January 27, 2023 0 Comments
February greetings to all, and happy solar return wishes to Aquarius and early Pisces folks! Below are your intuitive tarot readings by me, coupled with insightful astro snapshots by Sera. Both tarot and astro horoscopes are per sign for the month ahead. There is also a card for the Collective, which you can use in conjunction with your personal tarot card to create a more robust narrative around what is calling your attention during this monthly cycle, or as a clarifier to your zodiac’s card.
Tarot Highlights:
To get the most out of these Horoscopes, please read them based off of your Ascendant/ Rising sign, as these are the signs that are the basis of our monthly breakdowns. Your Ascendant sign is the sign of the Zodiac which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time, date & location of our birth, and it provides us with a much more individualized view of our personal astrology. If you do not yet know your Rising Sign, feel free to find it here: Chart Drawing, Ascendant. All you will need is the closest possible time, date & location of your birth. For those not able to find an accurate Rising Sign, you can secondarily read these horoscopes by your Sun sign and thirdly by your Moon sign.
Stay tuned for the Celestial Insights blog to see what the stars have to say, along with lunar magick offerings…
Here are your tarot + astro messages. I suggest reading your rising and sun signs:
The overall energetic message for this month that you can use to expand and clarify your personal card reading is: The 8 of Swords, known as Interference in the Thoth deck.
At first inspection of this card, there is a magenta background with red, jagged geometric shapes underneath 6 various-shaped short swords, each with a unique curve, blading, and handle. Over the top of these 6 horizontal swords are 2 vertical swords that are long, thin, and identical, creating somewhat of a grid. The glyph for Jupiter (expansion) is perched at the top and the glyph for Gemini (communication) at the bottom.
This card is from the realm of Hod = Splendor and relates to solar (masculine) consciousness. This card highlights themes of intellectualizing, analyzing, and using logic. However, there is a sense of frantic energy in this card, like being in survival mode. The grid feels confining, and there is a sense of restraint and contraction, like something deep inside the psyche is trying to emerge and express or bring awareness and insight.
The signature of Jupiter in Gemini in this 8 card is a process of expanding communication and thinking. Gemini can “split” energy into dual forces, so Jupiter, who wants to shower luck and benevolence and join gets confused and essentially restrained by the splitting. You can fall into fantasy in this space, particularly a masochistic fantasy (or perhaps OCD “pure O” as we call it when one has solely mental compulsions by way of intrusive thoughts).
If you feel scattered or constrained, explore how you can expand out of your compact comfort zone. These short swords are like constrained/short thoughts or ideas that are limiting you from expanding into understanding the whole picture, as well is dissolving your trust in yourself (and others). There is a cold sense of over-analyzation in survival mode that can be soothed with warm creativity and imagination.
The overall vibe is lack of persistence; short-changing or halting yourself from full exploration and therefore wisdom and knowledge. Communicate with all of your parts, be curious, explore, expand. Jupiter promotes growth, so the potential is there if you can remain curious and not be tricked or hijacked by this small but mighty handful of short, restless thoughts.
Keywords: constricted thinking, limited ideas, circular thinking, intrusive thoughts, scattered, overly analytical, mental survival mode, victim mentality, lack of persistence, not seeing whole picture / expand possibilities, collect new ideas, creative thinking, trust in yourself, making choices and sticking to them.
