Celestial Insights: March 2021

March 09, 2021 0 Comments

Celestial Insights: March 2021

Monthly moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals

March 2021 Celestial Insights 


Welcome to your March 2021 Celestial Insights overview!

March will get started off on the right foot! Thankfully all planets are moving direct, which ensures that whatever we are working on, the cosmos will bless it with positive and smoother energy than what we have experienced in previous weeks. Around the 10th of March, Mercury moves out of his shadow period, allowing us to communicate and move about more freely. That means many of you can move forward with contracts, moves, and changes to your gadgets or vehicles. Mercury will be retracing his steps in the sign of Aquarius, bringing yet another wave of good news, so look for this roundabout March 4th when he touches with Jupiter. I expect this to go one of two ways: positive news regarding friendships and possibly even world travel, or outlandish and overblown news headlines. Keep in mind Jupiter expands whatever he touches.

Mars moves into Gemini on March 3rd, leaving the slow and often stubborn energy of Taurus. I keep telling all of my clients this is when the cosmos really start to hit the gas pedal. The truth is the astrology is full steam ahead from here forward. For many of you it may seem as if changes are happening in the blink of an eye. It will be a nice shift from the cosmic pile up we’ve had with planets in both Taurus and Aquarius squaring off with one another. Mars in Gemini wants to get moving, be it with communication and contracts, or literal physical movement and travel. I want to remind you guys that it will be entering the territory of the same eclipse degrees that we experienced back in November, so you want to think back to what was happening around November 30th. Reflect on conversations and agreements that were made then, as it's likely those actions will now be unfolding, helping us move towards our destiny when Mars touches with the collective North Node in Gemini. The Mars North Node connection makes us fearless, action oriented, and it’s then we will need to put our money where our mouth is. Watch for harsh words and verbal conflicts. 

March 10th onward, the sign will dance with Neptune. Neptune is a planet that deals with ecstasy or agony. This planet lends dreamy and spiritual energy to artists and poets, and sometimes to those who are downright fanatics or conspiracy theorists. You want to watch for lower energy levels these days, and issues involving clarity. Not all may be what it seems. Reserve the 10th through the 14th for lazy days of Netflix binging, painting, drinking wine, or relaxing, meditating, and listening to music. Neptune energy is hazy, sleepy, and romantic. This isn’t the time to be agreeing to major financial matters, starting serious projects or making sense. Cut yourself a break these days and lean into your emotions and intuition, because it may be strong. Neptune also rules over viruses and paranoia. I would recommend not falling too deeply into panic, or anything being pushed by the media these days, as it’s likely to be falsified information. 

The New Moon this month takes place on March 13th, and aligns with spiritual Neptune. This is a very strong spiritual and psychic New Moon. It's likely to have many people in their feels. Meditation, being by the beach, or listening to music are all excellent ways to channel this energy. I highly recommend those of you who are looking to manifest to create a vision board. Pour yourself a glass of wine, and let yourself get creative and tune in to Neptune's mystical powers. If you don't channel Neptune the appropriate way, you'll find yourself spiraling out and feeling lonely. Dreams and intuitive work will be exceptionally strong. The Full Moon in libra will be taking place on March 28th at the end of the month. This will be an interesting Full Moon that highlights relationship dynamics and the need to tend to our own wounds, rather than projecting onto others. This Moon highlights a strong opposition to the Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries. Often times relationships are mirrors that show us exactly what it is we need to work on. So before blowing up and pointing the finger at other people, it's important to take a strong hard look at ourselves. It’s here we learn that relationships take hard work, and courage. But we all have a little courage if we dig down deep inside of ourselves. In the end, Love heals all. 


Notable Dates and Transits:

  • March 3rd:  Mars enters Gemini
  • March 4th Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 
  • March 10th: Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces 
  • March 13th: New Moon in Pisces, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces
  • March 15th: Mercury enters Pisces
  • March 20th: Sun enters Aries 
  • March 21st: Venus enters Aries 
  • March 23rd: Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini
  • March 26th: Sun in Aries conjunct Venus in Aries 
  • March 28th: Full Moon in Libra 
  • March 29th: Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces 


Read more below about the Full and New Moons for the month ahead. Refer back as needed! 



