November 28, 2022 0 Comments
December greetings to all, and happy solar return wishes to Sagittarius and early Cap folks! Below are your intuitive tarot readings by me, coupled with insightful astro snapshots by Sera. Both tarot and astro horoscopes are per sign for the month ahead. There is also a card for the Collective, which you can use in conjunction with your personal tarot card to create a more robust narrative around what is calling your attention during this monthly cycle, or as a clarifier to your zodiac’s card.
You can find your personal tarot card for 2023 by adding your birth month + birth date + 2023, then add up the individual numbers to reduce it to a single or double digit number between 1-22. For example, if you were born June 14, you would add 6 + 14 + 2023 = 2043 —> 2 + 4 + 3 = 9. The 9th card on the major arcana is The Hermit, which would be your guiding card throughout the year.
To get the most out of these Horoscopes, please read them based off of your Ascendant/ Rising sign, as these are the signs that are the basis of our monthly breakdowns. Your Ascendant sign is the sign of the Zodiac which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time, date & location of our birth, and it provides us with a much more individualized view of our personal astrology. If you do not yet know your Rising Sign, feel free to find it here: Chart Drawing, Ascendant. All you will need is the closest possible time, date & location of your birth. For those not able to find an accurate Rising Sign, you can secondarily read these horoscopes by your Sun sign and thirdly by your Moon sign.
Stay tuned for the Celestial Insights blog to see what the stars have to say, along with lunar magick offerings…
Here are your tarot + astro messages. I suggest reading your rising and sun signs:
The overall energetic message for this month that you can use to expand and clarify your personal card reading is: THE 8 OF WANDS (“Swiftness”). Of note: I cut the deck on The Sun three times while shuffling, so I wanted to mention that card coupled with the 8 of Wands can indicate success through action, firing off communications, and traveling/moving environments.
In the Thoth deck, this card brings attention to the energy of Mercury in Sagittarius; both glyphs are situated at the top of the card above a rainbow (the light and spirit of Sagittarius). Therefore, the general energy of this card is connected to swiftly moving ideas, communications, and actions that serve to promote knowledge, solve problems, and reach progress in goals. The movement indicates passion and flexibility of direction and possibility, since the wands are literally “up in the air.” There is a sense of passionate exploration that comes with this card, especially after a period of struggle. The inner fire is now billowing outward openly and publicly, through all forms of expression.
This card also reflects lightning-fast speed, so think sudden insights, ideas, and downloads, electrical synaptic connections firing off in the mind and interpersonally, and bold inspiration coming through. These fiery flashes can burn away outdated or outgrown ways of thinking and communicating, as well as burning out old debris to make room for successful new solutions to old problems. Let your mind freely associate and communication in and out of the veil, journal/track your thoughts and ideas, pay attention to dreams, and talk out any issues versus bottling up and tamping down.
Last month was also wrapped in Wands energy, and this month, we’ve progressed from empowerment to movement, or a notable event occurring, in order to get what you desire… The 8 of Wands, if you trust the fire within and without, can bring in abundance. This key is all about advancing forward with confidence, enthusiasm, and joy. Remain flexible, go with the electrical flow, and clearly communicate from your heart space to maximize this awesome energy.
Keywords: unexpected event, faster than expected, sudden insights, psychic downloads, physical movement/relocation, travel/exploration, fast communication, inspiration, flood of ideas, solutions to problems, abundance and success through action, freedom.
December brings a sigh of relief as we are safely out of that epic Scorpio eclipse season who's grand finale on Nov 8th left most of us in an “after the flood” clean up state! We welcome the Saggitarian Archer with the gift of fire to warm and guide us through the dark days of Winter. Neptune goes direct in Pisces on 12/3 lifting any lingering fog, and allowing our ship to sail towards the sun. Our navigational skills will be further refined when communicative Mercury enters Capricorn and our inner Captain of the Ship is focused on the path of least resistance, and navigational brilliance. Full Moon Gemini on 12/7 has us singing pirate love songs to our landlocked lover, as Venus enters Capricorn on 12/9.
This December adventure is fun, but grounded romantic love and comfort beckons from the shore. Jupiter blasts into Aries on on 12/20 for the creative warrior burst of strength we need to find our way to a sunny shore, as the Winter Solstice on 12/21 brings lengthening days, and optimism as we forge through unknown territory. Some will have found their way home, and some will just find an island, but the New Moon in Capricorn on 12/23 assures grounded, focused planting of seeds for 2023’s new and renewed dreams.
