th on, Venus moves to make a powerful trine to planets in Capricorn and Taurus, and I expect financial and health matters to become essential topics on the world's stage. Innovations in health and financial support for local communities will be necessary.

October 11th on is expected to be the most intense period of the month. This begins when the Sun and Libra moves to square planets in Capricorn. On the 13th of the month, the Sun and Libra will begin their opposition to Mars and Aries, bringing about challenging relationship situations. Many of you will be thinking, do I stay, or do I go? Do I fight this fight or back down? Do I fight for the relationship or let it go? Things become further complicated when Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th of the month. All of my typical rules apply for Mercury retrogrades: look over all contracts thoroughly, check your vehicles and travel plans thoroughly before making purchases, back up your electronics. Especially in the sign of Scorpio, insurance or debt issues seem to be highlighted. Mercury in Scorpio is a very intense placement that leaves very few rocks unturned. Secrets are likely exposed when this transit happens. On the 15th of the month, the Sun and Libra move to square Pluto representing secret intentions and possible deceit. This comes just before a jam-packed new moon in Libra on the 16th. At the time of this New Moon, which represents new intentions in relationships, we see an opposition to Mars. It's safe to say the first two weeks of the month are about reevaluating our connections to others. If certain relationships need to be let go or a middle ground cannot be found, the drama will likely implode mid-month. Be cautious with any health or financial matters around the 18th, as Venus in Virgo will oppose cloudy Neptune. The Sun also moves to square the Moon's nodes, representing challenges in communication or relating to others. It's essential to check your sources thoroughly. 

On the 18th through the 19th, we see a continuation of Saturn's squares with the Sun in Libra. Consider this a reality check, or perhaps even a sobering experience. Every Saturn Square is like a speed bump or a stop sign. It's a checkpoint that makes sure that we are on the right path. Let me tell you that nobody will get a free pass this month, and where you see resistance is the universe trying to test and prepare you for the year ahead in 2021. Shortly after, on the 19th, Mars in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn. Expect it to bring about anxious and testy attitudes. Overdoing it is what comes to mind when I see Jupiter squares. Speeding, exaggerations, and jumping to conclusions is all ill-advised this month. On the 23rd, the Sun enters the fixed water sign of Scorpio. It is shining a light on shadow puppets deep in our subconscious. Shortly after, the Sun will conjunct with Mercury retrograde on the 25th, bringing about the need to review and reflect on the past in some way psychologically. I imagine deep insights will come about on this day. On the 28th of the month, Venus enters the sign Libra, where it becomes heavily focused on relating to others and bringing about love. Perhaps this may be the saving grace this month, inviting us to focus on love and healthier, more harmonious relationships. The same day mercury drops back into Libra on its retrograde cycle. Many of you may go back-and-forth either on financial or relationship matters clear until the end of the month. Last but not least is the insane amount of transits taking place on Halloween. We have an extra full moon, known as a blue moon, this month in the fixed sign of Taurus. Traditionally speaking, Taurus is known for its stability and focusing on security. However, this Moon is a bit of a wild card; it's opposition to electric Uranus represents a sudden, shocking plot twist. Likely what ends around the time of this Full Moon is dead and gone for GOOD. How festive, given it's Halloween. Regardless of what happens- this is one situation in your life you don't want to bring back from the dead. Good luck, my friends. 


Notable dates and transits:

  • October 1- Full Moon in Aries
  • October 2- Venus enters Virgo
  • October 3- Pluto direct in Capricorn
  • October 7- Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus Taurus
  • October 9- Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
  • October 10- Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
  • October 11- Sun in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn
  • October 12- Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • October 12- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Virgo
  • October 13- Sun in Libra opposite Mars in Aries
  • October 14- Mercury retrograde in Scorpio
  • October 15- Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • October 16- New Moon in Libra
  • October 18- Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
  • October 18- Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn
  • October 19- Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn
  • October 19- Mars in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn
  • October 21- Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
  • October 23- Sun enters Scorpio
  • October 24- Venus in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn
  • October 25- Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in Scorpio
  • October 28- Venus enters Libra
  • October 28- Mercury retrograde enters Libra
  • October 31- Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
  • October 31- Full Moon in Taurus


Read more below about the full and new moons for the month ahead. Refer back as needed! 

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Lunar Happenings : October 2020 


Full Moon in Aries : A Fire Within
October 1, 2020
@ 9 degrees of Aries
2:05 pm PST // 5:05 pm EST


Planetary Aspects

  • Sun in Libra Opposes Moon and Chiron in Aries
  • Venus in Leo trine Mars in Aries
  • Mars in Aries square Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn
  • Mars in Aries sextile the North Node, trine the South Node
  • Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Neptune in Pisces square the Nodes 


Themes & Symbolism

Full Moons bring about essential completions. However, amid a Mercury retrograde shadow- I'm reminding everyone to be patient and allow events to unfold as they may. This Moon is not the time for new beginnings but instead seeing where you stand with others. Past relationships and partnership haunts can come about. I foresee issues for some people regarding abandonment or being on their own as well. Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign and isn't afraid to walk alone. Look for where you can focus on healing yourself and letting others love you just the way you are. You're going to see just where some people help you or hinder you. Don't be afraid to spend time alone during this Moon. Personal projects, manifestations, and drive is #1. 


