February 2020 Horoscopes

January 29, 2020 0 Comments

February 2020 Horoscopes

February 2020 Horoscopes

Monthly horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


Welcome to your February 2020 overview!
Now that we’ve made it through January’s intense period of eclipses, it's safe to say that this month is going to be a bit calmer. The month kicks off with Mercury entering into the watery sign of Pisces. This is likely to bode well for the minds of poets and artists. For those of you in a creative workspace, you will enjoy this transit. However, Mercury in Pisces tends to focus more on the emotions rather than the words. Come mid-month on the 17th Mercury will go retrograde for three weeks until March 10th of this year. Mind you; the shadow period can be felt roughly a week prior. I find a retrograde through Pisces to be much more challenging than some of the other signs. Watch out for scams and suspicious characters. If something seems too good to be true, it just might be. Ask questions, get the whole story. The bright side of this transit is Mercury’s ability to speak to us on a very psychic wavelength. Angel numbers, dreams, and other cosmic messages from the universe are likely to be very common all month long. 
Venus enters into the fiery sign of Aries, spicing up love lives just in time for St. Valentine's day. People are likely to be more impulsive and fierce when it comes to love. With it’s the connection to Chiron, the 7th -14th is extra special and makes way for passionate love and sexual healing. I imagine there will be lots of lusty gifts and red lingerie going around this year. The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Leo on the 9th, bringing drama and true love front and center. Playtime, as well as creative time, becomes especially important. Children may become hot topics for some, while others are just getting back on the dating scene. Mars enters into the steadfast sign of Capricorn on the 16th, lending an extra helping hand to complete projects. Mars will spend several weeks here and become exceptionally strong in the months ahead. Workloads and office responsibilities can seem more cumbersome than usual. 
On the 18th, the Sun enters into Pisces. Over the next month, we are likely to feel more emotional than usual. Everyone reacts differently to this energy than others. Some may find themselves seeking spirituality, while others opt for seclusion. Regardless, take this time to observe how you feel. Keep a dream journal, and log the symbolism because this cycle is likely to be very active for the subconscious mind. Hypnotism or regressions may be favored this month. Headlines about the ocean, sea levels, and overall health of our planet are likely to emerge. I imagine new studies or numbers will surface. The New moon in Pisces on the 23rd is a time to shine a light on specific spiritual matters. While it will take place in different houses for each of you, it will all achieve the same goal; to invite you to co-create with the universe. Look for cosmic messages from the 23rd to the 26th. It most likely will come to you strangely and unusually. The point is to let you know you're protected and looked after. When you get the message, please be sure to smile and thank your spirit guide team. They’re aiding a redirection going on in your life. 


Dates to Note:
  • February 3-  Mercury enters Pisces
  • February 7-  Venus enters Aries
  • February 9-  Full Moon in Leo
  • February 16-  Mars enters Capricorn
  • February 17-  Mercury retrograde in Pisces begins 
  • February 18- Sun enters Pisces
  • February 23- New Moon in Pisces
  • February 25- Sun conjunct Mercury in Pisces
To make the most of my astrological forecast, read your ascendant sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. Don't know your natal placements? Check out a free birth chart calculator online, or schedule a reading with me! 
Tarot Card: Knight of Wands- A youthful fire sign, a messenger of sorts. Exciting news coming.
A very social month is on the horizon. Your 11th house of friendships is very powerful this month, and you’ll likely get invitations from out of the blue. Reconnections with old friends are possible. If you have meant to make some quality time for someone special, do so. Mercury’s retrograde may have you feeling pulled in opposite directions. On the one hand, you may prefer more downtime and rest. On the other hand, friends may be requesting your presence. Be mindful of your communications if you do decide to pass. Checking out and not communicating with another is likely to cause unnecessary grief. Romantic or dramatic situations may come to a head around the time of the full moon. Children and creative projects seem extra important. Exploring spiritual or metaphysical subjects is encouraged this month. Consider dropping in on a meditation class, pick up a book on spirituality, or consider getting a past life regression. What you uncover is likely to surprise you. 
Tarot Card: Temperance- Finding balance in situations. Patience. Alchemy. 
You've got quite a bit going on this month. It's important to pace yourself and not spread yourself too thin. There's a full moon taking place in your house and home sector, suggesting there may be significant changes on the home-front. Some of you may be preparing to move, while others have conflict within the family. Regardless of what happens, ensure that your work schedule is in balance so you can handle all the changes at play. You will likely get emotionally overwhelmed this month. Be careful and thoroughly overlook anything you're working on for errors. It's not the ideal month to make any significant changes in your career, as Mercury’s retrograde doesn't necessarily provide stability. The same goes for launching a new business or project, hold off until the end of March. If you can, find constructive ways to organize or strategize when it comes to your work flow. Use the new moon to set goals for the future. Ask a friend for some helpful advice. Come March; you will have a better idea of if where you’re currently at is working for you or not. 
Tarot Card:  2 of coins- Getting ahold of a financial situation. Finding the necessary balance. 
Keep an eye on all of your electronics and gadgets. Your ruler, Mercury, is about to go retrograde and may have a substantial effect on you. There's a possibility that something may require a fix or update. You need to be mindful of the retrograde, and not make major electronic or vehicle purchases after the 16th of this month. If you must, then I highly recommend doing so next month after the 10th. Now is an excellent time to be asking yourself if you need to brush up on any particular set of skills to enhance your career status. Is there a workshop or course that you can take that would help you shine in your professional field? Reviewing topics of education, documents, and travel is likely all month long. If you are someone, who travels for work, double-check any departure times, and ensure you arrive early. Mercury retrograde is likely to cause some delays. If you’re working on applying for a new position, this may be delayed until March. Keep a lookout for other opportunities that may come your way. 
Tarot Card:  6 of coins- A position of support, good financial news coming to you. 