We made it through last month’s Karmic Capricorn Season, and now we welcome the Aquarian muses of change and innovation. February has everyone dreamweaving their perfect romantic partner into frame with Valentines Day coming up, and the Leo Full Moon on ⅖ moves the spotlight to where yours is standing. This doesn’t mean you’ll have the ideal partner at your side, but it does mean that you at least spot them in the field like the playful lion crouched and stalking. Mercury in Aquarius on 2/11 encourages eccentricity and innovation. How do you allow your unique voice to sing its favorite song, and if partnered or single, can you allow that honest and maybe not so polished part of you to be loved and cherished by another? Sun enters Pisces and Venus enters Aries on 2/18 and our quirky and childlike aspects are shaped and refined by the transformative song of Piscean Sirens, and the pounding hooves of Neptune's oceanic horses. This allows us to step into a flow state. Journey into your own subconscious by surrendering to song, to rhythm, to free flowing creativity, journaling, or deep visionary meditation. The heart is on fire and spontaneous erotic sparks attract or re-ignite a passionate flame for a romantic adventure. This might take you into what feels like a new plane of transcendent connection, as if the Mists of Avalon have descended and magical soul truths sparkle like fireflies in your Lover's eyes. Or perhaps you meet your soulmate in an actual dream. One thing is for sure, and that is that February will reset and update your Love Program to align with the blooming version of you that was revealed through the Karmic work of January. Let the Aquarian Star of trust, fertility and renewal shine brightly upon you as the flaming arrows of Cupid light your alchemical fire. Time to bring that future self, future love, future liberation into the present!
This is how diamonds are made
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Aries is really feeling new cycle energy so far, and you may also feel very transitional at this time, especially in one or more relationships… The Lovers card came in, but I also want to note the 3 of Cups stuck out a bit. The Lovers speaks to Gemini energy of duality and seeing all sides, sacred choices, reciprocity, vulnerability, and total honesty. The Lovers are the same pair from The Devil, where they are chained by obsessions, compulsions, addictions, and lower vibrational energy. In their high vibration alongside a fire angel (Rafael, perhaps), they are invited to openly communicate and negotiate the bond or agreement that they are co-creating. This may be a partner—be it romantic, business, or otherwise. I also liken this card to notice where we are mirroring others and being mirrored/reflected to… Who sees us and truly understands us? Are we able to be vulnerable with the person in mind? Likewise, how do we project our shadow onto others? Who keeps projecting onto us? Get really raw and real in Feb, Aries! This may be with a close friend since 3 of Cups popped out. I always tell my clients, “Awareness is the medicine!”
Astro Snapshot:
February is likely to feel like the actual beginning of the year for you, as your calendar fills up with social and community events, and new friends and business associates come bearing gifts! Not traditional physical gifts, but gifts of connection…think of when 2 wires are connected to illuminate a lightbulb. The Full Moon in Leo on ⅖ inspires you to burst forth in passionate and romantic gesture…perhaps this is when your Valentine becomes your muse. When the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18 it’s time to dip into dreamland and re-imagine the battlefield. Time to throw in the towel for any fights or recurring disagreements that have begun to wear you down. Aries rarely gives up a fight, but here the opportunity is found in shifting from the untrained street fighter to the fearless and graceful samurai. New Moon Pisces and Venus entering your sign on 2/20 plant seeds for a new cause to fight for. It is your brave heart which always brings you into battle dear Aries, and this month you may find yourself leveling up for love.
Tarot Card: Knight of Pentacles
Taurus folks may be focusing slowly but steadily on transitioning out of a job or way to make money this month, or at least are focusing on money and work. The encouragement of this card is to take slow, steady, deliberate movements toward your goal, along with hard work, persistence, and diligence. This is a card of gentle guardedness, as this knight slowly and cautiously trots with their horse holding the pentacle, not a weapon. They are focused on this goal, while also remaining patient. Staying steady on your course and noticing where and with whom you feel loyalty, trust, and stability along the way are all important explorations for you this month. Trust the process, Taurus.
Astro Snapshot:
Your consistent hard work pays off this month Taurus! Prepare to receive accolades and or a promotion, or long awaited opportunity in your career as the Aquarian Sun lights up your 10th House of achievements. On ⅖ the Leo Full Moon your Lion’s pride of loved ones will inspire you to nest and nurture your chosen family. When Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 11th you should receive good news or resolution regarding your career path. New opportunities, collaborative projects and partners show up when the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, and by 2/20’s New Moon in Pisces and Venus entering Aries you may find that the dream you’ve been cultivating brings in or ignites a love flame based on shared cooperative effort in the theme of “If you build it they will come”. The separation of Church and State are dissolved at least for a moment, and in this window of time a new reality may be born.
