Spellwork Sessions: Protection Spell Jar for Banishing and Binding

July 11, 2023 0 Comments

Spell Jar Bottles in different colors

Spellwork Sundays

“Put that person in a jar, honey!” Spell


Hey all! For this edition of Spellwork Sunday I wanted to talk about magickal jar spells. Jar Spells have been used for centuries, and remnants of jar spells have been found amongst ancient European ruins for sometime. While they routinely have gone through bouts of popularity and use, there is no doubt that they can be an effective method for money and love spells, sex magick, charming a certain someone in particular, binding spells, breaking curses, and even yes, hexes.

I want to focus on using a jar for binding, and creating space between you and the person of your aim. Do you have someone in your life you just can’t seem to get away from? Be it an ex, a toxic coworker or a foe? This is the perfect way to deter their attention on you to somewhere else. A spell like this is not for the faint of heart, and making sure that your intent and how you go about this ritual is critical to insure an opposite effect does not occur. 

Time / Planetary Hours:

  • Jar spells are not dependent on any planetary hour or association. You may for your own personal liking tie your spell in with its magickal day. Since we are focusing on banishing & hexing, Saturday would be the day of it’s relation as it is ruled by Saturn.

Altar Decor Setup & Suggestions

You can create a simple altar for this, or make it as lavish as you want. Whatever holds importance for your spell is up to you!

  • A clean and empty jar. Clay or glass are most common, but some people like to use plastic. It’s really based on your personal preference.  Just make sure the jar has no cracks and a nice, secure, air tight lid!
  • A Ruler, or tiny toy globe small enough to fit in a jar, or even a drawing or picture of a globe. Any of these items can represent the space you desire between this person. 
  • Glitter, or ash. This can be used so the person is confused and can not see you anymore.
  • A stone like Jet would be perfect for this as it is used for binding!
  • Magickal herbs associated with binding or influencing someone’s mind, like Witchhazel, Licorice Root, Black Pepper is my favorite for this as it can banish, bind, cause confusion and protect you from evil! Our Banishing and Protection Mist can also be shaken and poured into your jar!
  • A photo of person you are trying to distance yourself from, an item of theirs or even just their name written out on a piece of paper.
  • A piece of paper and utensil to write with. You will want to write your goal of this spell to insure that everything is crystal clear with what you want. This is totally one of those “Don’t dream it, be it” moments. Focus your power on it being the reality!
  • You may also chose to be "extra" and use a small amount of your urine (!). Urine, is used in magick to break hexes, add protection and manipulate others.
  • Sage, Palo Santo, Bay Leaves or Frankincense herbs to burn. You will use any of these to consecrate your magickal tools and items.
  • A black candle, the color of binding & hexing. Though white may be just as fine, but I would prefer to use black. Candles don’t need to be used in jar spells but if you’d like to add one go for it! If you use a candle, make sure to dress it properly before use.
  • Another alternative to add, you may also choose to paint your jar with a color that matches the intent. For this jar we would paint it black it we chose to. But again, this is not a must.

Simple Steps and Procedures

If you have an altar then place the items on the altar, if you don’t have a specific altar that is fine.

  • Consecrate all of the items you are about to use, you may do this with any of the herbs listed above.
  • Whilst filling up your jar with your items, you may add a chant or prayer to raise its vibration and power. It doesn’t have to be complex so don’t worry about making a song out of it honey! Here’s a quick little one I made:
"The distance between us is a must.
Trails leading back are swept in the dust."
  • After you have filled your jar with its items, you may choose to burn a candle  to on top of the lid. The wax as it melts will seal the jar, binding and adding more power, but this is not by any means necessary.
  • After you have sealed your jar, focus on the desire of the spell to be a current reality. Since we want someone to no longer be focused on us, let’s make sure that is the point being made. Something like, "This person has forgotten me and moved on", or, "This person can not see me anymore, work well."
  •  Now depending on your intent, you may choose to take this jar to a crossroads and bury it, so that they never find their way back to you, or any place far away from you so that their attention is directed elsewhere. Alternatively you may want to keep the jar on your altar so that you may continuously shake the jar, energizing the spell each time you do so, this would also allow you to add candles over time to increase effectiveness. Personally I would rather take the jar to a crossroads and NEVER look back!

Yaaaaas! You have successfully created and completed your jar spell!!! Let that person never find their way back to you!!! The space has been made!!!  Many blessings!!!


Antique spell jars and protection bottle


    Have your own Spellwork Sessions ritual? Tag @jsouthernstudio and #spellworksundays in your Instagram post for a chance to be featured!






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