March 28, 2019 0 Comments
Goddess of The Hunt / Wild Animals / Childbirth / Triple Moon Goddess
As a lunar goddess, the moon and its phases play a vital role in working with Diana. Having a dependence on the moon cycles will greatly influence her skills in the hunt.
Goddess Gossip
Diana, known as Goddess of the Pagans and Queen of the Witches, was worshipped in many areas, including Greece, Rome and Italy. However, in Italy, the worship of Diana appears to be somewhat indigenous. The name "Diana" is also known as "Lucina", or "Light Bringer", and interestingly enough, a "Society of Diana" existed in Italy, where women met, mostly during the night, to work spells and worship her with ritual and celebration. Additionally, her festival, called The Festival Of Torches, is celebrated on August 13th, and during ancient times this festival forbid the hunting or killing of any animal in all of Italy. During this time a truce between humans and all the natural world was made, and slaves and women were freed of their duties to celebrate the goddess. Men and masters could participate as well, but they were required to be equals of the women and slaves.
Diana is linked to Artemis, Hera, Hecate, Bast, and many other Goddesses, and is called upon for strength, power for spells, healing, and for helping lost souls transition peacefully; she also hears the prayers of birthing women, and assists them with their painful contractions, giving them easy births. She is also considered a Goddess of nature ("Mother of animals") and fertility, and is often paired with Pan. She is well known for her "baths", and you can call on Her while taking a ritual bath, asking to be strengthened and purified. Her daughter, named Aradia, teaches women the gift of magick.
What we love about Diana
We at JSS love calling on Diana when we need to hit our targets, goals, and dreams. She’s a perfect goddess to work with, meditate & call upon when you need to regain your focus and cunning.
Altar Decor
A Simple Ritual
Pogo of J Southern Studio is a Brujx living in Los Angeles, California who has been practicing various forms of divination, healing and spellwork for a greater part of the last decade. Their abilities and intuition come from a bloodline of healers that they walk in gratitude with daily.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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