Tarot Card: Ace of Pentacles
I feel like a lot of Geminis have been focused on new work, similar to Taurus, but Taurus is in the process, and you are about to start something, perhaps through a job offer, sending some resumes out, or getting new clients rolling in for the work you already do. It feels like a new agreement that will be very rewarding, and not necessarily different from what you’ve been doing, but more advanced. Some may be going back to something you haven’t done or worked on in a long time, and you are ready to start it back up again. Aces are seeds of potential, so name what you want to bring in, name what job/role/client/gig you want, and then water that seed through active participation in what you desire. There is a new beginning coming in this month, or at least sprouting, so take that opportunity! This is divine timing.
Astro Snapshot:
There’s little you love more than to learn a new thing Gemini! You’re in luck this month as the lessons come with a new teacher, course, school, or spiritual practice. A door will open to a path that may have seemed too impractical or just plain strange. This month the intellect expands into playfulness when the big hearted Full Leo Moon on ⅖ opens your 3rd house of mind and matter. Let the mind embrace feline curiosity and lead you through the illuminating Doors of Perception. Mind expansion is par for the course. The Sun enters Pisces on 2/18 opening up new possibilities on your career path. It could be a bit Alice in Wonderland as you start to realize that your infinite creative wanderlust can replace a straight and narrow career path with an enchanted winding garden of your favorite flowers. 2/20 brings a New Moon in Pisces and Venus moving into Aries which will lead you to collaborative friends and possibly lovers that help you to rewrite your story in alignment with who you are now.
Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles
Cancers, you have been working on something hard and/or passionately, and you will start to reap the abundance fruits in February! This feels similar to Taurus and Gemini, but in your case, you have reached the culmination and end of the busting-your-ass journey, and are flush in cash, abundance, and/or prosperity—whatever that means to you. This earth queen follows through on all of her duties, is a master at work/life balance, and represents a strong sense of security, comfort, and success. There is wealth in all forms and directions, here… This may also be a person, likely a prosperous earth femme, showing up to assist you in work, getting work, or financial/material/health security. Whatever you’ve been cooking up in the pentacles kitchen is sure to be an abundant feast! Claim it.
Astro Snapshot:
The tide is turning Cancer. Expect deep transformation this month as the Aquarian Sun rises into your 8th house, bringing both a shedding of the skin you’ve outgrown, as well as a shift in your finances in alignment with the seeds you’ve been sewing for the next rain, or lack thereof. But not to worry whether gain or loss, as the Leo Full Moon on 2/5 in your 2nd house illuminates new resources and channels of wealth and income aligned with the talents you have to offer the world. The sun moving into Pisces on the 18th is likely to stir up your wanderlust and light a fire urging you to explore new places, foreign ideas, religions and cultures, as well as planning outdoor adventures. The 2/20 New Moon combined with Venus moving into Aries pulls a volcanic lava flow into your deep waters, and this is how new earth is created in the pure emotional source of water. Whatever you plant upon this new earth is sure to grow into a fruitful source of abundance in the next year if you simply hold steady to your dream.
Tarot Card: 6 of Wands
Success! Your hard work, collaboration, flexibility, and possibly negotiation/mediator skills have paid off… Some project or situation connected to home, community, or passion work is successful, and you will get some recognition on some meaningful level this month. Sixes are cards of service, and the fire 6 is about achievement through connection. It’s a personal victory, but the support and collaboration of others is what holds you up high, they are the ones doing the recognizing. The advice is to take initiative, take up space, use your voice, combine drive and desire to get things done, and cheer for others, too, especially if connected to community or family.
Astro Snapshot:
The month starts off with a bombastic Leonine fire of passion with the Full Moon in your sign on ⅖. You will be fully grounded in your body, and decked with royal robes, as a golden charismatic flame waltzing through the party. The Sun and Mercury move into Aquarius between 2/11 and 2/18 and it is most certainly a time to be careful what you wish for, as you are likely to receive it with the Full Moon supercharge of charm and grace given to you on the 5th. On 2/20 the New Moon in Pisces and Venus entering Aries place the focus upon the forbidden fruit in the garden of your imagination. This can play out in the form of temptation to embrace something or someone which enchants you. Please remember dear Leo that it is you whom wears the crown, and you whom holds the truest jewel inside of your burning Lionheart. Make sure whatever you begin stalking on or near the 20th is as pure as you. There is a very real opportunity to find an unlikely travel partner, a philosophical friend, or even a temporary Guru who leads you into new territory…think of a lion who learns to swim to meet that beautiful siren call from oceans deep. Proceed with caution and detachment and a whole new world opens up for you this month.
Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles
Virgos, February will—or should!— feel luxurious to you… Like many other signs, your hard work has paid off and you are feeling independently wealthy, in whatever way “independent wealth” means to you. This could be starting your own business, working solo and killing it, being more grounded in your self-love, a deeper connection to nature, or a major turning point in your physical health. This is a card about chosen independence, self-reliance, and stability and peace after LOTS of hard work. It advises to remember to pause and take breaks to smell the flowers, hang with animals, retreat from work—you are safe! You are stable! You can enjoy yourself and take time to reflect. You are still getting used to prosperity and security and the freedom they bring, and that’s ok, just remember to treat yo’ self.
Astro Snapshot:
Welcome to your comfort zone Virgo…the month begins with the Aquarius sun illuminating your native 6th house of routine, service, health, and work. There will be new solutions and innovations revealed in those devilish details you happen to love so much, revealing even more refinement and ease of workflow in your life. The ⅖ Full Moon in Leo may splash you into your discomfort zone of the unconscious, blurred lines, and foggy dreams…but worry not, for this is all in the service of greater clarity! Sometimes you do not look under the surface of your own desires and motivations as you prefer more rational direct information. But, when you see what’s under the surface you can address the root of any blockages or wounds which may be preventing you from living your greatest life. The sun moving into Pisces on 2/18 brings partnerships and balance to the forefront. Healing the divide between you and your beloved or healing yourself to make room for a new beloved are of primary importance when Pisces New Moon and Venus moving into Aries highlight the Heavens. Make a list of an ideal balanced relationship and invite that reality into your life.
Tarot Card: The Chariot
As mentioned last month, this is a collective Chariot year, and on a more granular level for you, Libras, February is a Chariot month. Some of you may be traveling, getting a new car/something to do with your current car, or are blasting off in a new direction regarding a goal. There is a sense of combining forces within this card, whether that’s a partnership or inner forces, but there is some sort of joining to work smarter not harder, and to really get momentum going for this dream or desire. The guidance of this card also involves confronting fears and facing challenges, as there are rewards in taking that path. Lastly, engage willpower, ambition, and focus to stay the course! You are making movement, and there is always growth in that.
Astro Snapshot:
You will have plenty of opportunities this month to do what you are best at…that is harmonizing! The Sun in Aquarius activates your 5th house which heightens your already irresistible charm, and adds a convivial warmth to your communication style. This will be extra potent on 2/11 when Mercury enters Aquarius and you find yourself on the soapbox sharing fresh new ideas and insights. The 2/5 Full Moon in Leo shines a light on friends, allies, and supportive community members who believe in your dreams.
When the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18 be ready from some benefic transformation..anything that’s been muddying the waters of your well will be revealed and healed. The Piscean New Moon on 2/20 with Venus entering Aries brings you back to your super power of creating harmony in relationships. You will easily see anything hidden in your own depths or your partners which is preventing union, and be able to burn out the obstacles with a fervent torch of passion and curiosity. You are conducting the symphony this month, Libra.
Tarot Card: Knight of Swords
Outer communication and internal thoughts are going to be very alive for you in Feb, Scorpios… The Collective card coupled with the Knight of Swords is highlighting this overarching theme. For some, this is boosting you to speak up, share your truth, and ambitiously tell people what you want and who you are. For others, keeping a narrow focus will limit and constrain you leading to an explosive outburst if you keep tamping a thought down or suppressing your voice. The Knight of Swords offers confidence in speaking your truth and defending yourself, but this knight also has a sharp sword that can deeply wound. “Watch” your words in your mind before all ears hear them… If you find yourself speaking defensively, pause, and say, “I need a moment to think about this…” and take a beat. There is some opportunity for growth and connection if you can bust out of old norms of intense defensiveness. Lastly, engage ambition and drive energetically, but be sure you are verbally in balance. Figure out how to get what you want without piercing someone via words. For all: Remember that just because you are thinking it, does not make it true.