As the world continues to drastically shift we learn to carry less, and co- create more in this Earthbound pilgrimage we all share. 12/29 has our dear Mercurial trickster going retrograde again, and we may reconnect with our roots at this time, and remember the foundations which have held us steady through 2022, and will provide a conduit to deep earth energetic power to keep us standing strong as we prepare for the adventure to come in 2023!
Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles
Aries folks likely had a shift in energy, environment, or relationship last month with the Wheel closing out a bog cycle of some fame, and this month, you are pausing and rooting yourself. Stability is on your mind and focusing on security can serve you well. If focus on security gets out of balance, it can tip into a scarcity mindset, so bring awareness to any “lack” focuses and leave them in 2022. Write out all you DO have and ARE grateful for to increase/expand that energy, reframe the way you see yourself and what you’ve done and been through this year to not name what you didn’t do or don’t have, but shine the light on what you DID and ARE. You can shift your reality through the way you speak to and about yourself. You can create security and stability in your work and finances by focusing your present abundance, reflecting on how you achieved that with ease, and what aligns with your values. This reflection will then inform new solutions and opportunities for goals around work and money in 2023. Be open to all possibilities, ground and root yourself but avoid stagnancy. You are pure creative fire, Aries, and that light attracts fireflies of abundance!
Astro Snapshot:
The wild Ram in you loves nothing more than to scale a mountain! December will have you itching to explore, and on this adventure you will gain fresh perspective as one does when they reach the top of a mountain and can see the big picture. The warrior tends to focus on the challenge at hand, but this month the Ram works with the Eagle and new and more expansive territory is revealed for you to conquer in your career and adventure goals. Venus moves into Capricorn on 12/9 increasing your financial and property investments, as well as long term financial growth strategies that will ground and center you. You’ll be learning from other cultures, philosophies, and even nature, and will apply this knowledge to your creative pursuits and entrepreneurial enterprises. Jupiter moves into your sign on 12/20 and keeping you still for even a moment will be a challenge! Your firepower and creativity will be turned up to 11 until May, so be sure to guide your passion towards work, relationship, or adventure that aligns with the big picture perspective you gained at the beginning of the month. Nothing can stop you Aries!
Tarot Card: Page of Swords
December encourages Taurus people to keep connecting with friends and people that bring you joy this month, especially in a childlike, playful way. Approaching situations with a playful attitude is your monthly medicine, so cut loose, get weird, be goofy and silly. Communicate and share ideas openly this month to connect with others. Try to release imposter syndrome or being “too adult” in your thinking and communication—let your guard down. The low vibe of this card can highlight shit-talking, so avoid gossip and *that* type of child-like communication. Focus on playfulness and creative thinking to find solutions to problems. This may have you getting out of your comfort zone but doing so will bring opportunities associated with healing and/or connection!
Astro Snapshot:
Money matters take precedence this month as an uncovered debt, or hopefully an unexpected financial bonus! You’ll gain deeper understanding into your own motivations for the relationships you cultivate with such care, including the more challenging ones that don’t make logical sense. Sometimes your Venusian nature causes you to luxuriate in a nest of supportive friends and Earthly delights into a full blown stasis…but not this month! You’re interested in turning rocks over to see what’s hidden underneath. You’ll be in the mood to clean out your psychic closet, and maybe that will extend into your physical closet….time to reveal what you’ve hidden deep below the surface. Your ruler Venus moves into Capricorn on 12/9 which will attune your love of creature comforts to quality over quantity. By 12/21 as the sun moves into Capricorn you’ll be back on solid ground, and luxuriating in fine food, drink and company.
Tarot Card: The Chariot
If you’ve been wondering about whether you should take the trip, buy the car, move apartments—this is your “YES” sign, Gems! For some, plans you’ve had in the works or on the back burner are now moving forward, and it’s good you waited—this is divine timing. You are guided to follow your intuition, use willpower and confidence to move forward, and cull strength for the changes that await you. You are leaving behind outgrown ways of working and aligning with your core values that are carrying you into much needed change. For many, you’re encouraged to travel if the chance arises (…which falls in opportune time for the holidays), as well as take charge and step into a leadership role while also following your heart-spirit to guide you. This card coupled with the 8 of Wands indicates BIG movement/action energy for Geminis, so have a go-bag ready and be open to sudden opportunities to move or travel (or get a new whip!).
