June 24, 2021 0 Comments
Horoscopes by Kerstin Hern from The Mirrored Lantern / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals
Greetings and Happy summer! Blessed solar returns to all the Cancer suns and early Leo suns out there! Everyone’s July Tarotscopes are here to bring you celestial and archetypal energy guidance for the sunny month of July. It’s Cancer season most of the month, so home comforts and family are highlighted, Mercury is quite active, plus Jupiter Rx plays a big role this month, shimmying back into Aquarius. This offers another opportunity for luck and expansion back in the part of your chart ruled by The Water Bearer.
Please read your Rising (Ascendent), Sun, and Moon, and if you are experiencing major life shifts, I recommend checking out your North Node, as well. If you don’t know your personal signs, you can generate your natal chart for free at Astrodienst!
Stay tuned for July’s Celestial Insights blog for this month’s notable transits and our two major lunations with their symbols, ritual and altar inspiration, and more.
Here are your tarot and moon messages:
Tarot Card- Three of Cups (and a jumper: Two of Wands)
What an awesome combo for July, Aries folks! The Three of Cups is all about celebration, friendship, and good times, so you have some very blessed hangs in the near future, or, you should start planning some! The Two of Wands is all about seeing the expanse of opportunity before you and making plans from a heart-centered place, uniting passion and community, creativity and will. Perhaps planning a friend getaway this month will lead to some serendipitous encounters? At the very least, having these energies in a month all about deep feeling and family, I think beautiful memories are in store.
New Moon in Cancer: The New Moon will be in its natural domicile, the 4th house, so creature comforts, homebody vibes, family, security, and mamas are all relevant. Setting intentions for fresh starts around home and family and what that looks like for you is auspicious. With the Three of Cups, maybe some folks are moving in with friends or celebrating a new home. In any case, it’s looking like a comfy yet celebratory New Moon, Aries pals!
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation lights up your 11th house of friends and social groups. Your tarot card indicates energy around friendships, usually in a celebratory way, but perhaps there is also tending to releasing or rebuilding past friendships… Saturn and Pluto are hugging this moon, so it’s calling on you to surrender, releasing resistance and outdated ways of doing things that don’t quite work anymore and rebuilding strong foundations in your social spheres.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 11th house, so expansion and luck energy is abundant around friendships and social groups. Sandwiching the month, you have Chiron, Eris, and the moon all in your sign on the 1st and 2nd (Chiron and Eris are there all month), then all three again on the 29th. These three together activate deep psychological and emotional healing around where you’ve felt oppressed and ask you to engage your divine warrior/zero f***s energy to empower yourself.
Tarot Card- Two of Swords (jumper: Queen of Pentacles)
The cards are chatty today… Your overall energy for the month of July was the Two of Swords, indicating some sort of choice needed to be made, but you are at a stalemate, having a difficult time mentally parsing out what is best. With the Queen of Pentacles jumping out, this decision may be around accepting a new job/leaving an old one, a choice around finances and abundance, or perhaps a choice that involves a relationship with a female-identifying person who is a boss/mother, super-independent, or wealthy. My advice would be to make a pros and cons list for a visual, and then go within and see how you somatically feel and energetically respond to the choices before you. Follow the way of abundance, since this Queen is all about thriving in the material realm, including physical health and nurturing, as well.
New Moon in Cancer: The Cancer moon will activate your 3rd house of communication, learning, siblings, short travel, and all things Mercury. This makes sense with your tarot card, indicating mental/Mercury energy involving making a decision. If you’re still stuck, use the New Moon to set intentions around clarity, clear communication, and connection. If the choice is already made, this moon is auspicious for learning something new that can invoke material or physical abundance (Queen of Pentacles).
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 10th house of career, fame, and honorable mentions. Again, with your tarot cards, there may be a choice around work/money… If by the end of the month you are still at a stalemate, set intentions to release blockages in the way of your abundance and clear your path, aligning you with career or health goals. This could also indicate you leaving a job, but with a new opportunity at your feet, possibly one where you have more freedom and connect with community.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 10th house, PERFECT timing for all of the lunation astro going on! This gives you luck, expansion, and attention in your career realm. You also have a stellium in your sign with the moon, Black Moon Lilith, Ceres, and Uranus on the 3rd and 4th, so VERY feminine shadow energies uniting with “The Great Awakener” Uranus, bringing lightning insights and changes. Feeling free and being true to yourself are big themes for you this month, Taurus!
Tarot Card- Seven of Pentacles: After a whopper of an eclipse month in your sign in June, you may have made some major changes (or the universe has for you) and are now starting to see the liminal spaces where new beginnings and abundance can grow. The Seven of Pentacles is all about your seeds of intention from the last new moon starting to come to fruition, slowly but surely. This is a gestation waiting period, so patience and prudence are paramount (I know it’s hard, Gems!) But the wait will be worth it. Stay focused, grounded, and in high vibrational energy and know your rewards are coming at the right time for you.
New Moon in Cancer: This dark moon passes your 2nd house of both material and personal value and worth. Where can you set intentions around experiencing more security, Gemini? This can be finances or personal/emotional security. Cancer vibes are intuitive, motherly and love security, so I would focus on manifesting and working with these energies. Also employ the patience and prudence of your tarot card to stay grounded. Connect with water (ocean, waterfalls, pools, baths) around this lunation for emotional sustenance, as well.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 9th house of higher learning, expansion, and spirituality. Especially for folks that are in school or in esoteric/spiritual/witch communities, there is a spotlight shining on your personal beliefs, what you are learning, and your contribution to The Collective. Releasing old patterns of “doing things” in these arenas is encouraged, as well as starting to build new modalities and structures with your mates. For everyone, removing blockages around outdated personal beliefs and un-learning for your highest good is auspicious and pleases Saturn/Big Daddy Karma!