This is the month to get on the same page financially with a partner. This may be romantic or professionally speaking. The full moon shines a light on what it is you need to feel secure. If you’ve had a situation where either you or a partner were reliant on each other, it’s is likely to come to ahead. Bosses may expect more and not necessarily want to pay more, and partners may come up short on bills. The beautiful thing is you are solid, and support is near. Use the Mercury retrograde to come up with a plan. This may be to pay off a credit card or propose a bonus system to create an incentive at work. The new moon will have you pursuing travel or spiritual pursuits. If there is a place you’ve dreamed of going, do your research first. If you’re considering applying for a program or attending a retreat, ensure you can afford it. Seek something affordable, research options, and plan for later this year. 

Tarot Card:  The Lovers- Options, choices, and decisions in love. 
Your role in relationships will be tested this month. The full moon has you reflecting on your self-image in some way. This may take the form of your body language or actions. It's an excellent time to debut a new hairstyle or update your look in some way. You may catch yourself being more critical of your physical body, but I assure you, you look great! All eyes are on you. Others are likely to have a considerable amount of admiration for you. Bonded relationships will deepen, while those in the early stages may decide to commit further. Mind you, that is IF someone is truly meant for you. Remind yourself that you are only in control of yourself, not others. If flare-ups take place in relationships, use this as an opportunity to communicate more clearly. Allow others to feel safe in expressing their thoughts and make way for clarity. The second half of this month will show you exactly where you stand with another person. If you’re feeling insecure with a connection, you’re likely to cut it off and move to greener pastures.  
Tarot Card:  The Hermit- Personal discovery, knowing one's inner self. 
Your ruler Mercury is going retrograde this month on the 17th until the 10th of March. Don’t panic; there is always a positive use for retrogrades. You’re likely to come upon either a bonus unexpected financial upswing. Someone may want to give you a beautiful gift or invest in a business idea. Your intuition is likely to be a bit stronger than usual. Pay close attention to intuitive “feelings” that come about, and you may be on to something. Intimacy and topics that are taboo may come about. If there’s a need to go deeper with a partner, as yourself if you are ready? The second half of the month is likely to shake up your schedule. If you’ve meant to clean out an office or refine your eating habits, now is the time. Finally, make those doctors' appointments if you're overdue. Some of you may have literal work relocations. This may feel a bit chaotic and disorganized, so when it happens, just breathe. I promise you it’s only temporary. 
Tarot Card:  Knight of Cups- Emotional exchanges. New romances. A youthful water sign. 
Things can’t be all work and no play. You’re coming out of several weeks of heaviness. You’re overdue for a bit of fun. I’d like you to use this month as an opportunity to find a better sense of balance — both socially, as well as health-wise. Your schedule is likely to be shifting due to mercury’s retrograde. This is an excellent time to block out time to ensure you’re not overworking. Make time to get back to the gym, start a new exercise program, or schedule an overdue doctor's appointment. It is equally important you are taking time to experience and create JOY. Maybe you would like to take up a new hobby or enjoy some lounge time and video games. Whatever it is, let yourself relax and participate in whatever brings you happiness. For those of you looking for love, Venus is heating things up in Aries. Friendships may be changing around the full moon. Some friends will go while new connections will say hello. Spend time with like-minded people; it's going to give you a sense of purpose. 
Tarot Card:  Page of cups- New budding connections. Flirting. Water sign child. 
Look for significant events in the home or work sphere this month. One arena is likely to affect the other and has you pulled in both directions. You may be taking on a whole new role or responsibility. Opening a new business in the first two weeks of the month will go smoothly if this is a goal. Some of you will find yourselves discussing the topics of children, and the responsibilities connected to them. If you have been considering expanding your family, this month is an excellent time to plan with a partner. For others this may be tending to creative projects, going back and reworking bits to add your own personal touch. The new moon can be a tender time bringing you opportunities to experience true love and passion. Those of you looking for someone special may find an immediate connection. Allow yourself to get swept up in the romance and be in the moment. Hold off on any serious commitments with someone until the retrograde is over. 
