February 13, 2024 0 Comments
On this Monday, day of the Moon, I claim all of Luna’s gifts, blessings, and healing into my body, mind, and spirit. May I make the space needed to experience the highest vibrations of love on this Valentine’s Day: self love, romantic love, and universal love. I am a vessel of love in all of its forms, and easily give and receive love, compassion, and joy with ease, including to myself. With these ritual tools, I sanctify all of the love in my life and the love yet to come, and I express gratitude for all of the love in my life and love yet to come. With these words I set my intention.
MANTRA 2: Goddess call to bless current love or new love
On this Valentine’s Day, I call on Aphrodite, Inanna, Astarte, and Hathor! May they clear any and all blockages between me and love, in all of its forms, and heal and grow all love that is meant for me. I call in the energies of these goddesses, angels, and ancestors of the Light to bless all of the love that is in my life now and provide me strength to show up with love in my most sacred relationships. I claim all of my love abundance! I claim all of my love blessings! I claim all of the love and joy intended for me! With these words I set my intention.
MANTRA 3: Healing + calling in new love
On this day of love, passion and joy, I honor my heart space by gently releasing what and who is no longer is in service and collaboration with my heart space. As I chant the mantra of the heart chakra, I clear all dense, stagnant, or negative energy: (chant “YAAAAMMM” as many times as you feel necessary). May my heart space filled with self-love and space held for new, romantic love. May my Guides lead new love to me in Divine timing. May my spirit team guide me toward all forms of love for my highest good. With these words I set my intention.
Finally, Mist yourself and your space with our Honeysuckle & Jasmine Ritual Mist to seal in your intentions. Light the palo santo found inside the ritual kit using a candle flame, and the feather tool to waft the smoke. Palo Santo welcomes positive spirits and energies. Let the tea light burn out, and burn the Roses candle for at least two hours before extinguishing with a candle snuff, sold here.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
Kerstin from The Mirrored Lantern has practiced right hand path magick and tarot for over 28 years and has been a lover and learner of astrology for just as long… She is currently in graduate school for Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Spiritual & Depth Psychology. Follow her on instagram @themirroredlantern for witch tips, occulture, and depth psych tidbits!
If you are in Los Angeles and are interested in seeking professional psychotherapy services focusing on Depth, psychodynamic, Jungian and spiritual therapy, Kerstin is a licensed Associate Marriage & Family Therapist (#139178) now accepting clients throughout the state of California for both remote + in-person sessions. Visit kerstinherntherapy.com for more information.
February 25, 2025 0 Comments
As we navigate the celestial currents of 2025, a unique astrological event awaits: both Venus and Mercury will be retrograde simultaneously. Venus will transition from Aries to Pisces during its retrograde, while Mercury will retrograde in Aries. This rare cosmic alignment offers a profound opportunity for introspection, reassessment, and personal growth. When these two influential planets appear to move backward in the sky, their retrograde energies prompt us to slow down and reevaluate critical aspects of our lives. While the experience may seem challenging, it ultimately serves as a chance to heal, reset, and reconnect with our true desires and intentions.
February 12, 2025 0 Comments
Throughout history, the name Cupid, or Eros, has been synonymous with romance, desire, and playful mischief. This cherubic archer, often depicted as a winged boy with a bow and quiver full of arrows, has roots far deeper than modern Valentine’s Day iconography. Originating in ancient mythology, Cupid’s story intertwines love and fate, often with dramatic and unexpected consequences. But who exactly is Cupid, and what is the lore behind this mischievous god of love?
December 17, 2024 0 Comments