Amaterasu: Deities & Demons

August 27, 2019 0 Comments

Amaterasu: Deities & Demons

Art: Amaterasu Omikami, Image from “Shinto Cocoro

 Deities & Demons


Shinto Goddess of the Sun, agriculture, peace, fertility, protection and ruler of the Takamagahara (the high celestian plain much like “Heaven.”)



  • Metals: Brass & Gold
  • Animals: Rooster, Crow, Pheasant, Raven.
  • Herbs & Plant MaterialsHeliotrope and Sandalwood
  • Dates: Celebrated on Litha and on December 22nd, the Tohji-Taisai
  • Months - August
  • Season - Summer
  • Planets & Stars: Sun
  • Candle colors: Yellow & Gold, the colors of the sun.



A word of notice: The belief that the Sun is to embody the masculine while the Moon is to be viewed as feminine is a concept held in many various pantheons and beliefs. The Shinto pantheon, amongst few others, do not view either the sun or moon to be completely associated with one or the other. Many of their deities take on aspects and roles that other pantheons may not. Amaterasu is the solar deity of Fertility, fertility being another aspect highly associated by the moon. She was warm, protective, loving and giving of life. When Amaterasu cast herself away into a cave, due to her younger brother Susanoo becoming overwhelmed with power, the other gods became stricken with an unbearable sadness, as she was the light that gave hope and joy to them all!

This makes Amaterasu one of the most important, if not most important Goddesses of the Shinto religion!



Goddess Gossip 

Amaterasu, meaning “Great Divininity Alluminating Heaven,” was formed from the left eye of her father, Izanagi. Izanagi, left Amaterasu to be in charge of essentially what is viewed as Heaven in the Shinto pantheon! She is also the goddess of peace, agriculture, fertility, and protection. While her spirit is relatively joyus, and loving, she is also a fierce warrior and protector of the lands, with her symbols being the bow & arrow, and her sword “the Kusanagi no Tsurugi.”

Her other symbols are the pearl necklace, which was bestowed upon her from her father and her magick mirror (Yata no Kagami), which we will talk more about in the ritual bellow. 

Amaterasu is the ONLY Supreme Goddess in all of the religions and pantheons! What does this mean? Essentially it means that her roles and her position made her just as important as any male deity regarded, in any pantheon! Obviously we know this is also just the Patriarchal system that’s been instilled, as there are plenty of Goddesses who deserve the title of Supreme! Either way this makes Amaterasu one hell of a Goddess and definite feminist icon!

We see the importance that Amaterasu held over the Shinto as the memorable “ rising sun “ flag is symbolic of this Goddess!


What I Love About Amaterasu:

Obviously I am obsessed. With her gender defying roles of being the goddess of the Sun, we gain the motivation to overcome our adversities or constructs that society lays upon us due to our be-it, gender, orientation or ethical backgrounds.

Amaterasu also holds literally so much power over people and other deities, and she rules such with love, poise and balance- another gender defying role as many cultures fear women in power far too much, insisting that women will rule with their emotions rather than practicality. *Eye roll* So this is a serious STAN for me on this incredible Goddess.


Altar Decor

  • Statues of the Sun, paintings or drawings will do just lovely as well!
  • Yellow, Gold and White Candles
  • Grain or rice as an offering,  inside a brass or gold offering dish/bowl would be great!
  • A magick mirror dedicated to Amaterasu 
  • Sandalwood oil
  • A special cloth, like silk

A Simple Ritual: Mirror Magick with Amaterasu

You’ll want the following items listed above for this ritual.

  • Start by anointing your candles with sandalwood oil.
  • On your altar, light your candles and place in the direction of the rising sun.
  • Grab the magick mirror you have decided to devote to Amaterasu. The mirror doesn’t need to be large, it can be small and compact, but I would prefer to use one with a handle.
  • Raise your magick mirror in the direction of the sun, and slowly draw your mirror down until it is reflecting the sky above. As you are pulling your mirror down, ask Amaterasu for inner strength to overcome a situation you are dealing with. Or, maybe you need the regenerative powers of the sun to heal an aspect of your mind & spirit. Whatever it is, Amaterasu will fill your mirror with hope, love and the power to fight! Note: you don’t need to point the mirror in the sun directly, as it will be capturing all of Amaterasu’s light from the sky.
  • Next, lift the mirror so that you are now looking right into it, right into the essence of Amaterasu. Focus on the intent and the power now embodying the mirror.
  • Cover your mirror with the cloth and place on your altar, pick this up again whenever you need to harness the strength of this Goddess again.
  • Give thanks to this Goddess by offering her the grain or rice you have brought for her, and calm your candles, allowing the Goddess to rest or continue her work elsewhere!!
amaterasu 1857 CE print by Utagawa Toyokuni III
Amaterasu emerging from self exile, print by Utagawa Toyokuni III, c. 1857 CE



Pogo of J Southern Studio is a Brujx living in Los Angeles, California who has been practicing various forms of divination, healing and spellwork for a greater part of the last decade. Their abilities and intuition come from a bloodline of healers that they walk in gratitude with daily. Read their bio here.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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