December 2020 Horoscopes

November 27, 2020 0 Comments

December 2020 Horoscopes

Horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Original collage for J. Southern Studio by Janeva Zentz 

December 2020 Horoscopes

Welcome to your December 2020 Tarot Scopes! 
To make the most of my astrological horoscopes, please read your ASCENDANT sign, followed by your SUN and MOON sign. This will give you the best advice and be the most appropriate timing-wise. Don’t know your personal astrology? Check out this free astrological calculator, or book a session with me!
To read this month's lunar and planetary happenings, along with any specific ritual and symbolic inspiration, look out for our new article Celestial Insights later this month! 
December 2020 notable dates and transits:
  • December 1- Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • December 5- Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • December 9- Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
  • December 10- Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
  • December 11- Sun Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries
  • December 13- Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
  • December 14- New Moon in Sagittarius, solar eclipse
  • December 14- Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries
  • December 14- Venus in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
  • December 15- Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
  • December 15- Venus enters Sagittarius
  • December 17- Saturn enters Aquarius
  • December 19- Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius
  • December 19- Jupiter enters Aquarius
  • December 20- Mercury enters Capricorn
  • December 21- Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
  • December 22- Sun enters Capricorn
  • December 23- Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
  • December 25- Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
  • December 27- Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
  • December 29- Full Moon in Cancer
  • December 30- Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Tarot Card: 8 of Wands- swift forward moving energy.
This month, Mercury emphasizes your ninth house, which rules over foreign travel, law, and higher education. In the weeks ahead, those of you who are looking to finalize either travel or education plans are in luck. Venus also moves through this house and sign, bringing love and business from far away places. Those of you looking to get something published might find somebody who can assist you in this process. There will be a New Moon Solar eclipse in this house as well, emphasizing the need to release were let go of plans that didn’t materialize. If travel plans fall through, don’t fret. Things will stabilize in the weeks ahead. Saturn and Jupiter move into your house of friendships, likely in the new year, helping you reconnect with friends. Joining new groups or associations online is an excellent way to network this month. This is the beginning of Saturn in the sign and will have you re-evaluating your friendships in the years to come. This is also the chart area that deals with hopes and wishes, so New Year’s intentions might be especially magical. The Sun shines a light on your career sector, highlighting everything you need to wrap up before the end of the year. Handle any professional business before January. A full moon in Cancer at the end of the month illuminates whole matters, ironing out any disputes you’ve had between family and your work schedule. You’re likely to have quite a busy home this month, so if you need some assistance, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Tarot Card:  Page of Cups- a romantic connection, a water sign person.
The next month for you is all about transformation. Out with the old in with the new! Mercury shines a light on joint finances and how to communicate expenses with a partner better. Coming up with a budget or plan to pay off debt is ideal. You may find that business negotiations become especially strong this month, bringing in bonuses or potentially even a higher salary if you’ve been in a bit of a financial funk that should clear soon. The new moon solar eclipse will also be in this area of your chart. New moons give you opportunities to plan, so looking for ways to qualify for loans or paying off a bill is ideal. There can be an unexpected expense, but with that being said, also a bonus. Venus moves through this house as well, giving you some extra special intimate time with someone close to you. I expect the holiday season to be especially good to you, and you will receive some lavish gifts. Saturn and Jupiter are moving into your career zone. It’s important to go big or go home next year when it comes to your professional goals. Next year will pave the way for building a foundation strong enough to last you a lifetime. The Sun in Capricorn highlights legal or travel matters; expect both to come up in December. This can also bring business from far away places. The full moon at the end of the month has you communicating your feelings more than usual. It’s possible there are changes within your home zone or with siblings. If you receive a call from a family member who needs support, do what you can to lend a helping hand.
Tarot Card:  The Sun- happiness, and fulfillment. Your time to shine.