Astro Snapshot:
The twins contend with internal partnership on a daily basis, but Dec will put a magnifying glass on the external partnerships in your life, and how they are helping or hindering you. Your ruler, Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 6th enabling you to more clearly communicate your deeper needs, and reconcile your vulnerability with your charisma that often presents a facade of impenetrability. Full Moon in Gemini on 12/9 will loosen up any outmoded attachments, and reveal who remains in the game to dance with your multiple personalities! They’d better be fun, and impossible for you to figure out, as your raven like curiosity will be very active as the 12/21 Winter Solstice arrives, and you dance into the mystery of the sun moving into your 8th house. Here you meet the dark reflection of your effervescent smile, and play in the waters of Narcissus! Keep your lighthearted witty ways about you as you navigate the waters of deeper emotional connection or even more intense momentary intimacy than you might be used to. Mars is still in Gemini for another 6 weeks so keep your body moving, and incorporate breathwork and replace coffee with herbal tea for balance and grounding. By the end of December to Mid January you’ll have much clarity about who in your life has just enough mystery to keep you on your toes, but can show up honestly and reliably to build a foundation with.
Tarot Card: King of Swords
Libra also got this card, and Cancer/Libra energy feels connected in some deeper way this month, too… Both of you have access to step up in some capacity (work, intimate partnership, family relationship) with BIG mastery energy, and is more more yang/masculine in nature. The encouragement this month is to stay present in the moment, use facts and your logical mind to make decisions, and be action-oriented when it comes to ideas and communications versus gestating ideas and keeping secrets. Express yourself and your thoughts with confidence this month, Cancers. Assume everyone wants to hear from you! Follow through with paperwork or applications you’ve been tiptoeing around. Finalize plans. Taking charge and having “big sword” energy will set you up for success in 2023.
Astro Snapshot:
You’ll be quite the busy bee this month Cancer, with plenty of mouths to feed and nourish! The sun in your 6th house activates even more of your generosity than usual, and might have you yearning for a bit more alone time in your shell. Be sure to pencil this into your calendar so you can recharge and continue to be the hostess with the mostess. Full Moon Gemini on the 9th brings chatty innovative guests to the forefront, while Venus moving into Capricorn on the 9th has you more seriously selecting candidates for long term, practical friendship and or partnership of some sort. Jupiter moving into Aries on the 20th gives you a power up of good luck in your career, and/or your achievements, even if these are achievements within the home. Sun moving into Capricorn on the 21st Winter Solstice has you clearing off the Calendar for the first week of January and deciding whom you can simply cozy up next to a fire with and find complete contentment.
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
If you leaned into the middle path and getting balance last month, then you are ripe to receive new information coming in that you’ve been waiting on, Leos. You were asked to pause and be patient (not easy!) and now serendipity is clarifying and finalizing something that was nebulous for the past few (or more) months. You are encouraged to or will finally be able to sign contracts and get halted communications moving forward. For some, you are getting a crisp, fresh idea or insight on how to move forward with something/someone that’s been on your mind. This is a solution-oriented month that starts a new chapter in your life!
Astro Snapshot:
You will be in your full comfort zone for most of the month with the sun gracing your 5th house of creativity, play, self expression, and children! If you’re not already in love, cupid will be stalking you with delightful party invites, and you are sure to be the life of the party. Romantic candlelight dinners, or perhaps even a last minute Parisian getaway with your lover are par for the course this month. Jupiter moving into Aries on the 20th really lights your fire to explore, play, and wander…check Google Flights for last minute ticket deals! If single be sure to wine and dine yourself…for you are the rising sun on the 12/21 Winter Solstice this year! Sun moving into Capricorn on the 21st brings out your charitable nature, and puts your big lionheart to work in the service of others. Let your light be a torch through the dark days of winter this month with the New Capricorn Moon on 12/23…your big heart nourishes the seeds of your 2023 dreams!
