Horoscopes: August 2018

July 25, 2018 0 Comments

Horoscopes: August 2018

Horoscope August 2018
Monthly horoscopes at J. Southern Studio brought to you by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 

August 2018

This month there is a wave of retrograde energy at play. With six planets going retrograde plus Chiron, it’s a time to sit back and review. We are still coming off of the two eclipses in Cancer and Aquarius last month, so it’s expected for emotions to still be tender. I don’t often write about the significance of retrogrades unless of course, it’s a mercury retrograde. But this month a brief lesson may deem helpful. 
During a retrograde for those of us here on earth, a planet may appear to be moving backwards. While it may seem real, it’s an optical illusion. This is a result of the planet slowing down. Many people I speak with tend to freak out when they hear the word “retrograde”, but I am always quick to squash this reaction. I suppose it’s because most aren’t aware that we almost ALWAYS have a planet in some sort of retrograde motion. While closer orbiting planets like Mercury go retrograde often (3 times a year, usually), slower outer planets like Neptune or Pluto may retrograde for MONTHS. When a planet is not retrograde, it is considered direct. 
Obviously, we feel the retrogrades right? But it’s the ones that are closer to the Earth that may pack more of a punch, creating swift changes, and realizations. Those farther out in our solar system instill slow, steady self-realization. When a planet is turning inward, we experience the planet themes on a much more intense and internal level. The key to working with retrograde planets is to listen. The planet will speak it’s themes and lessons to you on a much more subtle, intuitive level. Any chaos or disarray is merely a response from us not paying attention. Tune into the subtle messages around you. A Neptune retrograde may teach you to pay close attention to your dreams, tackle an addiction, or become aware of any victim mentality. A Mars retrograde makes us more impatient, and more likely to snap at people while commuting home or argue with a neighbor. While Mercury going retrograde is going to be the devil on your shoulder screaming “READ THE FINE PRINT!” in a contract. 
Our lives don’t stop because of a retrograde. Remember retrograde is: 
Revisit, Revise, Remember, Rework, Reveal, and Review.
Ok now, back to our regular scheduled programming…
The first two weeks of August is packed full with a jolt of energy. We are still very much feeling the Mars Uranus square from the Aquarius eclipse last month on the 27th. It’s important to still slow your roll and not make way for hostility. Everyone is connected, the more we add fuel to the flames, the more others are likely to spar. On August 7, rebellious Uranus turns retrograde for the next five months. This is an incredible time to take a look at any sudden financial changes that have occurred since the beginning of the year. On an unconscious level, your value system may be shifting. It’s time to figure out the deeper meaning of why somethings have come and gone. 
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo is what really steals the show this month. Get ready to be clear about your creative passions and desires. Solar eclipses put things in motion and puts out a great deal of energy. It’s important to treat your body well, get lots of rest, and keep your schedule light in the off chance something changes suddenly. Leo is a fixed sign that represents the energy of the Sun, and our ego. If there’s an aching inside of you to create something and stamp your name on it, DO IT!
Shortly after the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 12th of August, Mars moves back into the sign of Capricorn for about a month to get some major work done. Mars was in this same place back in March of this year, so pick up where you left off then to complete something big!
Jupiter in Scorpio makes some nice watery trines to Neptune in Pisces on the 19th of August. This brings an emotional, dreamy, and psychic energy. This allows us to feel more generous, and compassionate for others for a period of a few days. It is important not to shoot down any dreams or aspirations because this transit can make dreams a reality in the future. Keep your confidence high, but your feet on the ground. The same day Mercury goes direct allowing communications to come back to normal. It’s almost as if the Mercury retrograde in Leo + the water trines were simply to assist in reconnecting to our selves. Ask us what we truly want, then encourage us to reach for the dream. The Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd, helping us get down to the details. This is a great time to get organized or pay better attention to our diets. The earth trines on the 25th of August ask you to come up with stable, and innovative ways to build something new. 
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th is abundant with trines, making the energy at play harmonious and yet surprisingly real for a Pisces Full Moon. The earth trines are still at play allowing us to consciously build our new reality. Any projects or creative endeavors launched now are likely to do very well. The only catch is the Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. This can be some eye-opening experiences in regards to our relationships or finances. It’s important to keep the balance in these areas. Last but not least, Mars stations direct and ends his retrograde in Capricorn/ Aquarius on August 27th. Anything you have been stalling on, now should and could move forward! It’s important to keep your eye on the prize. Just watch for being overly enthusiastic as Mercury squares Jupiter this same day. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. 