There’s so much relationship energy going on for you this month! I cannot stress how vital others are going to be in the weeks ahead. Pay close attention to your partner if you’re in a committed relationship, and if you’re single, you just might need someone very significant. All month long, Mercury emphasizes your communication with others. Both Venus and Mercury move through your opposite sign of Sagittarius highlighting romantic relationships or marriage. Granted, you can have a relationship at a distance. This would bring up opportunities to visit or travel with a loved one. The new moon solar eclipse will be here as well; this highlights the need to let go of any outdated relationships. It’s not unusual for some of you guys to hear from someone from the past. If that does happen, think long and hard before you want to answer that call. Saturn and Jupiter move into your house of foreign travel, expanding your horizons in the year ahead. You may find that you’re connecting and making friends with people and far away places. Others may be venturing into the beginning process of getting something published or completing an educational goal. Regardless, the skies the limit. The Sun in Capricorn highlights deep psychological insights and likely urges you to transform your career somehow. You may be dealing with a health or life insurance situation at work. If something is owed, be sure to settle the debt, don’t let it get out of hand. The full moon at the end of the month emphasizes emotional security and big material purchases. Be sure to thoroughly look over your budget before you begin your holiday shopping. This is not a month you want to break the bank.
Tarot Card:  5 of Wands- struggle, arguments or disagreement.
Health, schedule, and organization are going to be the most critical things in the month ahead. Some of you may be having changes in your workplace, while others are looking to make dietary changes. Regardless stay focused on health and wellness. This will be the month to get started early on any New Year’s resolution goals. Look into fitness equipment, at digital home training, or eating plans this month. If you need to schedule for a check-up or an annual exam, get this on the books as well. Mercury is moving through your house of health and organization. You might suddenly have the impulse to start cleaning and organizing everything. This can also bring up issues with pet health or coworkers. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you have to learn new software or technology within the office. Both Venus and the eclipse will also be in the zone, so the changes are ultimately for the better! The Sun in Capricorn highlights your relationships with others, especially superiors or older partners. Some are likely to be rather cold or detached. You’re wrapping up what has been a heavy cycle when it comes to changes and challenges in your relationships. Now Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius move into your joint income zone. It will be necessary to thoroughly examine any joint finances, taxes, or psychological issues in the year ahead. Intimacy problems will be tackled early in the new year, so it’s essential to present your emotions. At the end of the month, the full moon in your sign can have your body feeling exceptionally sensitive or overly emotional. Give yourself a little extra TLC around this time. Right around New Year’s can be a prime time for a makeover!
Tarot Card:  The Devil- breaking free from a binding, bad habits, or addictive situation.
It’s all about romance and creativity! Of all the signs, it’s like when yours is the one to enjoy this month the most. Mercury and Venus enter into your romance zone. Enhancing connections with other people and bringing about a love connection. This is also the part of the chart that deals with creativity and children. Especially when it comes to education and children, this can be a hot topic in the month ahead. New relationships may move forward in a more serious way. This month reminds me of the song “total eclipse of the heart. “ The new moon solar eclipse will be in this house, possibly bringing about news of a new creative project or a lover! Simultaneously Saturn and Jupiter move into your relationship sector. This plays nicely with the Sagittarius energy and suggests that you may meet somebody who might be a lifelong partner. Saturn will spend the next 2+ years in this house, teaching you how to better relate to other people while giving them freedom at the same time. Friends can become lovers, so watch out. The Sun in Capricorn shines a light on work matters. December is a great month to get prepared for the next year ahead. Clean up your office, workspace, or any place that’s cluttered! This is also wrapping up lessons in health and organization that you’ve been learning the last several years. I’ve seen many of you grow into healthier, happier people as a result of these transits! At the end of the month, the full moon has you wanting to retreat and take time to rest. It’s essential to pay close attention to your emotional health, and there can be surprises that you don’t see coming when it comes to home and family.
Tarot Card:  5 of Cups- loss or regret. Sorrow.
Important things are changing with your home and family zone! It appears like some of you may be moving, changing roommates, or staying with family. If you’ve been feeling antsy and like you need to get out of the house, allow yourself to hit the road and visit people elsewhere. Both Mercury and Venus moved into your fourth house; this suggests that any interaction you have with family should be pleasant. People may be coming to visit you as well! If you’re moving, it appears that you’re moving into a space that’s going to be very appealing. Relations with family and loved ones should go well. This is also where the solar eclipse will be taking place, which makes me feel as if you’re moving! If you’re not physically going anywhere, this can be a major emotional breakthrough. Saturn and Jupiter move into your house of health, indicating that you’re either going to have a change in how you go about your daily routine or a change in where you’re working. Three possible it could be both. Look into what new apps and technology you can use to stay on track with your health and schedule. This includes fitness as well as dietary apps. Friends may inquire about job opportunities or connect you with like-minded people professionally. It’s likely that something major changes in your work zone, so pay attention. The Sun and Capricorn highlight matters of the heart, perhaps helping you get back in the dating game or finish a creative project. At the end of the month, the full moon can have you saying an emotional goodbye to a friend. It’s also possible to connect with childhood friends this month, which is likely to warm your heart. Regardless, spend time with them while you can!