Lunar Happenings : March 2021  

New Moon in Pisces: Waves of Emotion
March 13th, 2021 @ 23 degrees of Pisces
2:21 am PST // 5: 21 pm EST


Planetary Aspects:

  • Sun and Moon in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn 
  • Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 
  • Jupiter in Aquarius trine North Node in Gemini, sextile South Node in Sagittarius 
  • Saturn in Aquarius trine North Node in Gemini, sextile South Node in Sagittarius 


Themes & Symbolism: The Fish, Neptune, The Sea, Seashells, The Hanged Man, The Moon 

This New Moon is going to help you tap in to your intuitive and empathic self. With Pisces energy, you want to work with it consciously, choosing to go in and out of altered or creative states. It's important to be easy on yourself, and not read too deeply or take things too seriously at this time. When dealing with Neptune or Pisces, things need to be kept fluid and dreamy. If not utilized properly, people can spiral out and feel like the worst case scenario is happening. Lower energy levels are likely during this New Moon, as is hazy conversations and the appearance of questionable characters. This is setting the tone for the next six months ahead. Instead of letting this slippery energy run through your fingers, lean into it. Fall into the ways, get lost in a fantasy. Paint, dream, dance and visualize what it is your heart wants. This is such a magical time for romance, creativity, and artists. Watch for over indulgence in drugs or alcohol. It’s one thing to have a drink to help lean into these feelings, it’s another to go on a complete and total bender. You want to make the most of the intuitive downloads from the cosmos. 


Ways to Ritualize This Moon

  • Crystals: Moonstone, Aquamarine, Emerald, Sugilite 
  • Herbs: Chicory, Thyme, Mugwort, Poppy 
  • Colors: Sea-foam, Pearl, Light blue

Go to the beach and leave offerings of fruit and flowers. Spend some time meditating by the pool or a body of water. Surround yourself with sea shells, crystals, and all your metaphysical goodies. Listen to binaural beats and meditate if at all possible. Sound baths and crystal healing can also be great options. Check out seeing someone for a foot reflexology session, or get a pedicure. Soak! Set intentions and burn incense prior to going to sleep to receive messages from your guides in your dreams. Journal what comes up for you in the morning. 



Full Moon in Libra:Separation is an Illusion
March 28th @ 8 degrees of Libra
11:48 am PST // 2: 48 pm EST


Planetary Aspects

  • Sun in Aries oppose Moon in Libra 
  • Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Sun trine the South node in Sagittarius, sextile the North Node in Gemini
  • Sun conjunct Venus and Chiron in Aries 
  • Moon in Libra oppose Venus in Aries 
  • Moon in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Moon trine the North Node in Gemini, sextile the South Node in Sagittarius 
  • Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini
  • Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Mars conjunct the North Node in Gemini
  • Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 
  • Chiron in Aries trine the South Node in Sagittarius 


Themes & Symbolism: The Scales, Venus, Justice, Relationships

This full moon gives us the opportunity to hurt or heal, the choice is yours. With the Sun in Aries conjunct Chiron, making an opposition to the Moon in Libra, we see the theme “You VS  Me”. Libra is all about fairness and balance, they need to readjust the scales and seek justice. So if you've been having an issue physically or in regards to a relationship, this may very well be the Moon to clear the air. Chiron in Aries is all about healing oneself, and it may touch on the physical body or ailments that have to do with the head or face. This can manifest as fast as migraines, sinus issues, or head on impacts. Whenever we're dealing with the sign of Libra, we want to see what's going on with Venus. Thankfully Venus is conjunct Chiron and the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. This suggests that in order to better relate to others, there is a need to heal and work on oneself. It's almost as if this is the magical key to clearing up any relationship issues. Cardinal signs may be more strongly affected by this Full Moon than others, so be prepared. This Moon reminds me of the phrase, “All is fair in love and war”. Sometimes a little conflict is what is needed to air out long standing issues and grow closer together.


Ways to Ritualize this Moon

Practice fairness in relationships. Honor the give-and-take style of natural balance that is necessary to make things work with others. Try some tai chi or breath work if possible. This can keep the energy moving in your body and help you stay grounded. Get physically active, work up a sweat and work with the energy of Mars. There is a focus on healing oneself. Offerings to Venus is always good during a Full Moon in Libra. Putting out red or pink roses, honey, or even milk is a great option for positive love and abundance work.



Find more of what you need for your practice below! 

home and altar     
crystals     incense and herbs







Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights



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