January 28, 2022 0 Comments
Insights by Kerstin Hern of The Mirrored Lantern / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals
Welcome to February, who’s initiation is kicked off with the cosmic stirrings of a new moon in Aquarius on the 1st (31st for us PST folks), and Mercury stationing direct on the 3rd. This date through early May is the only time frame when there won’t be some Rx action, so it’s a good window to make moves and take action that involves your social and public self. Needless to say, the beginning of the month is lit up with fresh insights, opportunities, intellectual stimulation, and unconventional ideas to move toward personal and collective goals.
A HUGE note is that the U.S. will have its Pluto return on 2/22/22 (numerology powerhouse)! People do not have Pluto returns, but nations do, and this is a MAJOR one for our society. It’s a time of death/rebirth with a focus on distribution and use of power in the U.S.
Our full moon lands in Leo on the 16th, highlighting our solar selves and inner suns, asking us to check in with our desires, how we can use creativity as medicine, and where pride may be out of balance…
Below are all of February’s notable astrology transits, helping you prepare for and work with the cosmic flow throughout the month. For the new and full moons, I offer symbols, themes, each lunation’s tarot card partner, herbs for candle magick, crystals, mantras and more as inspiration to personalize your own rituals around invocations and releases. Be sure to note which astrology house will be lit up during each lunation, too!
Notable Transits:
February 1- New Moon in Aquarius (fresh starts in mental expansion, innovative ideas, and letting our freak flag fly) / Lunar new year in Chinese astrology (Year of the Black Water Tiger) / Juno ingress Aquarius (chilly, not negative, vibe with intimate relationships)
SYNOPSIS: We have another New Moon starting off the month in the amazingly mystical and often kooky sign of Aquarius. Inspirational boundary-breaking is the name of the game in this air sign, but it will be anchored into earthy stability for long-term goal commitments as its *almost* conjunct Saturn (3 degree orb). Saturn was Aquarius’ traditional ruler, now it’s Uranus, so the Saturn vibe here is more collaborative versus “wet blanket” big daddy Saturn energy. Uranus brings awesome electrical energy that excavates everyone’s inner weirdo to rebelliously shine. Mercury is still Rx, so finishing up a story with certain communications or ideas may come to fruition around this lunation, as well as some re-dos/re-commitments in communication/ideas. Using your third eye compass and gut feelings (remember, we have brain cells in our stomachs!) will help you activate inner wisdom, as will engaging with any mystical practices (Aquarius rules astrology) meaningful to you. Ancient knowledge can fuel future growth during the intentions you set this new moon.
THEMES & SYMBOLS: new commitments, new intentions around healthy communication, follow-through, important lessons before goals are reached, collective humanity lesson, addressing imbalance, adjustments, solid ground, getting on track, following through, learning and re-learning, recognizing blockages, making long-term commitments, technology, astrology, humanity, progressiveness, altruism, mysticism, electricity, rebelliousness, all shades of blue, silver, meteor showers, cosmos, air, water bearer, owl, spider, orchids
Find your sun or rising sign below to see what area of your life will be most impacted by this new moon:
Write your intentions as specifically as possible on a small piece of paper, in the present tense, as if they are already happening or already happened. Fold it 3 times toward you, symbolizing bringing energy to you, and place on your altar under your crystals. You may also place your petition under your Air Element Candle or chime candle before you light it. This is an air moon, so you can safely light your small petition paper on fire, then blow the ashes into the wind.
“On this new moon, I see more potential in myself and more possibilities on my path than I could have imagined. I am vibrating in my authenticity, and the electrical current of the cosmos runs through me as I become more empowered. My mind is fertile for new ideas and insights, which I receive with ease and gratitude. I am open to messages of revision to make my life even more abundant as I commit to my growth and change for my highest good. I accept the lessons that need to be learned so I may cross through a new threshold toward my goals while I honor my true Self. So mote it be!”
