February 25, 2025
As we navigate the celestial currents of 2025, a unique astrological event awaits: both Venus and Mercury will be retrograde simultaneously. Venus will transition from Aries to Pisces during its retrograde, while Mercury will retrograde in Aries. This rare cosmic alignment offers a profound opportunity for introspection, reassessment, and personal growth. When these two influential planets appear to move backward in the sky, their retrograde energies prompt us to slow down and reevaluate critical aspects of our lives. While the experience may seem challenging, it ultimately serves as a chance to heal, reset, and reconnect with our true desires and intentions.
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August 01, 2024
As August and the beginning to the end of summer unfolds, the interplay between astrological happenings and ancient traditions creates a powerful tapestry of influence on our lives. This month, we witness the convergence of Mercury retrograde, Leo season, and the Euro pagan holiday Lammas, each carrying its own set of energies and implications that can influence, help, and hinder us.
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May 26, 2023
Full Moon rituals and New Moon rituals all in one! Eclipse season is over, y'all! Although we can always expect these sacred celestial occurrences like clockwork, the color and energy of them are always dynamic based on the sign and transits encompassing them. Scorpio is perhaps one of, if not them most powerful eclipses in terms of intensity in its deep dives and resurgences that it inspires.
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April 03, 2023
Welcome to the first chapter of eclipse season! The upcoming solar eclipse opens up a gateway for meaningful change, especially around the Self, ego, and how you move in the world (solar = yang/divine masculine energy). This solar power can supercharge your intentions and introspections at the dark new moon and into its waxing phase… More on that ...
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February 02, 2023
We start February, the month most associated with love—both romantic love, self love, and agape— with Venus in Pisces, adding a dreamy, soft energy swirling around our hearts… The low vibration of Venus in Pisces is being gullible in love or money, overly generous to a fault, and/or getting completely lost and dissolved in another, which *can* be an ecstatic fantasy space to pop in and out of...
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January 02, 2023
Happy new year, friends! We have collectively entered the energy of 2023, a “7” year in numerology… Sevens are spiritual numbers that offer opportunity to reflect, engage philosophy and spiritual inquiry for personal growth, thoughtful analyzation in all matters, and psychological integration and wholeness. Along with this theme of reflection is that we start the year in a handful of retrograde planetary energy. Mercury (communication, thinking, writing) is in retrograde until the 18th, Mars (action, desire, passion, motivation) until the 12th, and Uranus (technology, major shifts, disruptions, sacred challenges, transformation) until the 22nd...
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December 05, 2022
Happy December, JSS fam! We have entered the final month of the year, eclipse season has ended, and we are soaring in the free and adventurous energy of Sagittarius throughout most of this month... The full moon on the 7th falls in Gemini and will be conjunct Mars… I always like to focus on gratitude and forgiveness for the final full moons of the year (hello, alliteration!). Forgiveness unburdens us and promotes healing through release, and gratitude expands abundance. This lunation highlights curiosity around who or what we can release to free up mental real estate those outgrown energies were occupying. The Mars conjunction coupled with those intentions and actions can assist us in calling back our power and stepping into confident and passionate warrior mode after unburdening ourselves to prep for the coming year.
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October 26, 2022
November blessings to all! This month, eclipse season closes, but we are still in the very ethereal yet palpable season of Scorpio through November 23rd. November is a harvest and gratitude month, along with transformational shifts occurring above and below, within and without. The nodal tome of the Scorpio and Taurus story slams shut on the 8th with just some sparkly dust left in the air… But as the dust settles, we have an opportunity for a clarifying beautiful new moon a couple of weeks later exacting at the 1st degree, which is as “new” as you can get in a zodiac.
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September 29, 2022
October harvest blessings to all… The Pagan sabbat celebration this month is a crowd fave on the 31st: Samhain (pronounced SOW-WEN), the Witches’ New Year, which is also Halloween and the start of Dia De Los Muertos, which goes through November 2. We will be in Libra energy through most of the month, focusing on communication, relationships, and how to get our personal and relational selves in balance.
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July 30, 2022
Happy August wishes to all… This month, we walk in the radiance of the Solar Lion in Leo season, engaging us with the motif of energizing and breath-of-fresh-air respite from the dense, heavy duty feels of Cancer season (good grief!). However, we do start the month with one of the biggest 2022 alignments: the trifecta conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is big shake-up/explosive energy that can occur on our material plane/Gaia with weather, money and foundational structures getting cracked open and crumbled to be rebuilt, or physical movement/body effects and possible injuries...
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July 10, 2022
Welcome to July and official summer, friends. For most of this month, we wade through the saltwater shores of Cancer season… A liminal space of its own, where dynamic and heavy ocean water ebbs and flows along stationary sand shores, slowly but surely bringing new treasure to shore and carrying out what has surfaced and is no longer needed out to sea. These salty sandy shores are where the crab explores the terrain, walking sideways--its most efficient direction. However, under the nearby water’s surface is a very volcanic energy...
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May 26, 2022
Welcome to June, the midpoint check-in of the year and the month of the summer solstice—the longest day of the year on the 21st (also known as Litha to Pagan pals), where we can bask in the sun, ushering in the summer season, where light wins over darkness. We are in the post-eclipse season and Rx energy of May (Mercury stations direct on the 3rd!), so there are less bumps and more flow this month with inner planetary energies...
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