August 24, 2022
September harvest blessings to all! The Pagan sabbat celebration this month is Mabon, which falls on September 22. This is the autumn equinox and harvest festival that has very ripe and abundant “crops” or whatever you had planted as a seedling and have been cultivating throughout 2022. Lammas gave you a taste of the direction, success, and growth you were achieving, and Mabon is maximizing that growth and bringing even greater insights. Feasting, music, ritual, and sharing of resources are all joyful and meaningful ways to give gratitude to the land, to your body, to your support system folks, and to your Guides/Spiritual helpers/Universe/God. Being the autumnal equinox, this means there is equal light and dark on...
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October 04, 2021
Autumn greetings, everyone! Like many of you, this is my absolute favorite time of the year. When I was in high school, literally every year on October 21st or 22nd, I had some sort of major occurrence or shift happen, and it did not click until much later that the timing coincided with Scorpio season. It’s a season of intensity, death/rebirth, and subterranean passion that anchors us into each other, for better or worse. Coming off of the fall equinox last month, the days are getting darker and we will spend most of October..
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March 09, 2021
March will get started off on the right foot! Thankfully all planets are moving direct, which ensures that whatever we are working on, the cosmos will bless it with positive and smoother energy than what we have experienced in previous weeks. Around the 10th of March, Mercury moves out of his shadow period, allowing us to communicate and move about more freely. That means many of you can move forward with contracts, moves, and changes to your gadgets or vehicles. Mercury will be retracing his steps in the sign of Aquarius, bringing yet another
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September 22, 2020
Libra is the 2nd air sign in the zodiac building on the mental capabilities of Gemini and enlightening us with the gift of relating well with another. Libra is the only sign that literally rules the physical traits of beauty. Libras are known to posses an air of mystery as they do not shed their emotions onto others and can be quite superficial. Libras are known to be mentally active and outwardly harmonious. Libras have very large and captivating eyes that could look like a sun is setting when they have decided they love you. Libras have very balanced and angelic features. They can be some of the most romantic and flirtatious people at the party right up their with Leo and Gemini! Libras usually care a lot about their appearance and can get caught up in...
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April 05, 2020
All in all, this is a Moon that wants to aid and assist in feeling better supported. Libra is a Cardinal air sign heavily associated with relationships and many other aspects of Venus. I want to talk for a moment about relationships. There’s a lot of them being tested right now in the world. Some partners are suddenly finding themselves working from home with a spouse. Others are doing what they can to cope with a loss of joint income, and are trying to pick up the slack for their mate. Children are home from school and now need tending to. Some single or “limbo” relationship people are realizing they really wish they had someone to depend on. Regardless of your situation... exceed t
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September 26, 2019
This new Moon and Libra give us opportunities to plant seeds that bring balance in fairness to our lives. Libra is ruled by Venus, the sign that governs relationships, beauty, and the law. So much about Libra is being able to understand our other half better. Be that the people we marry, or the people that we end up working for. While Libra is generally known for being a partnership sign, it doesn't often times get recognized for also being a mediator, or somebody who represents fairness. Don't underestimate the energy of this New Moon. There is some intense energy building with aspects to
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March 18, 2019
Just hours after the Sun’s move into the fierce Cardinal sign of Aries, we also welcome the Spring Equinox. A perfect balance of the night and day. You’re about to be thrust into the Astrological New Year. This energy will pack quite the punch, stirring up things that will require our immediate attention. This is another Full Moon that is debuting at zero degrees, yet again another beginning and an end. While Full Moon’s bring completions, zero degrees indicate an opportunity to start over. With centaur Chiron in the mix, it’s incredibly evident that whatever comes up in relation to this Full Moon, we must play an active role in taking responsibility for part in all of this. This may come in a bit of a painful, or unpleasant way. It’s possible we may become
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October 04, 2018
Libra reminds us of the truth, beauty, and goodness inherent in our human and heavenly connection. It craves fairness and justice in its dealings though may avoid discomfort at all costs. This new moon pushes us into looking at our people-pleasing tendencies and its impact on our personal power. The shadow side of Libra is co-dependency or focusing so much on others that we forget about our own needs or identity. Another important aspect of Libra is sometimes difficulty letting go to people or situations that may not serve us but where we still seem to crusade for fairness. Libra’s gifts are for art, fashion, and aesthetic as well as inviting in equality and diplomacy. Though there can be a tendency towards
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