Astro Snapshot:
The month starts off with a push and pull between home life and work, Scorpio. Your going to want to keep your stinger coiled tightly when the Full Moon in Leo on 2/5 brings praise, notoriety, and maybe even a raise in your career sector…but your family and home may be needing extra attention and nurturing care from you at this time. Be sure to share your heart, and not just your hard earned material gifts with your loved ones. It may take time to convince your family why you have chosen a certain path this month, but when the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18 you will find yourself imbued with extra charisma and a bold warm heart that magnetizes any who doubt you right into orbit around your blazing light. Your creativity is on 11 as the New Moon in Pisces rises with Venus moving into Aries. Whatever seeds you plant now will require loving, diligent care to properly manifest in alignment with your vision…but if they do receive what they need, you will have a little Paradise Garden beginning to sprout up in a couple of weeks.
Tarot Card: The World
After some mental wringing out, possible conflict/confrontation, or at least just being SUPER heady in January, there is a massive karmic closure, Sag friends. The World is the culmination of all the work, lessons, experiences, and relationships you journeyed through, and now you are at a pinnacle of completion laced with success. Several signs had this card last month, so you may have been on the coattails of some others’ journeys, and now you are at your unique culmination point this month. This may feel like an ending, whether that’s good or bad for you, but know that there is a sacred, hard reset happening, and you are given permission to finally release something/someone/somewhere that no longer serves your life purpose. Overall, there is a massive achievement in individuation and personal wholeness that you well deserve! Embrace it and prepare to enter the Fool’s door soon!
Astro Snapshot:
Your curious mind is a burning torchlight carried through uncharted lands, foreign temples, and learning institutions this month! You will be eager to share all that you are learning when the Full Moon in Leo activates your 3rd house of communication and writing. Wanderlust is on the menu…don’t be afraid of short impulsive trips in the first half of the month…for they will be adventurous and educational. By 2/18 the Sun enters Pisces grounding you back down to home, family, and nurturing the hearth fire. The New Moon in Aquarius and Venus moving into Aries on 2/20 has you in a playful exploratory mood with siblings and neighbors, as well as adding extra charm and magnetism to your already sparkling demeanor. This could activate some passionate flames of romantic adventure. Don’t be afraid to play the fool…the gold is in the unexpected places you stumble into this month!
Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
The pentacles theme continues into Feb, Caps. There may be some work revisions you need to do, or extra work to complete a project or goal around financial work or health. Work is your forte, so that shouldn’t be too challenging, but what I would notice is if you are working in an avoidant way… Check in and be sure you are not slipping into an old pattern around escapism through work. If that is clear, then the general vibe of this card is to review and revisit work, and get into mastery mode. Fine-tune details, improve a skill or two, brush up on old ones—doing so will pay off in the future. Dedication, full-immersion in the task at hand, and commitment are all keywords for you this month!
Astro Snapshot:
Money matters start the month off with taking stock of your investments, financial resources, and perhaps shifting some of those around to increase or decrease your liquidity ratio. The Leo Full Moon on the 5th may bring unexpected changes in finance and security…especially in cases where one of your resources belongs to another person or institution. With the Aquarian Sun illuminating your 2nd house of possessions, wealth, and investment, you can be assured that any unsettling changes are meant to push you deeper into independent wealth, and free up emotional attachments to material security which prevent you from coming into full bloom. Sometimes we find new talents, or refine and hone in on the ones which can bring us more abundance when we get challenged. There is no loss, only adjustment to help you flourish in the long run. By 2/18 when the Sun moves into Pisces you’re ready to rethink your immediate environment, and who and how you communicate with on a regular basis. Communication is energy, and the Saturnian leader needs to make sure all their expressed energy aligns with the master plan. The New Moon in Pisces and Venus moving into Aries on 2/20 puts you in touch with fresh and renewed dreams about your ideal home, the nurturing care within it, and the emotional and sensual satisfaction derived from it. Less is more this month and every resource should provide long term nourishment and sustainable growth.
