Celestial Insights : November 2020

November 11, 2020 0 Comments

Celestial Insights : November 2020

Monthly moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals

November 2020 Celestial Insights 

Welcome to your November 2020 Celestial Insights overview!

Hoping you all fared well in the heat of last month’s Astro turbulence! Thankfully, I do see the cosmos easing up slightly this month. The big news is the end of several major planetary retrogrades. I want to take a moment to touch on each one and exactly why these retrogrades have taken place. I always joke and tell clients that retrogrades are almost ALWAYS happening. If it weren’t for them, we’d never “clean out the fridge” life-wise. Inner planetary retrogrades such as Mercury and Mars can be felt much more intensely than, for example, a Pluto or Neptune retrograde. Inner planets closer to Earth tend to feel like things are a bit wonky; however, they generally pass more quickly and have shorter retrograde periods. Unlike inner planet retrogrades, outer planet retrogrades have longer, slower instilled shifts, likely bringing about profound, more significant shifts in consciousness in the long term. This month Mercury goes direct in Libra after several weeks in the signs of Scorpio and Libra. When Mercury backtracks through these two signs, we see a great deal of change and miscommunications with others. Matters of sex, intimacy, finance, and commitment become hot topics. Now that this retrograde has ended, Mercury has a few loose ends to tie up before proceeding forward in Scorpio. In the past few weeks, Mercury squared heavy hitters in Capricorn and opposed Uranus in Taurus. Lots of fierce opposition and challenges in relations have taken place. It seems like many of my clients have experienced shake-ups in the relationship or financial departments. 

Next, we have Mars, ending his several month retrograde in Aries. Similar to the Mercury retrograde, Mars is in a cardinal sign and had numerous face-offs with Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. These squares brought about more conflict, physical endings, and power plays. This month, Mars will proceed forward and make his last squares to the Capricorn demolition crew next month in December. Until then, we should move more freely in some of our personal pursuits and find the freedom that’s been lacking in recent months. One may assume the combative collective energy should calm down as well. On the 28th of the month, Neptune goes direct in Pisces. This, my friends, is good news. Neptune is the planet associated with dreams and inspiration. What many don’t know is that Neptune also rules over intuition, hospitals, and VIRUSES. In the weeks ahead, the nodes of the Moon move to square Neptune, bringing about a much-needed examination in the areas mentioned above. It will be important to pay close attention to dreams and intuitive hits in the days surrounding it’s direct motion. I imagine this will bring about some INTENSE weather in the weeks ahead and important media coverage of the pandemic numbers. Neptune can easily create illusions. It will be interesting to see how the pandemic coverage is relayed. Certain situations in life (depending on where Pisces is in your chart) need to be carefully examined to make sure all really is what it seems. It’s important not to be overtaken by Neptune’s rosy fog. 

The New Moon in Scorpio is on the 15th of the month, and it’s a potent one at that. The fixed water sign isn’t afraid of metamorphosis and does it well. This is a New Moon to dig deep and plant new fertile seeds for 2021. If you’re looking to tackle debt, pay down a loan, or perhaps finally cut something off, this is the month to do it. With powerful aspects to Saturn and Pluto, whatever it is you plan to do, it’ll stick. Both Scorpio and Capricorn placements have true grit and what it takes to get the job done. Professional moves and long term planning bodes well with this New Moon as well. Every Fall, the Scorpio New Moon asks us collectively to sort and sift, helping us declutter or remove anything toxic from our lives. What’s extraordinary about Scorpio’s energy is the ability to fish something from out of the recycling bin and transform it into something shiny and new. Scorpio does rule over waste and recycling, after all. Don’t underestimate the power this month has to offer you. Anything important will be worth the effort. Physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Exposing skeletons in the closet isn’t just reserved for October. November is a potent month between this New Moon and the Sun in Scorpio. Collectively Scorpio energy leads to profound psychological insights. The lower octaves of Scorpio energy would be manipulation, crime, and secrets. It’s safe to say between the cosmos’ move through Scorpio’s treacherous stars and the election; there’s bound to be some dirty tricks and shocking discoveries. I should note that with the election taking place during an intense Mercury retrograde and oppositions to Uranus, the results WILL be delayed, confusing, and nothing short of an absolute shit show. 