Tarot Card: 9 of Wands
This is MORE Wands energy, 3 months in a row PLUS the Collective card is a Wands key. You are really transmuting and evolving, Virgo, and it all feels very heart and spirit centered, so highlighting creative expression, passionate work, love sparks (including self-love), and connecting with community/family. Cap got this card too, so you may be working with a Cap that needs a ‘boundaries talk’ (or you may need to heed their boundaries). In general, bringing awareness to healthy energetic boundaries between you and others, especially at work and with family, will preserve your energy and soothe your soul at the time. Also, this is not the month to be a turbo workhorse—don’t push yourself into burnout. Consciously make time to regularly pause and recharge, but don’t give up either! Use your analytical skills to plan out how best to use your time and energy through the end of the year, privatizing goals and needs. Find the sweet spot in and titrate between momentum and stillness.
Astro Snapshot:
Home…home on the range. You’ll find yourself returning to your roots this month, whether that be an actual family home, or reconnecting with your family members, childhood friends, and even ancestors. If you want to take this grounding influence to the next level, set up an ancestor altar with photos or written names from your family lineage, and light a candle for them. You may find that they’ll show up through synchronicities, and help you to better define who you are and where you came from. Your ruler Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th opening up a portal to your own inner child, playfulness and creativity. This is a great time to release old traumas, as well as expectations or guilt you may have burdened yourself with over time. Let your inner child emerge and allow them to play, and to be carefree for a bit! With Jupiter moving into Aries on the 20th, illuminating your 8th house of life-death-rebirth, you may even consider taking a trip to the homeland of your ancestors to gain a better understanding of your bloodline history. Winter Solstice on the 21st opens up a month of heart healing, creativity, and romance if you will allow yourself to receive the love you so deserve, Virgo!
Tarot Card: King of Swords
Cancer also got this card, and Cancer/Libra energy feels connected in some deeper way this month, too… Both of you have access to step up in some capacity (work, intimate partnership, family relationship) with BIG mastery energy, and is more yang/masculine in nature. For you, Libras, Page of Cups also popped out (but didn’t jump) and I cut the deck on the 6 of Wands three times. So, an extra message for your reading would be to tap into masculine yang energy in your communications and writing, look out for messages from others that can help advance your success in some way (especially at work or with family), expect unexpected blessings while also maintaining participation as an equitable collaborator… But when your messenger shows up just for you—seize the opportunity they offer! Your encouragement this month is also to stay present in the moment, use facts and your logical mind to make decisions, and be action-oriented when it comes to ideas and communications versus gestating ideas and keeping secrets. Express yourself and your thoughts with confidence this month, Cancers. Assume everyone wants to hear from you! Follow through with paperwork or applications you’ve been tiptoeing around. Finalize plans. Taking charge and having “big sword” energy will set you up for success in 2023.
Astro Snapshot:
You love nothing more than harmony, and December helps you out with this as the sun graces your 3rd house of communication, neighbors, and siblings. The holiday season should be full of good conversation, interesting party guests, new friends and renewed channels of understanding and relatability. Neptune goes direct in Pisces on 12/3 clearing up any emotional fog, and returning the siren song of the muse to your Venusian figurehead. Your ruler Venus enters Capricorn on 12/9 bringing you back to your roots, and bonding with your family, a family home or property, and perhaps reconnecting with family heirlooms which activate your rich emotional connection to beautiful art, music and literature. The Winter Solstice bringing the Sun into Capricorn on the 21st grounds you deeper into your foundation of home, and hearth. You find balance between bringing a new tune to the family gathering, and honoring the old traditions which you were brought up with. You are the master of balance this month Libra!
Tarot Card: The Fool
Scorpios, the end of the year looks like resetting your energy to a clean slate before 2023 even begins! Not only did I pull this card, but I cut the deck on it twice while shuffling… Wrap up and release what you no longer want or need so you can start fresh in 2023 with lots of room for growth and new opportunities. This portends that clearing out old ways of doing things, ending unaligned commitments, and dropping dead weight you’ve been lugging around out fear of letting go, you will make space for huge new opportunities for long-term success. Anything is possible with The Fool! For you specifically, this card feels connected to your overall well-being. Have a “beginner’s mind” threaded with curiosity and optimism, and you will set the stage for something really refreshing and well-deserved in the coming months. Sag also got this card, so you may be adventuring with a Sag (the perfect travel buddy) or starting a new endeavor with a Sag—it’s a blessed union and partnership!
