July 21, 2024
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions.  In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!
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May 26, 2023
Full Moon rituals and New Moon rituals all in one! Eclipse season is over, y'all! Although we can always expect these sacred celestial occurrences like clockwork, the color and energy of them are always dynamic based on the sign and transits encompassing them. Scorpio is perhaps one of, if not them most powerful eclipses in terms of intensity in its deep dives and resurgences that it inspires.
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April 03, 2023
Welcome to the first chapter of eclipse season! The upcoming solar eclipse opens up a gateway for meaningful change, especially around the Self, ego, and how you move in the world (solar = yang/divine masculine energy). This solar power can supercharge your intentions and introspections at the dark new moon and into its waxing phase… More on that ...
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September 29, 2022
October harvest blessings to all… The Pagan sabbat celebration this month is a crowd fave on the 31st: Samhain (pronounced SOW-WEN), the Witches’ New Year, which is also Halloween and the start of Dia De Los Muertos, which goes through November 2. We will be in Libra energy through most of the month, focusing on communication, relationships, and how to get our personal and relational selves in balance.
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February 26, 2022
Welcome to March, friends! We are in the midst of collective forward movement and growth—from above in the cosmos with no Rx planets all the way down to earth, as our daylight will last longer as of the 13th with Daylight Savings, plus the cracklings of spring at the equinox later in the month. At the beginning of March, we have a powerful new moon in Pisces, whose natural watery, mystical, and ethereal realm is given some structure and framing by the Mercury/Saturn conjunction on the same day… Excellent balance above and below!
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July 06, 2021
The major highlights of this month include: Mars at the helm in the early days of July bringing both confidence and fiery combustion energy to the Saturn/Uranus relationship; we are officially out of eclipse season, but still picking up speed, so some push/pull energy; a cozy and harmonizing New Moon in Cancer to cool the heat; 4 Rx planets til October or later, so lots of inner focus/work; an electrifying and transformative tough-love Full Moon in Aquarius; and Mercury movements end of month that aid in deep psychological awareness, thus availability for processing and healing...
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May 08, 2021
Happy May, friends, and happy birthday month to Taurus and early Gemini folks! Below are your May 2021 Celestial Insights to navigate this month with ease and grace…To those who celebrate: Happy Floralia & Beltane! We’re in the midst of the Floralia celebration, which is like Roman May Day, honoring Flora, the goddess of plants and flowers. This can symbolize bright, fresh blooms and regeneration in our lives as the astrological new year awakens in Aries season. Set up a Floralia altar with flowers, plants, honey, green, yellow, pink, and purple stones and candles. Similar in celebration, on May 2 we have the Pagan sabbat, Beltane (or May Day) in the northern hemisphere...
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January 11, 2021
What better way to start off the New Year than with PLANETS DIRECT!! We have a solid month before anything goes retrograde. This means the cosmos are blessing us with forward motion and want 2021 to start with FULL steam ahead. Looking over the two lunations- the New Moon in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Leo- they both seem as if they’re catapulting us forward into massive change. While the first New Moon has the Sun and Moon in close proximity to transformative Pluto, many of us will be having one last hoorah with...
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August 28, 2020
This is a mystical and magical Full Moon in Pisces. The Sun and Moon make their monthly opposition in the mutable water sign of Pisces. Full moons are known for being a time of magnification and magic, and with this lunation, it will be nothing short of otherworldly. Pisces is a deeply connected and intuitive zodiac sign. During the time of this Moon, activities like dream work and astral travel will be highlighted. Profound subconscious truths can be unearthed now. Pisces is associated with creative pursuits and the planet Neptune. Music and water will be exceptional channels for collective energy. Integrating these into your magical rituals or routine will bring about profound psychic insights. This Moon will bring out our compassionate side and the need to cut through anything hazy to make room for
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July 31, 2020
This Full Moon is in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. This quirky, social, fun-loving sign is all about seeing the bigger picture. Often confused for a water sign, it's an intellectual air sign. Known as the water bearer, not for its emotions per-say, but merging the collective energies and emotions with the great collective. The Star card in the Tarot represents Aquarius. This is the card that comes shortly after The Tower and is seen as welcomed peace and serenity after a crisis. It's safe to say this Full Moon may deliver us a bit of sweet and salty emotions. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and in the case of this Full Moon is the start of...
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July 02, 2020
This is a big one kids, hold onto your shorts! July and August are gearing up to be some of the more intense months of the year. This is a build-up of energy that’s been taking place for the better part of the last two and a half years. This is the final Capricorn eclipse for years to come, and she will close with a bang. Full Moon Lunar eclipses are often riddled with physical events that come to a close. Unlike Solar eclipses, which are more on the emotional side, these types of lunation bring about massive changes in the physical World. In the sign of Capricorn, it will have an authoritarian vibe to it. Some of you in the weeks ahead will see a boiling point with your relationships to superiors. For every one of you, Capricorn takes place within the twelve houses of your natal astrology chart. This is where knowing your astrological placements is essential. Even if you’re not a Capricorn or have any personal placements in that sign, this event WILL affect you. Why, you ask? Because for the better part of the last two and a half years, Saturn, the taskmaster, has been occupying that area of your chart. Saturn is along the lines of the strict authority figure in your life who wants you to
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June 03, 2020
..Many will need to tune in deep, connecting with our own individual soul’s compass, letting the rest of the world’s opinions fall away. Self-righteousness, overconfidence, and racial conflict are likely to follow as a result of this Moon. But where the North node lies, social media will be ablaze with a sea of opinions, and opportunities to better understand our neighbors. This eclipse’s goal is to remind us we don’t always know everything. Acknowledging and being humbled by that is an essential part of the process. It’s not wise to assume we can comprehend or begin to understand how other people perceive the world, or what they endure. Possibly, it’s then we can start to look at and treat each other as equals, rather than threats. ...
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