Towards the end of the month, on the 30th, we have the eclipse season’s return with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the mutable air sign, Gemini. As if the holidays weren’t intense enough, this eclipse will be a bit of a wild one. I imagine some colorful travel and conversation may be taking place at the end of November. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the god of travel and messages. Gemini also deals with siblings, extended family, vehicles, and electronics. Since Gemini has a direct hand in broadcasts and various other information-based formats, I imagine news networks will be ablaze with post-election chaos coverage. The United States Post office may take a significant media spotlight. Why? Because Gemini is associated with mail workers and post. Lunar eclipses are Full Moons on steroids, so in the days leading up to this Moon, the energy is expected to be rather intense. Take your time when it comes to sending texts, making phone calls, or having important conversations. It will take a few days into December for this one to shake out. The positive side of this lunation is the aspects between the Sun in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries to Chiron. This is a Moon that ultimately lends energy to healing and making forward motion in cultural division matters. Mercury rules this Moon, and happens to be in an excellent aspect to planets in Capricorn. Businesses and governments are likely to benefit as this sextile will stabilize and help build towards the future. 


Notable dates and transits:

  • November 1- Mercury in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn
  • November 3- Mercury direct in Libra
  • November 6- Mercury in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn
  • November 9- Venus in Libra opposite Mars in Aries
  • November 10- Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • November 10- Mercury enters Scorpio
  • November 12- Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • November 14- Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
  • November 14- Sun in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
  • November 14- Mars direct in Aries
  • November 15- New Moon in Scorpio
  • November 15- Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • November 16- Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn
  • November 17- Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
  • November 19- Sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
  • November 19- Venus in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn
  • November 21- Venus enters Scorpio.
  • November 22- Sun enters Sagittarius
  • November 23- Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • November 27- Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
  • November 27- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
  • November 28- Neptune direct in Pisces
  • November 28- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
  • November 30- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
  • November 30- Full Moon in Gemini, lunar eclipse


Read more below about the full and new moons for the month ahead. Refer back as needed! 


Harness November's planetary energies!

As we exit October's turbulence and enter into this month full of heightened psychic sensitivity, intuition and some relative spiritual calm, we suggest using the following to maximize receiving all this month has to offer:


Dreams & Psychic Awareness Crystal Kit: As Neptune goes direct in Pisces, you'll find this is a period with increased perception and richness in dreams. Use our Dreams & Psychic Awareness Crystal Kit to increase the connection between you and the ethereal during dream states.
Communication & Connection Crystal Kit: With the Moon in Gemini, it's generally a good time for communication, but with this Full Moon lunar eclipse, information and be overcharged and confusing. Use the inherent powers of these stones to smooth out the many creases we could anticipate with regards to communication!
Protection Ritual Kit: During the New Moon in Scorpio at the end of November, we find a perfect time to perform a little protection magic. Use the energies of obsidian, cedar and rosemary in your new moon ritual this month!


Lunar Happenings : November 2020 


New Moon in Scorpio : Detoxification
November 14 &15
@ 23 degrees of Scorpio
9:07 PM PST, 12:07 AM EST


Planetary Aspects

  • Sun and Moon in Scorpio sextile Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn 
  • Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus.
  • Venus in Libra squares Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn
  • Venus in Libra trine the North Node in Gemini, sextile the South Node in Sagittarius 
  • Mars in Aries trine the South Node, sextile the North Node in Gemini
  • Neptune in Pisces square the North and South Node.


Themes & Symbolism: Death, regeneration, new seeds, shadow work, intuition, inspiring experiences, learning lessons, illumination. The Scorpion, The Phoenix, eagles, snakes, Pluto, the reproductive organs, the root chakra.  