Ways to Ritualize this Moon

Give yourself some appreciation! You get the OK from me to pat yourself on the back for things that you HAVE ACCOMPLISHED in the last six months! This is a Moon where the better you align with your personal goals and values, the more others can validate you and your achievements. 

Working with the element of fire. Consider making a list of insecurities or bad habits that keep you detached from your physical body or love. Find time alone to sit and reflect on your willingness to let these patterns go, then burn them in a fire-safe pot or cauldron. 

Get a facial, scalp massage, or try a face mask. Pay extra special attention to the nose and between the eyes/ forehead area. This is the Aries zone! You can calm your physical body and mind by giving a little extra TLC to this area. 



New Moon in Libra : Relationship Rumble

October 16, 2020
@ 23 degrees of Libra
12:31 pm PST //3:31 pm EST


Planetary Aspects

  • Sun and Moon in Libra oppose Mars in Aries
  • Sun and Moon in Libra square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn 
  • Sun and Moon in Libra trine the North Node in Gemini, sextile the South Node in Sagittarius 
  • Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus
  • Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn
  • Venus in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces
  • Mars in Aries sextile the North Node, trine the South Node
  • Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Neptune in Pisces square the Nodes 


    Themes & Symbolism

    This is the New Moon to really take notice of how you're relating to other people. Consider this Moon the chopping block for people that have GOT TO GO in your life. You won't have much of a choice in the weeks ahead, I'm afraid. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign and helps us use diplomacy when relating to others. I can't stress this enough; don't jump to conclusions and be aware that overreacting will have consequences. Keep your composure when others push your buttons. I'm considering mid-October/ this New Moon one of the most intense times of all of 2020. You will notice more opposition/ challenges when it comes to others. This Moon’s aspects to Mars will have some separating, while others will be choosing to work together. This is a day jam-packed with Cardinal squares, and cardinal energy wants to MOVE. Take time on this lunation to ensure that you're choosing love over fear. Power plays, manipulation, and drama can be left at the door. 


    Ways to Ritualize this Moon

    Get out and get active with a partner. The challenging aspects between the New Moon and Mars need an outlet. Hiking, walking, and team sports can bode well and help you blow off some steam. It's important to be super aware at all times, as these hard angles from Mars can lead some to rush around and be more accident-prone. 

    Write a love letter. To your partner, to yourself, your cat, even a future partner you haven't met yet! Libra is all about feeling the love. In the case of this New Moon, for some, it will help break down the walls that have kept you closed off to relationships or commitment. It can be PERFECT for working with AIR (Libra) and Fire (Aries) and doing some love magic. 

    Opposite to the Full Moon in Aries, now is the time to be open to letting others help YOU. Practice saying YES! When invitations or flirtations come your way, be open to receive. Start by simply buying yourself flowers, having a piece of chocolate, maybe a spoon full of honey. Recite words of affirmation in a mirror. 


    Full Blue Moon in Taurus: Shocking Revelations

    October 31st, 2020
    @ 8 degrees of Taurus
    7:49 AM PST // 10:49 AM EST



    • Sun in Scorpio oppose Moon in Taurus
    • Sun in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus
    • Mercury in Libra square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn
    • Mars in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn
    • Mars in Aries sextile the North Node, trine the South Node
    • Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
    • Neptune in Pisces square the Nodes 


    Themes and Symbolism

    What a way to ring in Halloween, a Full and rare BLUE Moon in the fixed sign of Taurus. While Taurus is known for its grounded, stable approach, this Full Moon is jam-packed with shocking plot twists and sudden jolts of surprises. The axis of Taurus and Scorpio is known for its values and finances. I expect shocking and unexpected financial events to take place. Endings and the need to suddenly move on or away from situations is likely with this Moon. The Mercury retrograde is in full effect and drops back into Libra, putting pressure on planets in Capricorn. This indicates a conflict of ideas or communications with others. This can lead to shocking revelations and changes in your course of action. Expect this Full Moon to bring all the skeletons out of the closet, and I'm not talking Halloween decorations. 


    Ways to Ritualize this Moon

    Ground your energy out, literally. Get your hands in the dirt or be out in nature. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign that needs to feel stable and steady. This can be an unsettling Moon, and working with crystals or herbs is an excellent way to navigate the jolts of energy. 

    Focus on what's valuable, both physically and spiritually. Taurus Full Moons are a great time to financially plan, look over a budget, or even practice some abundance magic. Try dressing a green candle with some cedar shavings, patchouli oil, and a pinch of cinnamon to bring in the cash money. 

    Taurus responds well to aromatherapy and flower essences. Working with either of these can help you calm anxious nerves or cope with sudden life changes due to this Full Moon. 








    Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


    Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights

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