Vishnu: Deities & Demons

Vishnu: Deities & Demons

May 28, 2019 0 Comments

A major deity of the Hindu religion, regarded as protector of the world, Vishnu is clearly depicted in the faith as gender-fluid. This major Hindu deity frequently took on the female avatar of Mohini. Vishnu even procreated with Shiva in the Mohini form, resulting in the birth of Ayyappa, a major figure still worshipped by millions who make pilgrimages to shrines in India. The avatar Mohini frequently gets describes as an enchantress who maddens lovers!!..

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Spellwork Sessions: A spell to restore Justice with Ma'at

Spellwork Sessions: A spell to restore Justice with Ma'at

May 01, 2019 0 Comments

Hiya! This weeks Spellwork Sunday, we are focusing on working with the incredible Egyptian Goddess, Ma’at for restoring justice in our times of need. Ma’at was the goddess of truth, justice and the universal order of life. Ma’at, wasn’t just the goddess of these concepts, but was the embodiment of them and therefore was seen to be above the ideas of right and wrong because she IS the truth, and nothing is stronger than truth! We can invoke her in times when....

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Ma'at:  Deities & Demons

Ma'at: Deities & Demons

April 26, 2019 0 Comments

Ma’at / Maat or Mayat is the Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice, Harmony and the divine order. Ma’at, wasn’t just the goddess of these concepts, but was the embodiment of them and was seen to be above the concepts of right and wrong because nothing is stronger than truth! To the Egyptians she personified both physical and moral laws. She was also have said to been the ruler of earth at times, as she regulated the sun, stars, seasons and all cosmic events. This concept is seriously so crazy because while being one of the most important deities, she had no temples of her own or places of worship. The other Egyptian deities even had to 

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Spellwork Sessions: Moon Magick

Spellwork Sessions: Moon Magick

April 04, 2019 0 Comments

For the first Spellwork Sunday, I wanted to focus on rituals involving Diana’s huntress aspect. It is very important to note that the various lunar cycles play a critical role in working with Diana, thus understanding the phases of the moon and how they play with Diana can greatly alter the outcome of any ritual, spell and overall connection. Diana was not just a lunar goddess, but was worshiped as the moon itself! When we talk about honoring or invoking the hunter aspect of Diana, we can use this trait when trying to aim at a target in our lives and strike it with accuracy, i.e. a new job, prospective lover, personal goal, etc.

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Diana:  Deities & Demons

Diana: Deities & Demons

March 28, 2019 0 Comments

Her festival, called The Festival Of Torches, is celebrated on August 13th, and during ancient times this festival forbid the hunting or killing of any animal in all of Italy. During this time a truce between humans and all the natural world was made, and slaves and women were freed of their duties to celebrate the goddess. Men and masters could participate as well, but they were required to be equals of the women and slaves. 

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