Tarot Card:  Ace of Cups- Positive emotions, cup runneth over. 
This will be a month of mental breakthroughs. If you’ve found yourself in a bit of a fog, things are about to become apparent. The Sun and mercury are highlighting your communication sector. If there are important meetings to be had or documents to be signed, do so PRIOR TO THE 17TH! Mercury will slow this process down afterward and create some mishaps. The sooner in the month, you get this done, the better, due to the shadow period a week beforehand. Sometimes the shadow period can be just as challenging as the mercury retrograde itself. Word to the wise, same goes for purchasing a vehicle or moving to a new neighborhood. Hold off on making any big decisions to relocate until next month. There can be some situations where siblings are in need, lend a helping hand when and if you can. Learning a new language or picking up a new book is highly encouraged this month, you’re in a new frame of mind. The full moon is inviting you to nurture your spiritual side. Enjoy! 
Tarot Card:  5 of swords- Change is part of your life, don’t resist. 
Unexpected expenses are possible this month. If you find yourself facing a challenging budget situation, or taking on a considerable cost, don’t fret. The Mercury retrograde in your area of finances is likely happening for the better. You get an opportunity to reassess both your literal and personal values. Be mindful and take note of how other people engage with you. Do you feel valued, or always spreading yourself too thin? The full moon will be a time to do away with negative spending habits and reassessing ways to get ahead financially. Fears and secrets are likely to be faced. Creating lists and accounting of everything proves to be extra helpful, so get it out all on paper. Apps that help manage or organize finances are encouraged to be used. Mid-month, you have Mars in your sign, sparking feelings of desire. You’ll need an outlet for all your energy, or you’re likely to be edgy. Go for a hike and blow off any extra steam. 
Tarot Card:  The High Priestess- Tuning in to your intuition, visions. 
This is your solar return month. The Sun will be shining a light on you the first two weeks giving you an extra boost and sense of confidence. The full moon will be packing quite the punch in your opposite sign, Leo. Decisions in love and commitment will be taking place. I encourage those of you who have experienced fears or past trauma to communicate them to your partners this month. This is a key step in helping you open up and trusting others. Holding onto all of these feelings will only have you feeling further backed into a corner. Mercury will gift you an opportunity to review all of the ways you limit yourself and breakthrough these habits. Your finances are likely to experience fluctuations, or money may be lost/ misplaced. If you are entering into a borrowing or lending type of arrangement, I encourage you to do so before the 17th. Financial matters can become confusing after that date. Listen to your body, and ask yourself if things seem like a good idea or not, trust your own inner guidance. 
Tarot Card:  The Fool- New beginnings in life, new opportunities. 
Pay extra close attention to matters of health this month. Your horoscope suggests the need to take time to heal or relax. There’s a full moon taking place in your sector of health, which may bring up a health or work-related issue. It could very well be that time away from work due to a cold or flu creates challenges. Some of you are realizing there are a few necessary changes that need to take place when it comes to your habits. Whatever it is, the moon will allow you to identify what the issues are and make the appropriate changes. Mercury is retrograding in your sign, creating some hurdles with self-expression. There is going to be a period at the end of the month where you seek downtime to meditate. Enjoy your moments of peace. By next month you’re feeling as good as new. The conjunction of your Sun and Mercury around your birthday suggests all of 2020 will be about redefining yourself. 


Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

with. Friendships may be at a crossroads. If you feel the need to expand socially, look into joining a group or association. Networking can bring in powerful new friendships and business contacts. 

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