May 26, 2022 0 Comments
Insights by Kerstin Hern of The Mirrored Lantern / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals
Welcome to June, the midpoint check-in of the year and the month of the summer solstice—the longest day of the year on the 21st (also known as Litha to Pagan pals), where we can bask in the sun, ushering in the summer season, where light wins over darkness. We are in the post-eclipse season and Rx energy of May (Mercury stations direct on the 3rd!), so there are less bumps and more flow this month with inner planetary energies. Of note, however, is Saturn Rx, so expect some “inner teacher” energy coming in, especially as we are mostly in the realm of Gemini’s “student” archetype this month, where we are given opportunities to rebuild structure in our lives in a new, better way using the bricks of wisdom from the past.
The monthly full moon is a super full moon in Sagittarius landing on June 14th. Smack-dab in the middle of the year, think about this lunation as a check-in post where you can pause, reflect, and assess what the past 6 months have shown you, taught you, and what YOU have done to participate in your own success, wisdom, healing, or evolution. Releases around childhood wounding, or any long-term emotional wounds are highlighted, as we have Chiron and Mars joining during this lunation. Releases and spiritual healing around masculine (Mars) issues and any childhood wounding (Chiron) are strong and auspicious now.
The new moon in Cancer on the 28th is sandwiched between some big energies… On the new moon, we have a Venus/Jupiter sextile, a beautiful transit expanding love, compassion, and care alongside a lunation that is associated with the Mother archetype, ancestors, nurturing, security, and the home. On the other hand, the Mars/Pluto square right after the new moon can bring aggressive energy and conflicts around power to the fore. All of these energies occur in the cosmos in cycles… Whether you choose to tap into them or not is your free will, and whether you choose to use the Above to understand the Below more deeply is also your choice. Just remember, the cosmos don’t happen TO you, they happen FOR you!
Make note of significant transits below to prepare for and work with the cosmic flow in June. Check out the new and full moons’ symbols, themes, each lunation’s tarot card partner, herbs for candle magick, crystals, affirmations, and more inspiration to personalize your own rituals around invocations and releases during those energetic portals.
Notable Transits:
This super full moon falls on Mars’ Day, Tuesday, highlighting power, motivation, and energy of the warrior. Simultaneously, there is the Mars/Chiron conjunction, a serendipitous alignment during this super full moon, which highlights releases tethered to sexuality, Masculine energy, childhood wounding, and similar, all in the name of spiritual personal expansion—whatever Spirit means to you. The transmutational power of fire is key at this time, with fire being the master element and signature of this lunation: a fire moon + both Mars and Chiron in fellow fire sign, Aries… Fire medicine, whether it is candle magick, dancing around fire, candle gazing meditation, or burning old papers, is auspicious for transformational healing and empowerment now. Full moons also highlight forgiveness, so there may be ritual around forgiveness of a masculine-energy person in your life, as well.
If you are vibrating in high energy and wounds are tended to, simply enjoying yourself on this full moon when energy is heightened and adventure is auspicious, simply having fun may be all the ritual you need! Explore, expand, venture out, and engage in whatever makes you feel free! Just keep Sag’s tarot card, Temperance in mind—healthy boundaries and not overdoing anything to stay safe and healthy.
releases, karmic cycles ending, wounded Masculine healing, forgiveness, fire medicine, exploration, freedom, truth, travel, adventure, honesty, authenticity, idealism, optimism, teaching/learning, philosophy, spirituality, multiculturalism, limitlessness, Jupiter, fire, the archer, the centaur, the salamander, falcons, owls, Pegasus
Find your sun or rising sign below to see what area of your life will be most impacted by this full moon:
In Sagittarius, a fire sign, you can write out your full moon releases on a small piece of paper and burn them away with fire, which transmutes energy, in a cauldron. You can then sprinkle some salt over the ashes and mix together in your cauldron to completely purify and clear the energy around your releases.
“On this full moon, I activate and engage my inner fire and the sacred fire energy of this lunation so I may transmute all that does not serve, to alchemize past wounds ready for healing into wisdom, and to fuel forgiveness where it is needed. I make space for myself to have fun, be adventurous, and find the courage to take risks that will being me growth, expansion, and happiness. I am ignited, fire is my ally, and I am expanding upward, embodying my highest Self. So mote it be!”
Sagittarius rules our liver, hips, thighs, and sacrum. Think about doing gentle hip-opening yoga, thigh massage, detox tea, and sacral chakra work, chanting the seed mantra VAM and placing orange stones around your stomach below your belly button. Meditate on the power of fire as a guiding light and powerful transmuter during your ritual. Get more detailed inspiration on how to work with the element of fire here!