Tarot Card:  10 of Cups- emotional fulfillment, joy, and time spent with family.
Travel and communications may be at an all-time high this month. Your third house of short-distance trips and getting out and about is being lit up by the activity in Sagittarius. Both the Sun, Mercury, and Venus move through this part of your horoscope early in the month. This indicates the need to get out and stretch your legs, maybe go on a road trip. The Solar eclipse will be in this section too and can bring extra attention to vehicles and contracts. Siblings and extended family may be calling as well. In this part of your chart, Venus is perfect for journaling and collaborating with others on writing projects. Saturn and Jupiter move into your fish house of romance. In the years ahead, you become more so heart centered and give birth to new creations. These may be actual children or projects. Collaborations with like-minded friends are incredibly blessed. You will have the opportunity to express yourself in ways you never knew before. This is also the chart that deals with true love, so those partnered may move to higher commitment levels. At the same time, single Libras may find themselves in the throes of passion. The Sun shines a light on home matters later in the month, especially if you ’ve been putting off domestic changes. Many of you may find yourselves moving or dealing with real estate matters. Spend the Holiday with an elderly family member; it will be extraordinary! The Full Moon highlights your career and what you do out in the world. Save any presentations for later in the month. You’ll shine brightly among your peers. This is also a joyous time for making moves when it comes to preparing for next year professionally. If you’re looking to amplify your career, be in tune with what the heart wants.
Tarot Card:  The Fool- new adventures and travels.
This month is all about getting your money and values right. This will be one of the most critical periods for you financially, so pay close attention! Both Mercury and Venus enter into your economic zone, allowing you to give and receive gifts. What you put out this month will come back to you several-fold. Business matters can be exceptional here and have the opportunity to negotiate business matters and potentially strike a deal. The new moon solar eclipse will be taking place in this area of your chart as well. This can be you breaking with one line of income to bring in a new one. It’s important to watch any spending, and not go too overboard on your holiday shopping. If you’re planning on spending money on travel, check your itinerary several times. Consider trip insurance as travel in the next month can be a bit hazy. Both Saturday and Aquarius move into your home zone; this is big news for you. Many of you are either moving or having changes with your home or family. Regardless of what’s going on, you have a lot to be excited about. Having these two in your home zone indicates positivity coming in one way or another. Some of you will be moving in with friends, while others will be adopting a new, unusual lifestyle. Saturn in this area of your chart will require you to pay close attention to family and emotional issues. The Sun moving into Capricorn will amplify your communication and allow you to get contracts or business in order remotely. This is a beautiful time to schedule meetings and have phone calls for anything business-related. At the end of the month, the full moon may have you visiting or being visited by family at a distance. Some of you may feel a bit homesick. Pay close attention to any educational or legal matters at this time.
Tarot Card:  8 of Coins- working hard to perfect something. Professional growth and mastery.
The entire month is all about you! Everything from how your body physically feels to how you express yourself. Take note of where you may be coming off a little too strong overthinking your emotions. Mercury and Venus move through your sign, allowing you to communicate softly and sweetly. This is also an excellent time to consider a makeover or an update to your physical look. There will be an eclipse in this house, which indicates brand new beginnings for you and an opportunity to speak your mind. The big news is that Saturn and Jupiter move into your house of communications, as well as vehicles. Many of you are mainstreaming your business and focusing on online sales or media. Others are in the beginning process of writing a book or starting a podcast. Regardless of what you’re working on, be sure to let everyone know you’re getting started. All next year is about better connecting to those around you and feeling heard. The Sun in Capricorn at the end of the month emphasizes financial goals and increased income. Be mindful that it can be money in money out. Be aware of large purchases and going over budget. This can also be a time, or you make some changes and how you’re eating. The full moon in the eighth allows you the opportunity to be able to purge fears or anything toxic emotionally. Pay extra close attention to issues with the stomach and detoxification. If you’re looking to quit a bad habit, this is your month!