Hot Spots this month: 
  • Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus August 1st, 2018.
  • Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde August 7th- January 2019. 
  • Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 11th, 2018.
  • Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces, August 19th, 2018.
  • Mercury goes direct ending Mercury retrograde, August 19th, 2018.
  • Grand Earth Trine,  August 25th, 2018.
  • Full Moon in Pisces, August 26th, 2018.
  • Mars goes direct ending the Mars retrograde, August 27th, 2018
ARIES:  Ace of Wands - a new opportunity that inspires energy and enthusiasm.
Venus enters your partnership sector on the 7th of the month, giving you a romance or a social boost. If love is what you want, now is the time to go out and get it. Just be sure to check the drama at the door. Pay close attention to any relationships or business partnerships that feel a bit funky around the 9th, this is due to Venus square Saturn. This aspect brings a reality check, so it’s important to note what about this relationship is out of synch. With a Solar eclipse on the 11th lighting up your 5th house, romance, children, and creativity. You’re feeling passionate about something. Entertainment and childlike creativity are essential now. Mars goes retrograde back into your house of career mid-month. This is an excellent time to restructure or direct your professional goals. You have an opportunity to complete a major project, or a job application/ opportunity could circle back around. Around the end of the month on the 20th, you may receive an important message from your heart, pay close attention. Mercury is waking up and illuminating something significant. Later in the month, your physical health is where the focus is. This is an excellent time to make changes in your diet or start a new health regimen. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, this moon is joined Neptune and allows you for some downtime. You need some peace and quiet to meditate and reflect on whats gone on in August. Take a nap with some binaural beats or visit the beach to feel recharged. 
TAURUS:  The Chariot - willpower, total focus, determination.
Things are looking good on the work front. Relationships with coworkers or bosses deem harmonious and more peaceful than usual. You may be more likely to be getting crafty in the kitchen, so if you’re looking to blow off some steam consider trying a new recipe, or indulging in your sweet tooth. If you feel called or inspired to volunteer and help someone in need early in the month, do so. You’re more compassionate than usual and can easily donate clothes or time to something near and dear to your heart. The New Moon Solar eclipse is in your home sector, along with Mercury going retrograde. Time to put your head together with a partner or roommate to make the changes you crave. If moving is on the horizon, now is a time to start the search, or do a purge of everything in your house to prepare. Be extremely mindful of the retrograde and signing a lease until later in the month. The family may be having a bit of a crisis, so be careful how much of a helping hand you lend. All your energy needs to be reserved for the work you're doing out in the world career-wise. Mars is very active in your career sector. So you may be looking for a job online, or getting ready to launch your own business. I recommend waiting until September for this, that way you can use the Mars retrograde to brush up on educational or marketing skills before you make the jump. If a course or program calls your name, I'd consider looking into it. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, this helps you make some changes in the friendship department. If you’re feeling the call to let a friend go so be it, but don’t worry someone new is coming to take their place. 
GEMINI: The Wheel of Fortune - Ups and downs, the role of chance, Lady Luck.
You’re extra lucky in the first half of the month, you may want to take a chance on a project or pick up a lottery ticket. You never know when either situation might lead you to a jackpot. This is a month you feel more courageous and confident than usual, so make the most of it and enjoy yourself. With the New Moon, Solar eclipse and the retrograde in your 3rd house networking is the magic word. It’s important to connect with others and put yourself out there. This is also the house associated with studying or learning something new. Choose something that puts you on the map socially, but is still mentally stimulating. Mars is moving back again into your 8th house.  Now you have the opportunity to release anything that has tied you down, be that an old trauma or even a sexual partner. Get serious about your budget and focus on paying off any credit that you can. Shift into more into a sense of saving rather than spending an be mindful of your savings this month. Anytime after the 20th of August is ideal for wrapping up contracts or agreements before signing. Around the 24th of the month, you may be feeling the need to spruce your home up a bit. Look for teals or greens that create a healthy and harmonious atmosphere. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, and it's shining a light on your career. You may be feeling very positive and enthusiastic about projects or goals now. It's now you're starting to really see the bigger picture of what your ultimate career goals really are. Trust your intuition and know that you're moving in the right direction.