Tarot Card: The World
Last month was a cycle closure around thoughts and communication that had a less-than-easy feel, and now in Feb, you will be able to use the wisdom from that pain or difficulty to see the full picture of what you are learning about yourself or a role you have in this world. Speaking of: your card (like Sag this month, and many last month) is The World, signifying a massive close, reset, and incoming renewal, but all in an empowering positive light. Karmic lessons have been worked through and closed, and now you can experience fulfillment, success, and wholeness on so many levels. Use the wisdom gleaned through the trials and tribulations of the recent past to inform how you will start to build a new foundation in the new chapter coming in, Aquarius friends! This month is your solar new year, so you are truly in rebirth energy!
Astro Snapshot:
Happy Birthday Dear Aquarius!! Tis the season of the Waterbearer with a cosmic gift of Mercury joining the sun in your sign on 2/11. As usual you will have a zillion unique and innovative ideas to save the world and wake everybody up! The Full Moon in Leo on the 5th will illuminate a partner in love, business, or creativity who is with you for the long haul and will help with your many humanitarian goals. Don’t be surprised if this friend or lover bounces into your life with some dramatic spectacle of Shakespearean requite! As the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18 and New Moon Pisces on 2/20 your focus will move to your resources, sensual pleasures, art and music. Whatever fire was lit on the full moon will play into what you want to cultivate in terms of creating a rich and abundant setting from which to seed your dreams. Wealth comes in many forms, and your home setting as an expression of you enables you to share your bounty and good taste with all whom you host. Venus transiting to Aries on 2/20 lights a fire between intellects which will in all likelihood be connected to whomever waltzed in on that Leo New Moon.
Tarot Card: Justice
Another major arcana, Pisces! There are big themes that have been cycling in your life, and this month is a focus on relationships, fairness, equality, and straight up justice. This is the Libra card, who loves to be the gentle diplomat, the even-steven, and in a low-vibe: tit-for-tat. But it serves to think about which relationships bring you balance, which ones are effortlessly balanced, and which ones take work. Also, if you feel slighted (or worse) in a relationship, bring that awareness front and center to your mind; internally advocate for yourself—try to resist the comfort of dissolving boundaries and fawning. Being present, confrontational yet compassionate, and honest will help close out an old pattern, or at the very least, encourage empowerment in yourself and therefore, in every relationship you are a part of. There’s a sense of judgement similar to that major arcana card, but justice is what happens after the judging takes place. It’s about action and participation. Cause/effect + truth/consequences.
Astro Snapshot:
If you build it they will come. Sometimes the cosmic movements send you back into the depths of subconscious imagination to find raw materials for the next grand vision. You are no stranger to this territory Pisces, but you may find it extra challenging to walk on land for the first half of the month. The Leo Full Moon on ⅖ inspires practical and diligent routines to keep the hearth burning as you wander through the hinterlands. There are both ghosts and gold down there, and you’ll know just what to do through each passage. For you are by nature the ultimate psychopomp, and have one fish to lead you down, and another to bring you back up to the sun. Whale sounds may align with you more than words until 2/18 when the sun enters your sign, and you are fully anchored back into the reality of your body. The New Moon on the 20th is the perfect time to turn the treasures you found in dreamland to focused manifestation seeds. This corresponds with Venus moving into Aries also on the 20th activating sensuality, art and pleasure. Romantic connections transcend reality and move into the territory of unfolding symphony and operatic drama…remember that life is a play, and each scene you find yourself in has been designed just for you to grow, flourish, and become!
Check out The Mirrored Lantern on Instagram for magick, tarot, and astro insights! If you are in Los Angeles and are interested in seeking professional psychotherapy services, DM Kerstin @themirrroredlantern to connect about seeking sliding scale Telehealth psychotherapy sessions with her as a pre-licensed integrative psychotherapist, focusing on Depth & Jungian Psychology.
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