This is an extremely beneficial moon for making long term CHANGES and plans. Ideally, something that requires either a total restart or a reboot. Financial and professional intentions will be blessed. Honoring the dead and setting out food plates on an altar can be an excellent way to receive blessings. Spirit communication will be very likely as the Veil is going to be thin all month long. Scrying mirrors, crystal balls, and various forms of divination will be extra chatty. Working with transformational herbs and bones are going to be the way to go. Detoxes, purges, and purification will be an excellent way to honor this Moon. Protective magic is wonderful to do at the time of a Scorpio New Moon as well. It’s a magical time to examine your personal power; just wield it responsibly. 


Ways to Ritualize this Moon

Pro Tip! Use our Energy Cleansing Ritual Kit for a clean slate that entices you to work on yourself and your immediate environment! 


Ritualistic Inspirations:

    • Try burying something you need to let go of and putting something to rest. Especially if it’s something you’ve had a hard time letting go of or have been obsessing over—no better way to honor Scorpio season than a funeral. (Recycling, burning or trashing it works as well. Get witchy with it.)
    • Clean out a closet you’ve meant to clean. You’ll be surprised how much it shifts things energetically and psychologically. Cleanse and bless / protect your sacred space. It’s important!
    • Break out your pack of tarot cards or iChing coins. This is the perfect time to tune in and get some extra insight from the ethers. Spirits are likely to be chatty now. Be sure to bless and protect your space; you don’t need any spookies. 
    • Try your hand at an acupuncture appointment to destress or rebalance the body. This Moon is very charged with Mars energy, which rules needles! Tattoos, piercings, and sexy role play works too. 


    Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini : Enhancing Communications
    November 30th
    @ 8 degrees of Gemini
    1:30 AM PST /4:30 AM EST


    Planetary Aspects

    • Sun in Sagittarius oppose Moon in Gemini.
    • Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
    • Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
    • Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn 
    • Venus in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus.
    • Mars in Aries trine the South Node, sextile the North Node in Gemini
    • Neptune in Pisces square the North and South Node.


    Themes & Symbolism: Communication, disruptive processes, revolts, press and magazines, news channels, deciphering information. The Twins, Mercury, Hermes, the arms, hands, fingers. 

    This Moon being a Lunar Eclipse, is expected to bring out all the feels. Pay close attention to emotional conversations surfacing around the time of this lunation. When the Moon is in Gemini, it’s generally a good time for communication, wishing spells, and working with articles or paperwork. Important drafts or contracts may come through. Those looking to decide on education, publishing, or perhaps even launching a website will be prosperous. Enhancing communications and relations with others is a hot topic. With oppositions to the Sun in Sagittarius, it’s about unifying beliefs while respecting others’ views. Tall tales and overly dramatized news is expected with this eclipse, so take everything with a grain of salt. Facts are important, and you want to make sure you get them straight. Issues with cars, traveling, or even electronics can happen. Be sure to back up, and check everything twice. 


    Ways to Ritualize this Moon

    Pro Tip! Use our Communication & Connection Crystal Kit to harmonize these energies with the self!


    Ritualistic Inspirations:

      • Pick up a new book or magazine subscription. Anything that gets your mind going and teaches you something new. Gemini is about mental stimulation. Spell witting and verbal mantras are extra potent. Be careful what you wish for!
      • Launch a new campaign or idea on your social media; make it fact-driven. Look into increasing traffic or visibility on your website. 
      • Write a letter to someone and reconnect. Texts and phone calls work too! You never know who missed you until you reach out, especially if it’s a neighbor, sibling, or close friend.  
      • Consider signing up for a new course, formal or informal. If you’ve been meaning to learn a new software or even a language, now is the time. Keep a journal and log all your progress or inner thoughts. 


      To harness and amplify the energies of all lunar phases, try using our Moon Candles and Moon Ritual Kits! And as always, Visit our shop links below for a vast selection of herbs, crystals, candles, and other accoutrements to help aid in your ritual practice!


      home and altar     
      crystals     incense and herbs







      Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


      Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights



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