CANCER: Two of Wands- dreaming of better and bigger achievements.
Home is where the heart is this month. Whether this is spending time with family, or beautifying your home, pay extra close attention to your sacred space and how it makes you feel. You have an opportunity to clean up and get organized. So if you're seeking a little help don't hold off on hiring someone to make the necessary changes. Be that in terms of decoration or even a professional organizer. You're so deeply affected by your home that it may seem as if unless that's right, nothing else is really clear. Some of you may be looking to make plans to find a new home and analyzing your budget. The new moon solar eclipse is happening in your house of income, alongside Mercury which is going retrograde. This gives you a whole month to get right with your self-worth. Renegotiating salaries, as well as your self-worth is necessary. People only pay you what you feel you deserve. Opportunities arrive to acknowledge the hidden talents within you and strive to achieve more. On the 13th of the month mars retrogrades back into your relationship sector, this is an opportunity for you to release the ghosts of relationships past. It's important that you clear ties from the past, it may hinder new relationships in the future. Acknowledge any trauma that comes up now, it’s an important part of the moving forward process. After the 20th of the month if you're making plans to travel it should go smoothly, just be sure you’re ready to pock up and go if need be sooner than expected. Communication is at an all-time high, so be prepared to respond to lots of texts and emails. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, which is taking place in your ninth house. You may find yourself daydreaming about taking a trip or exploring more of a spiritual practice. Consider killing two birds with one stone by finding a retreat to attend later in the year.
LEO:  Ace of Swords- mental energy and action, willpower.
Happy Birthday, Leo! The Sun is shining in your sign. It's important to remember this all month long; let go of everything that is holding you back. With a solar eclipse and a Mercury retrograde in your sign, it's very evident that you are shedding your skin and moving into the next major phase of your life. Because retrogrades can delay things it's understandable for not all of the changes to take place this month. So be patient, and don't push the river. This month is very much about you, and what you want. A lot of how September goes depends on the decisions that you make this month. Venus in your third house introduces you to new and interesting people. Get to know them and chat them up a bit, you may find that they have some new and fascinating topics you want to learn more about. The new moon solar eclipse is in Leo on the 11th in your sign! This is a brand-new beginning for you, so use it wisely. Sometimes changes in the first house bring about a new style, so pick up clothing that reflects your new frame of mind. Your relationships are shifting a bit right now as well. The more you change the more your priorities change. You may be feeling a bit back-and-forth about a partnership, or still feeling out a new lover. Focus more on putting your energy and anything that makes you feel happy, don't worry so much about the title. There are opportunities at of the month to have the intimacy and serious conversations that you're seeking. Around the 23rd, the Sun moves into your financial sector where you get creative when it comes to making money. Be sure to spruce up a resume or add new services to a business to aid opportunities for cash flow. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, this is helping you come to terms with the past and releasing anything that no longer serves you. Find a nice quiet space for the evening, maybe take a bath and reflect. Get ready for the big changes next month. 
VIRGO: Seven of Cups- daydreams, and hopes. Allowing yourself to dream.
With Venus in your sign the first week of the month you seem much more at ease than usual. Shortly after around the 7th,  Venus move into your income sector, where you find Business negotiations are pleasant and abundant. Expect good news as all work opportunities look positive. You may uncover an unexpected or hidden talent that proves to be a diamond in the rough. If you can hone in on this talent, there are opportunities to make excess income now. There's a lot of action between the solar eclipse and the retrograde in your 12th house, which means you're likely to experience more anxiety than usual. Pay close attention to your dreams, practice breath work and meditation and you should be good to go. It's important to learn to take time out when needed. Trust your intuition is trying to tell you something. What's really happening is a lot of your thoughts are starting to manifest on the physical plane. If you're giving in and making way for the worst-case scenario, some of these things can materialize. Focus on what can go right rather than what can go wrong. You're in the process of doing work behind the scenes and preparing for some shifts in your career life later in the fall. Mars retrogrades back into your fifth house on the 13th, giving you another opportunity to think over either a romantic partner or something involving a child. If you're on the fence about these topics it's best to wait until closer to October to make a final decision. Take your time and don't be in a rush. Around the 20th you may experience an intuitive message or dream. Break out the dream encyclopedia to decipher what it means. At the end of the month, your health and fitness goals come to mind, it's now you shift into action. The Full moon is in Pisces on the 26th, this is in your relationship sector conjunct Neptune. This can bring a new beginning or an ending to an existing relationship. Follow your intuition, some of you may feel it's time to end a partnership while others feel like they've met a soul mate. 