Astro Snapshot:
You will appreciate the finer things in life this month, Scorpio. Your Scorpion pincers will be gilded in gold, as the universe bestows wealth and beauty upon you. Neptune goes direct in Pisces on 12/3 clearing up any murky waters around your heart, and getting you back on track of your soul’s purest desire. Venus moving into Capricorn on the 9th has you clearly communicating your dreams with elegance and articulation. Money comes easily this month, and you’re certainly not prone to waste it, but instead to invest it in your home, or in quality, beautiful clothes, art or music. Indulging in the full sensory experience of beauty is on your to do list this month. Jupiter in Aries on 12/20 casts you in the passionate lead role of your own opera…but think psychological intrigue as Madame Butterfly falls back into cocoon form for a winter hibernation, and lets her Lover steal the starring role. You serve to lead through this transit with this Aries fire illuminating your 6th House of service. The Sun and Moon in Capricorn the 21st-23rd have your thoughts racing to write the next chapter…but Scorpio, this is the time for you to relax and receive. Let your friends, neighbors, and kin pull you into action this month.
Tarot Card: The Fool
Sag friends, it’s your season most of the month, and the end of the year looks like resetting your energy to a clean slate before 2023 even begins! Wrap up and release what you no longer want or need so you can start fresh in 2023 with lots of room for growth, expansion, and new opportunities. This portends that in clearing out old ways of doing things, ending unaligned commitments, and dropping dead weight you’ve been lugging around out fear of letting go, you are making space for huge new opportunities for your long-term success. Anything is possible with The Fool! For you, in particular, this card feels connected to a FULL reset and release at the full moon… Get really real with yourself about what/who needs to go. Lean into the risk of release to allow the amazing unknown to roll into your life in the coming months. Scorpio also got this card, so you may be adventuring with them or starting a new endeavor with a Scorpio—it’s a blessed union and partnership!
Astro Snapshot:
It’s your Birthday Season Sag!! What mountains will you conquer? What fires will you light? What philosophies will you explore? Your mind is a lightning bolt and your charm, a cupid’s arrow. Your centaur body will call you to ground into it, as Neptune goes direct on 12/3 clearing away brain fog, and getting you back to nurturing and care of your body. Home is where the heart is, but in your case it’s also where the Hearth is. The Hearth is the fire at the center of the home where one traditionally prepares food, medicine, tea, etc. The fire in your heart needs a solid foundation, and a steadily burning hearth which you can always return to after your adventures and challenges. As Venus moves into Capricorn on the 9th you may be inspired to beautify a space in your home, update your personal aesthetic, or indulge in a new cultural dining experience…treat yourself indeed. The sun and moon in Capricorn from the 21st-23rd are a perfect time for you to re-create a space in your home which is inspiring, beautiful and nurturing. Think Throne Room meets Meditation Space…but whatever you do don’t forget to light the fire.
Tarot Card: 9 of Wands
Virgos also got this card, so you may be working with a Virgo that needs a ‘boundaries talk’ (or you may need to heed their boundaries). In general, bringing awareness to healthy energetic boundaries between you and others, especially at work and with family, will preserve your energy and soothe your soul at the time. Also, this is not the month to be a turbo workhorse—don’t push yourself into burnout. Consciously make time to regularly pause and recharge. We know Caps never give up, but self-care can promote endurance. Your lesson may be to learn that you don’t need to do everything on your own… Asking for help is not weakness, it’s connection. Assign people tasks you don’t have the bandwidth to do. Find the sweet spot in and titrate between momentum and stillness while un-clutching all the responsibility.
Astro Snapshot:
You may want to activate the sea-goat aspect of your sign Capricorn…you’re in for some deep unchartered waters with the sun illuminating your 12th house of all that is hidden below the surface. These are the deep waters of the seeker, the wanderer, the dreamer…and not the most comfortable place for the practical Saturnian plowman. Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 3rd which will open up a window for you to communicate from a part of yourself which is usually hidden from everyone including yourself. You have a defined identity which is recognized by your peers, in your career and through your talents. But what exists deeper inside of you which does not normally receive recognition? This is the quest of the sailor seeking treasure whom falls into the sea and discovers it was the siren song of mysterious awe he was truly seeking all along. Sun and Moon entering Capricorn on the 21st-23rd return you to dry land and to the rising sun of Winter Solstice. This month is a perfect purification of your will, as the sun will be hidden in your depths for most of the month, and return with clear vision and purpose by the 23rd. But stay seated…Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 29th and the next 2 weeks will best be spent nurturing seeds of intention rather than flying towards the sun. Patience is your best friend this month..slow, steady, and with care.