Aquarius rules the knees, calves, shins, Achilles tendon, and circulatory system. Get your body moving outside in fresh air to move any stagnant energy through and keep your mind clear and look for feathers (air sign symbols) along the way. Make peppermint tea and stir in your honey or just stir the tea clockwise while chanting your intentions, then drink it feeling your magick run through you (while also regulating your Vagal nerve!). Write out your top long-term goal in your phone (Aquarius loves tech!) as a reminder that will go off 6 months from now. For both new and full moons, I’m suggesting to look up Jungian Active Imagination to engage your whole being: The Star card reflects the psyche, in that one foot is on land (the ego bearing witness), and the other in water (unconscious and mystical realm of dreams and imagination).
SYNOPSIS: This full moon is in the sign of the Sun, our fire star that charges our batteries, promotes growth, and invigorates us. Full moons are times of heightened emotions pregnant with lunar energy, so finding balance between these equally important polarities is key… So, in the spirit of full moons offering portals of release and surrender: What are the Leo parts of you that are sometimes too proud to admit a fault, or to negotiate, trying to show you? Where is your ego/consciousness refusing to acknowledge the shadow/unconscious? By turning toward these hard-to-sit-with parts, we can uncover where we split and tend to project onto others what is actually ours to own, and then integrate it. By surrendering some pride and control, we can be in the infinity flow of the person in The Strength card who can walk with the beast, not run from it. I just today had a workshop on Jungian Active Imagination, and I truly cannot think of a better way during a Leo lunation to do full moon work than to engage with Active Imagination through painting, writing, clay work, music, dance, dream journaling, entering trance-states and pulling a tarot card—the possibilities are endless. It’s all about play and activating inner child freedom to explore the unconscious as scavengers of meaningful symbols that bring us insights about ourselves. I invite you to look up Active Imagination and see if it resonates with you…This lunation also occurs right before the Jupiter-Uranus alignment, so it is setting the stage (Leo loves a stage!) for a major turning point.
THEMES & SYMBOLS: Excitement, transition, releasing pride, balancing ego, big changes, control/releasing control, releasing resistance, trust, creativity, flexibility, being seen, how we “perform”, revising social groups, shining light on drama, revising how we partner, matters of the heart, how we express ourselves, inner child, fire energy, passion, love language, abundance of vision, gratitude, forgiveness, orange, yellow, poppy red, lion, dragon, peacock, royalty, sunflowers
Find your sun or rising sign below to see what area of your life will be most impacted by this full moon:
For this fire moon, write out your full moon releases, speak them aloud facing south (fire element direction), then light it on fire and place in your cauldron or a fire-safe dish to burn to completion. If you are in a no-fire zone, place your folded petition outside or in a window sill where it will be warmed by the sun for at least one day.
“I invite this full moon in Leo to awaken my inner child and engage in sacred play to release the coldness of control where I need it most. I surrender myself into the infinity flow so I may move toward my goals with less resistance. I bravely turn toward my shadow and welcome it into the light as I move toward wholeness. My inner fire is ignited, my creativity is flowing, and I release any worn-out pride and control to the celestial fire. I walk with my inner Lion as one, empowered by the sun. So mote it be!”
Leo rules the heart, our blood, circulation, spine, upper back. Focusing on the heart chakra while envisioning bright green light spinning in a spiral and chanting the bija mantra YAM (heart chakra) will clear, strengthen, and connect you to this space. Doing yoga that gently rolls the spine will help with energy flow. Get your unconscious involved with Jungian Active Imagination! There are many articles and videos available online.
Wishing you all an electrical + freaky New Moon and a playful + integrating Full Moon this February!
Kerstin from The Mirrored Lantern has practiced right hand path magick and tarot for over 29 years and has been a lover and learner of astrology for just as long… She is currently in graduate school for Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Spiritual & Depth Psychology. Follow her on instagram @themirroredlantern for witch tips, weekly tarot, occulture, and depth psych tidbits!
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