LIBRA:  Temperance- finding moderation and balance. 
Your charts ruler is amplified as Venus moves into Libra. You’re feeling social and confident. Make a beauty purchase or pick up some new clothes, there will be more eyes on you than usual. Socially this is an excellent month to connect with friendships from the past. Catch up with someone you haven’t see in a while. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is in your friendship sector. You have an opportunity to make new friends, or maybe even join a new social network. Collaborate with others any chance you get. Mars will return to your home sector with Pluto and Saturn. With this energy, it suggests you’re outgrowing your space or thinking about moving. For some of you, this is finishing up a renovation of your home. If you’re looking to move, it’s best to search until closer to September or October when the planets make for a smoother transition. Be wary and mindful of hang-ups and drama with a family member. Saturn is teaching you about emotional boundaries, it’s best not to waste valuable energy now. On the 24th the Sun moves into your 12th house. Now is time to relax and recharge. Take up a meditation class, or consider starting a dream journal. This is also a great time to break out a book on metaphysics and tune into your intuition. On the 26th the Full moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune in your 6th house of work and health. Neptune is the bringer of dreams, paired up with a trine to Jupiter this day, you could be expecting the work situation of your dreams. Be mindful of your diet and health, take note of anything that is making you feel sluggish, and consider a cleanse. 
SCORPIO: Ace of Cups- opening two new beginnings, new love or passion.
Watch out you may get a blast from the past this month. Remember, just because an old flame shows up, it doesn’t mean its supposed to be reignited. Meditate on why you may have a hard time letting go of the past. Venus in your 12th lights up your interest in metaphysics or astrology. If you’re seeking answers, this may be a good month to go get a reading. On the 11th we have a New Moon Solar eclipse in your 10th house of career. It seems as if you’re making some big plans for things coming in the fall. You have a major opportunity to come into the spotlight now, it’s important not to scorp out and hideaway. If you’re setting up shop or starting your own business you may want to spend the moth typing up loose ends, replying to emails, and getting everything ready for a launch within the next month or two. If you’re in between jobs, the retrograde can bring something you’re unsure about. Think twice before returning to an old employer. If you clear all the mental clutter, you should be able to really tune into your ultimate career goals or life purpose. Mars moves retrograde again into your 3rd house. You may find yourself reviewing educational plans, communications or returning back to a group for some advice. Be mindful of frustration, your tone can easily be taken the wrong way. With Pluto and Saturn in this same house, a sibling may be having a crisis and need you to visit for support. Communications get easier after Mercury goes direct on the 20th, it's then you’re free to sign contracts. On the 26th, you have a Full Moon in Pisces in your 5th house. Suddenly all the hopes and dreams for creative plans or romance become a reality. 
SAGITTARIUS:  The Hierophant- instruction and guidance, a teacher.
Friends are important this month, lean on them for some solid support or advice. A potential romance can begin with a friend or an associate, just be mindful of the retrogrades and take your time to let it unfold. For those partnered, participate in networking with others to expand your business contacts. Collaboration with others to improve your community is important to you now. The Solar eclipse on the 11th is in your 9th house of foreign travel, spirituality, and marketing. This is setting the tone for making plans to visit far away places. Just hold off on buying a ticket or booking something until after the 20th. Spiritually you are very open and hoping to expand your heart and mind. If your set on teaching a class or writing a book now is the time to start putting ideas together to allow it to take shape. Mars rolls back into Capricorn in your 2nd house of income. It’s a big month to focus on whats important. Budgeting, and working out a financial plan is crucial. Mars can create more frustration with cash flow, but it can also give you the energy to really hustle and come up with a plan to make more of it. Time is money, so consider time management and how many irons you have in the fire. Around the 24th expect some good news about your career, the Sun is making your purpose very clear. On the 26th, there is a Full Moon in Pisces in your 4th house of home. If you’ve been deliberating a move, it seems as if it may be coming. Listen to your intuition it’s trying to tell you something. Sit down on the full moon and manifest what your dream space looks like, make a list or draw a picture. This will help send a message to the universe that you’re ready! 