Tarot Card: Ace of Wands
Water bearers, your advice last month was to pause and reflect on work and money experiences and events to gather info and update goals and plans. Hopefully you received useful insights, and now this month, you are ready (and encouraged) to take action and make deliberate changes connected to your updated goals/plans. The Ace of Wands ushers in new inspiration sparks, plants new creative seeds, and may even bring in a new opportunity around work and passion projects. I see some folks starting new bands, new businesses, and getting major psychic celestial downloads like flashes of light that will inform new ventures. It may take a minute to trust a flash of an idea versus a mapped-pour plan laced with logic, but that’s part of your journey right now, Aquarius! You all have had some disappointment or stagnancy of passion around work and/or self-expression, so take new risks that involve change and movement. Externalize the fire within to fuel your passions and wild ideas—this is the time! “Take chances“ is what I’m hearing over and over in my mind… Risk brings reward this month. Close out 2022 with a bang to tell the universe you are ready for all the abundance in 2023.
Astro Snapshot:
You will be right in your comfort zone this month, surrounded by friends, community, and valable organizations..very likely gathered at Holiday Food Bank, or charitable enterprise of some sort. Your heart soars when you are part of a group that’s directly making a difference and bettering the state of the world! Neptune direct in Pisces on the 3rd will dust off your Humanitarian boots, and restore or renew a clear vision of your talents, and how you apply those gifts to improve this world, and bloom more fully into your purpose. Venus in Capricorn on 12/9 turns your focus towards a philosophy of beauty, an adventure of enrichment, and a love of a beautiful mind. Jupiter in Aries on 12/20 brings light bulb moments with friends and family, and possibly new mutually profitable projects and goals with kin. The Sun and Moon entering Capricorn 12/21-12/23 illuminate your 12th house of the unconscious and dreams. Think of this as a sort of mining dive into your own depths. There are aspects of yourself which have seemed impractical to pay attention to, which now call for expression and acknowledgement. You can be so caught up in changing the world that you forget your dear heart needs healing and care too.
Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles
Pisces pals, some relationship(s) and/or life situation had you stressed recently and likely came to a culmination last month. December, for you, is all about taking stock, reframing, pausing, and getting grounded in your daily routines, your close relationships, and at work. If you are feeling low and insecure, reflect on all this year’s accomplishments, especially around how you craftily earned money, when you connected to work that you love doing, and all the spaces you experienced security in your life… By reflecting and naming the wonderful ways you’ve stepped into your power and abundance this year, you can grow more seeds of abundance in the coming year by engaging a core tenet of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Releasing the final bits of relational and/or emotional debris at the full moon will serve you well to make space for new commitments connected to work, health, and security that the 7 of Pentacles is echoing. This card is asking you to prune your personal garden, plant new seeds that embody long-term goals for 2023 at the new moon, and get focused and ready with a plan for all that you will commit to bringing in during 2023.
Astro Snapshot:
Your achievements will be recognized dear Pisces! You work so hard, often behind the scenes, and can sometimes get lost in the backstage of your own vivid imagination where the world is a kinder and gentler are comfortable there. But this month you’re lifted out of the fog as Neptune goes direct in your sign on 12/3, and the sun hits your 10th house of public recognition and career. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th facilitating productive communication between friends, family and co-workers, as well as opening new connections in your neighborhood of work and play. The sun moves into Capricorn on the Winter Solstice 12/21 putting you at the center of groups, networks, and in all likelihood charity in which you are doing your best work contributing to a larger cause than yourself. You thrive when you are in the flow, and your grand imagination is supported by the status quo…and that is where you are sure to find yourself this month dear Mer-person!
Check out The Mirrored Lantern on Instagram for magick, tarot, and astro insights! If you are in Los Angeles and are interested in seeking professional psychotherapy services, DM Kerstin @themirrroredlantern to connect about seeking sliding scale Telehealth psychotherapy sessions with her as a pre-licensed integrative psychotherapist, focusing on Depth & Jungian Psychology.
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Throughout history, the name Cupid, or Eros, has been synonymous with romance, desire, and playful mischief. This cherubic archer, often depicted as a winged boy with a bow and quiver full of arrows, has roots far deeper than modern Valentine’s Day iconography. Originating in ancient mythology, Cupid’s story intertwines love and fate, often with dramatic and unexpected consequences. But who exactly is Cupid, and what is the lore behind this mischievous god of love?
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