Spellwork Sessions: Ritual Bath for Love and Cleansing

September 12, 2019 0 Comments

Spellwork Sessions: Ritual Bath for Love and Cleansing

Spellwork Sessions

Ritual Love Bath


This edition of Spellwork Sessions is about ritual baths and how they can be used to remove blocks in your path for finding love- self love, romantic love, friendship, and more. You can spend all of your time setting the intention, but if your path has anything in its way you may be casting out a love letter with no address back to sender.

Energetic or magickal blocks can be caused by a number of sources, and in the case of dealing with matters of love, it could be past pains from an old relationship, insecurities, a lack of self love, or a good ol' fashion curse that could have been laid on you. A ritual bath is a perfect way to literally cleanse yourself of any of these energies and more.

Time / Planetary Hours:

  • Friday, the day of Venus, is ideal. It governs love spells and most deities associated with these energies.
  • Any day of the new or waning moon cycles

Altar Setup & Suggestions

You can create a simple altar for this, or make it as lavish as you want. Whatever holds importance for your spell is up to you!

  • A clean bathtub, free of any extra items or distractions, (bathing products, shampoos included!)
  • 2 white candles, 2 green, or red, which ever you prefer. Green is associated with Venus and love, Red is associated with passion. White is associated with cleansing and rebirth.
  • Fresh or dried Rose petals.
  • Fresh or dried lavender 
  • 4 full fresh roses, stems and all. You may remove the thorns if you wish.
  • Crystals associated with deep heart healing and empowerment. Some examples that would work are rhodochrosite, green tourmaline, malachite, emerald, and rose quartz
  • Pen and paper. 
  • Myrrh incense or resin
  • Idols or icons of deities of love (if you work with any), or anything shaped in a heart works just fine.
  • A glass of wine (if a deity is chosen to work with)


    Simple Steps and Procedures

    • While your bath is filling with water, take the four full roses, and walk four houses down from your home. Starting at the bottom, place a rose in front of each house, leaving the last rose in front of your own. With each rose you leave focus on your intention of what love means to you. Maybe make a song to go with it or sing a love song you already know! Either will help raise the vibration of the intention.
    • Now that you have returned to your bath, fill the bath with the dried lavender which is used for healing and purifying your bath water, charging it up with this energy to welcome you while clearing stagnant energy blocks in the way of your heart.
    • Fill the bath with the rose petals you have. You don’t have to cover the top of the bath, a handful is fine, but it is visually stimulating to see a bath full of roses, and since we are working with love and beauty, the aesthetic will raise the intent!
    • Place your candles in all four corners of your tub, accompanied by any of the crystals listed above. You can also add our Lavender Ritual Candle.
    • If you are working with any deities for this, place their icons in a place that you will be focusing on. This will work the same if you have a symbol of a heart. Try working with the Goddesses of Love like Hathor or Aphrodite.
    • Light the myrrh incense and let the smoke waft over your body. Myrrh is associated with purification and cleansing.
    • Before ascending into the bath, you may choose to bottle up some of this water which can be used in future rituals regarding beauty and self-love.
    • Sit in the tub and run the rose petals across your body. Focusing again on the intention of “rubbing away” stagnant energy blocks, that are holding love at a distance from you.
    • Now that we have erased the blocks, it’s time to ask the deity or higher power of your choosing to connect you to the energy that will speak clearly with your heart. Allowing love to find it’s way to you.
    • By this point, you are full of intention, and have a direct visualization of what love looks, feels, and smells like to you, so since we are hot on it, we are going to take that pen and paper and we will write these sentiments down. We will also write down what love does NOT represent and feel like to us, so that when we are in times of need, we can refer to this letter as a reminder of our worth.
    • Seal the letter up with some of the wax from the candles and place somewhere safe so you may return to it at your leisure if you need to.
    • Give thanks to your deities, higher powers or archetypes you are working with. Offer the wine, give the candles a rest and either keep the crystals with your letter, or if you chose to bottle any of the bathwater, near the bottle would work lovely to continue to charge it up as an elixir. 


      Pro Tip:

      If finding these ingredients is overwhelming or if you're too busy, try our Love & Honor Ritual Kit, or the Aphrodisiac Bath Ritual Kit as it has all of the ingredients you will need for this bath- lavender, rose petals, essential oils, crystals, and more!


      You have now successfully removed the blocks in front of your heart, I hope that this ritual is able to open you to the blessing of finding true love. <3

         flower bath






        Pogo is a Brujx who has been practicing various forms of divination, healing and spellwork for a greater part of the last decade. Their abilities and intuition come from a bloodline of healers that they walk in gratitude with daily. 


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