Tarot Card:  Ace of Coins- Financial abundance and opportunity.
You’re on the brink of significant changes! All you have to do is make it to January, and you’re in the clear. Mercury and Venus shine a light on a secret in admirers, love abroad, and some rather unusual dreams. All of the movement in Sagittarius is stirring up your subconscious. Please pay close attention to any intuitive feelings or dreams as they may be very symbolic. The new moon solar eclipse will also be in this part of your chart, possibly triggering an opportunity to travel to a faraway place. If you find yourself stuck at home, allow yourself to indulge in your favorite TV or movies up until mid-month. You need to unwind and relax a bit to give yourself a mental break. Saturn and Jupiter are moving into your income sector. This allows you to evaluate your relationship with money and make some significant changes to your finances. In the year ahead, you will be allowed to expand your cash flow and collaborate with some like minded friends. Self-esteem falls under this part of your chart, so if you’re looking to get your groove back, don’t worry. One way to do this is to allow yourself to participate in creative endeavors that doubles as an outlet for your self-expression. Friends may come and go, but the real ones will stay. The Sun in the second part of the month ushers in your birthday! All eyes are on you, and I imagine come the New Year, you’re feeling like yourself again. Your health and vitality should be increasing by the day. At the end of the month, the Full Moon emphasizes your relationship with a partner or close family member. Some of you will be opting to walk away from a dramatic home or relationship issue finally. If that ends up happening, welcome it with open arms. It’s time to start new.
Tarot Card:  The World- cycles completing, significant accomplishments or achievements.
This next month is all about a change of social scene. What can you expect? A filled social calendar. I expect you to be in a bit of friend or relationship limbo. You’re starting a new path now of self-discovery. To better connect to yourself, you’ll need some like-minded souls. Hit the web or a local meet up group to dive into a new belief or interest. Both Mercury and Venus allows you to receive all sorts of new invitations. Some friends will come, while others will go. Regardless, know the universe has your back. Being apart of a group now is more important than ever. Saturn and Jupiter move into your sign and spend the next year working together to improve your vision. This can be a time of major accomplishments. I expect you to be a completely different, new, and improved version of yourself when this transit ends. The Sun in your twelfth house shines a light on overworking or over worrying. It’s essential to take time out and not push too hard into the new year professionally. Allow plans and projects to come together naturally in January and February. You simply can not push the river. Be aware of lower energy levels, and permit yourself to take some time off. You’ll need more rest than usual, and if it’s not taken, you run the risk of having physical issues or getting sick. The Full Moon in Cancer at the end of the month emphasizes dietary changes and a reorganization of your home. If you’re looking to get a head start on your New Year’s resolutions, consider cleaning out your kitchen and fridge first! Your diet is very much connected to your emotional health. You’ll need the full support of family and housemates!
Tarot Card:  8 of Swords- feeling stuck or anxious about a situation you can’t see your way out of.
This is probably going to be one of the most important professional/career months all year. There is a ton of planets moving through your career zone in Sagittarius. Mercury and Venus in this house promise positive relations with bosses and superiors in the office. It also suggests the opportunity for you to be able to travel for business to faraway places. I expect you to get recognition for a job well done, and the possibility of quite a nice holiday bonus. The new moon solar eclipse is also in this house and may provide you with insights into your professional future. Some of you are leaving jobs to start better ones, while others take the position or place of a boss in the workplace. If you were self-employed, this is extra positive as well. Saturn and Jupiter move into your hidden subconscious zone, emphasizing we need to focus more on mental wellness and relaxation. Meditation will be beneficial in the year ahead. I highly recommend getting into a routine and learning how to disconnect from it all. Especially if you experience anxiety issues, this will be especially important for helping make your dreams a reality in the coming years. I foresee you doing work with people all over the globe. Your professional networks are only going to grow as Saturn tours your twelfth house. The Sun in Capricorn highlights your connection with friendships and professional networking opportunities. Holiday parties may or may not happen, but expect to hear from coworkers regardless. Here is where you see your hopes and dreams come true. The full moon in Cancer highlights something significant about your creative projects. It can bring about the completion of something extraordinary. He can also highlight themes of romance and someone expressing their truest feelings to you. Some of you may experience hearing news about a family member welcoming a new child or younger person into the family.







Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


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