August 01, 2024
As August and the beginning to the end of summer unfolds, the interplay between astrological happenings and ancient traditions creates a powerful tapestry of influence on our lives. This month, we witness the convergence of Mercury retrograde, Leo season, and the Euro pagan holiday Lammas, each carrying its own set of energies and implications that can influence, help, and hinder us.
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July 21, 2024
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions.  In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!
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August 28, 2023
The fierce and powerful Freyja was the Norse goddess of many dueling aspects! While she was the goddess of love, sexuality, fertility and beauty, she was also a warrior goddess of death, strength, lust, and war itself. Freyja is also viewed as the Goddess of magick, because she was believed to be magick itself!! She was a force of untamed nature and desires. If there was something that Freya wanted, she was above no moral standard to obtain her desires. One of Freya’s most notable correspondences is a
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February 02, 2023
We start February, the month most associated with love—both romantic love, self love, and agape— with Venus in Pisces, adding a dreamy, soft energy swirling around our hearts… The low vibration of Venus in Pisces is being gullible in love or money, overly generous to a fault, and/or getting completely lost and dissolved in another, which *can* be an ecstatic fantasy space to pop in and out of...
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July 30, 2022
Happy August wishes to all… This month, we walk in the radiance of the Solar Lion in Leo season, engaging us with the motif of energizing and breath-of-fresh-air respite from the dense, heavy duty feels of Cancer season (good grief!). However, we do start the month with one of the biggest 2022 alignments: the trifecta conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is big shake-up/explosive energy that can occur on our material plane/Gaia with weather, money and foundational structures getting cracked open and crumbled to be rebuilt, or physical movement/body effects and possible injuries...
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July 29, 2022
The Sun and Strength were pulled, popped out, and landed-on while cutting the deck several times. These solar cards REALLY wanted to be seen! I also noticed The Sun and Page of Swords were together when cutting the deck during shuffling together at least 3 times. I feel it’s important to note this dyad highlights finding the courage to speak your truth, express yourself freely without letting your ego talk you out of it, listen to children’s voices, and engage in healthy child-like self-expression…
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July 10, 2022
Welcome to July and official summer, friends. For most of this month, we wade through the saltwater shores of Cancer season… A liminal space of its own, where dynamic and heavy ocean water ebbs and flows along stationary sand shores, slowly but surely bringing new treasure to shore and carrying out what has surfaced and is no longer needed out to sea. These salty sandy shores are where the crab explores the terrain, walking sideways--its most efficient direction. However, under the nearby water’s surface is a very volcanic energy...
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June 30, 2022
Of note this month, again, is the 4 of Pentacles, bringing your attention to what still needs un-clutching and release to allow new, much-needed experiences to come in. Alongside the Collective card, The Princess of Swords, you are being asked to heed clear messages and information that you may be...
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January 28, 2022
Welcome to February, who’s initiation is kicked off with the cosmic stirrings of a new moon in Aquarius on the 1st (31st for us PST folks), and Mercury stationing direct on the 3rd. This date through early May is the only time frame when there won’t be some Rx action, so it’s a good window to make moves and take action that involves your social and public self. Needless to say, the beginning of the month is lit up with fresh insights, opportunities, intellectual stimulation, and unconventional ideas to move toward personal and collective goals...
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August 06, 2021
Doing work—be it ritual, meditation, journaling—with the intention to align your energy with this open portal’s vibration will speed up and expand the energy and intentions you are putting out. This is a big “leveling up” shift with a sort of a pulsing, electrical feel to it. Mercury will be close to our sun, Sirius, and moon, as well, so communication going in both directions from the heavens ...
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July 28, 2021
Greetings, friends! Most happy solar return wishes to all the Leo suns and early Virgo suns this month! August’s Tarotscopes are here to bring you celestial and archetypal energy guidance for August, the 8th month of the year where we may move into the infinity flow of the number 8’s energy. Also, to those who celebrate in the northern hemisphere, Happy Lammas on August 1st! The moon will be in Taurus on this sabbat, so earthly delights, like good food and sex, will feel especially enjoyable. It’s Leo season most of the month, so feeling an activation of robust energy, both physically and otherwise, is highlighted. This month we really can get into an infinity flow and continue doing...
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March 30, 2021
Since the dawn of humanity when the divine double agent Prometheus angered the Gods by giving humanity the gift of fire, this element has been perceived as being as dangerous, powerful, and as hypnotic as the Devil’s own silver tongue. Fire was domesticated about one million years ago, and we’ve been learning to harness it responsibly ever since. It destroys, yes. It creates, yes? Well, it creates warmth, light, power, and propulsion via it’s living act of combustion. One could say that what fire does to a flammable earth element is equal to what humans do to the...
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