The new moon in Cancer marks the midpoint of the year, where we may take some time to check in with where we are at emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually… It’s also kind to ourselves to note all of the growth and accomplishments we have achieved over the past 6 months. In this sign connected to home, family, and security, this check in reminds us also to connect with the home within ourselves—the only “true home” we have, as Thich Nhat Hanh says. His teachings share that mindfulness and being present in our bodies can always connect us to a sense of home and security, and that the blood that runs in our veins connects us to our family and ancestors, even if we never knew them.
This lunation encompasses two poles: potential connection through the Venus/Jupiter sextile and potential separation through the Mars/Pluto square. Which energy will you tap into? There are no “bad” cosmic signatures—all have medicine in them, some are just less palatable than others… So if you are feeling an amplification of caring and connection to your roots, lean into the Venus/Jupiter signature to uncover healing, meaning, insight that can help inform your new moon intentions.
If you are feeling powerless or are experiencing challenges, look to your teachers Mars and Pluto a couple days after this lunation, and use sacred anger as information, not shame, to uncover where your power has been given or taken away. Tensions may be felt, where someone is being selfish and is causing imbalance. If so, healthy communication expressing your needs and boundaries will serve you. Just remember, discomfort never lasts forever, emotions are fluid, so use the time you have in the discomfort wisely in a way that benefits you, framing it as a gift to get more centered in your body as your home, with people whom are or feel like family, and to reconnect to those feelings of security.
Whatever comes up, practicing mindful awareness and being present in your body will connect you to where you are at right now, which is all that matters. Giving yourself the love and nourishment is reparenting yourself, allowing your big S self to scoop up little you that is needing nurturing now for needs that were not met back then, and say, “you are safe, I am here, I love you.” See where in your body you feel strong sensations, using your body’s somatic language to root into your body as your temple of security. In the name of Cancer, truly feel all the feels, honor them, thank them, and you will wrap your roots around your “true home.”
Security, home, emotions, Mother archetype/maternal energy, roots, family of origin, chosen family, domestic matters, nurturing/self-nurturing, embodiment, mindfulness, re-parenting, connectedness, deep emotions, intuition, sensitivity to energy, compassion, empathy, devotion, family power struggles, the crab, water, the moon, scarab beetle, sphinx, turtle, white rose, silver, white, violet, aqua, turquoise, sea foam green, teal, ruby, seashells, crab, crustacean claws
Find your sun or rising sign below to see what area of your life will be most impacted by this new moon:
Write your intentions as specifically as possible on a small piece of paper, in the present tense, as if they are already happening or already happened. Fold it 3 times toward you, symbolizing bringing energy to you, and place on your altar under your crystals. You may also place your petition under your Water Element Candle or chime candle before you light it. This is a water moon, so you may place your petition in a bowl of moon water, sea/lake water, or fresh water after your candle burns down.
“On this new moon, I acknowledge and honor the flux of energy around me at all times, from connection to separation, but always know I am connected to myself and my ancestors of the light by simply being alive. I honor my ancestors of the light now, sending them love, healing, and gratitude. I claim my body as my forever home, knowing that I have resources and security within from my ancestors who came before me, with their blood in my veins that is nourishing and healing. I claim my chosen family as my home, those who I have incarnated with so we may love, protect, and support each other. I claim new roots on this new moon, planting seeds for them to sprout, anchoring me to safety, security, and connection, always and forever. So mote it be.”
Cancer rules the diaphragm, stomach, chest/breasts, uterus, and ovaries. Focusing on the sacral and solar plexus chakras by doing massage around our hips and stomachs, eating nourishing foods, drinking lots of water, and meditating with yellow stones on the solar plexus chakra and orange stones on the sacral chakra will be balancing. Chanting the bija mantras VAM (sacral) and RAM (solar plexus) will clear and strengthen these chakras, while rooting you into security. Listen to guided meditations on mindfulness to get present.
Wishing you all an alchemizing full moon and a comforting new moon this June!
Kerstin from The Mirrored Lantern has practiced right hand path magick and tarot for over 29 years and has been a lover and learner of astrology for just as long… She is currently in graduate school for Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Spiritual & Depth Psychology, and is a pre-licensed psychotherapist in Los Angeles. Follow her on instagram @themirroredlantern for witch tips, tarot, occulture, and depth psych tidbits!
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