CAPRICORN:  The Sun- happiness and joy, confidence.
This is an excellent career month for you Capricorn. It appears your hard work is paying off. Venus in your 10th could bring good news, recognition or a raise. If you work independently this is new clients and more of a stream of income. The Solar Eclipse on the 11th is joined with Mercury going retrograde. You may be looking over joint finances or considering a new business partnership. Do make sure to read all of the fine print on a contract and if possible, sign after the 20th. If you’re trying to manage debt or getting a loan research the best financial offers and take your time. Themes of security and releasing old emotional baggage will come up around this moon. It's important to do away with anything that doesn’t make you feel secure. Mars moves back into your 1st house again with Pluto and Saturn. This is some rather intense energy. If you think back to how things were going in March of this year you'll have a better idea of how to manage. Physical exercise can be an excellent outlet for this energy. On the other hand, it's helped really toughen you up. You're more self-reliant now, just be mindful of your time management. This energy is very productive if you’re prioritizing your time appropriately. Around the 20th of the month, you have an opportunity to teach people something. You’re organizing plans to travel, researching education plans or just feeling more spiritually inclined. On the 26th of the month, you have a full moon in Pisces in your 3rd house. This is an excellent time to jot down anything that comes to you in a dream. Neptune is very strong now so areas of metaphysics or the spiritual arts may seem appealing. Listen to your intuition if it's guiding you to pick up a new book or take a class. 
AQUARIUS:  Four of coins-caring too much about material things, and anxiety about money.
Your 9th house is bursting with energy as Venus moves into Libra, and you start making plans to invest in something, focus on the marketing of a business or taking a trip. Be sure to hold off until after the 20th to agree to anything or purchase a ticket. If you’ve been considering teaching something plan for the Fall, but spend this month creating an outline for your plans. The Solar eclipse on the 11th of the month is in your 7th house of relationships alongside mercury retrograde. Don’t let the retrograde give you any good reasons to resurrect relationships from the past. Expect to hear from or run into someone you used to be involved with. For those of you who have been back and forth with a partner, it can be the month you either commit or move on. Be mindful of the retrograde, and don’t make any major changes until September. Seeds for new relationships business wise can be planted as well, just feel it out until next month before committing to any partnerships. Mars moving back into your 12th house expands your consciousness. Expect intense dreams and a heightened six sense. If something feels off at work, pay close attention. You’re doing more work behind the scenes now. Practice time management, and focus on getting work done for larger presentations in September. If you’re feeling irritable, consider taking up a meditation practice to deal with any internal frustrations. On the 26th of the month, you have a full moon in Pisces in your 2nd house. This is all about finances and negotiations. You may be presented with an unexpected offer that you’re unsure of, listen to what your gut says before you make a commitment. 
PISCES:  Eight of cups- leaving one thing to move to the next.
You may expect an unexpected blessing or financial gain on the 7th because of Venus in Libra. Someone may want to help fund a creative project or give you a gift. Downtime with a lover is important, so whether you’re partnered up or single, consider spending time between the sheets the first half of the month because you’re feeling sexy. On the 11th there is a Solar eclipse in your 6th house with mercury retrograde. This is all about making time for creative endeavors and fitting in some play time. Your digestion may be a bit more sensitive than usual, so be mindful of your health and any changes you need to make in your diet or physical routine. It’s important to stay grounded in any sports or physical activities with Mars in your 12th house, you could experience an unexpected injury. If you feel the need to be of service or want to give back, spend some time volunteering or working with animals. Mars moves back into your 11th house of friendships. Themes of March of this year return, and you’re reevaluating your friends. Some of you may want to disengage with social media and focus more on real-life interactions. On the 24th the Sun illuminates relationships. Something is shifting there, and it’s best to pay attention. Are you getting back what you’re putting into your relationship? If you’re not liking what you see, the Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th brings the focus back to YOU. Take good care of yourself, take a day off and head to the spa for a massage or a nice soak. You’ll be feeling more emotional than usual. 
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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