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 9th house. Jupiter naturally rules the 9th house, so “release and rebuild” can be your mantra for beliefs and learnings (9th house) that you’ve outgrown, while giving you renewed faith, luck and expansion in new belief systems and ways of learning that support the person you are becoming.
Tarot Card- The Magician: Happy birthday month, indeed! Your overall energy for the month of July is The Magician, the ultimate manifestor, bringing your idea of what “heaven” is down to Earth, and making your dreams come true… By energizing and engaging your willpower and all the resources available to you (materially and spiritually), you can make major action happen in any part of your life, Cancer friends. I want to say to do solar plexus chakra clearing/charging to revitalize your sense of self, confidence, and will, as you may have been drained lately. This is your time. Whatever has been on your heart and mind are ready to come forward into the material realm, be it a reconciliation, launching your new shoppe, buying those plane tix to Thailand, or making a big change for your health. Whatever the desire, it is ready to manifest so long as you are operating from a place of love and put in the work.
New Moon in Cancer: The New Moon activates your 1st house of self, personality, and offers you opportunities for healthy changes to your personality structure and fresh ways to express yourself to the world. What changes, fractures, and shifts have you gone through recently, Cancers? Think about how these no longer align with your sense of self and personality, and plant seeds of growth that root into your expanding higher self. The Magician card indicates that now is the time to see the world through the brave eyes of your higher self, and manifest your wishes and goals into being, because you are ready.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 8th house of death/rebirth, the occult, other people’s money, and reciprocity. After your intentions of reinvention around the New Moon, now you can see with clarity what you’ve outgrown and no longer serves you, especially where you have anxious security from/with other people (be it financial or otherwise). Engage the “rebirth” part of the Plutonian death/rebirth energy of this house. Look at your energetic scale: whatever is out of balance, let it go, and from here on out, seek reciprocity. Give and take with compassion.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 8th house, so where you did Full Moon releases around death/rebirth, security, and transformation, power in these spaces is now a theme. Expansion and luck around other people’s money (inheritance, taxes) but also partnering in a financial way (business or personal) is also auspicious, as are occult practices and feeling empowered by all things esoteric. Again, The Magician is all about the occult… If you’ve been dabbling, you may be getting more serious, or experience a mystical shift or download.
Tarot Card- Page of Cups: This card brings news of a happy surprise, Leo friends! The Page of Cups tends to be a messenger around love and relationships of all kinds that enters our life by way of person or an intuitive message. There is a dreamy, childlike energy here, so inner child work, and I’d say even the playfulness of Leo, are activated here. Stay open and curious, seeking signs and synchronicities, because there is a delightful surprise waiting for you that will show up in divine timing.
New Moon in Cancer: The dark moon passes the darkest part of your chart: the 12th house. Cancer is a water sign and very intuitive, so this part of the chart that represents intuition, psychic abilities, the unconscious, and the shadow self is doubly activated by this moon. Recharging and resting while doing inner work and seeking emotional balance is recommended. Leo loves the spotlight, but it’s important to reset and recalibrate in the shade sometimes, so be sure to tend to your inner being (and inner child).
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 7th house of intimate relationships and partnerships. After doing some solo inner work at the New Moon, now you can shine a light on all important relationships, and assure that all align with your recharged self. The Page of Cups brings beautiful messages around relationships, so give gratitude for the great ones you have, forgive the ones that have wounded, and release the ones you’ve outgrown.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 7th house, coinciding with the Full Moon, so expansion and luck in intimate relationships and partnerships is abundant, while also improving and strengthening existing ones. Mars in your sign opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus the first few days of the month may shift you off-kilter, having you feel some insecurity and frustration. Just tame your fire and tap into Venus energy, also in your sign, to bring in some soothing love.
Tarot Card- Seven of Wands: The overall energy for July is one coin with two sides for this card, Virgos: You are either successfully defending something you are passionate about or involved with in your community, rising above the negativity and feeling empowered, and/or you have already risen up and are now being cheered on by friends, family, and comrades. You stood your ground, waded through some murky, painful situations, but now stand in your fire of truth and a deeper sense of self than you have experienced in a while. I do not always feel this intensely about this card, but for this reading, I feel there is a sense of either spiritual ascension or personal victory where you are now one of your biggest fans, Virgos, and rightfully so.
New Moon in Cancer: This new moon activates your 11th house of friendships and social groups, offering ripe energy for manifesting deeper existing bonds or new bonds with friends, colleagues, and connecting with others. Perhaps the people cheering you on in the Seven of Wands will be new buds and/or partners, as you share like-minded goals and beliefs? Setting intentions around calling in folks that feel like family is very auspicious for you!
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 6th house of health, wellness, daily routines, and small pets, as well. Saturn and Pluto are in the mix with this moon, so breaking down and releasing structures around your physical and mental health and starting an updated self-care routine are encouraged. If your load still feels heavy, lighten it during this full moon so you can feel more balanced and well. Mercury is in your sign right now, too, so your ability to communicate clearly and instinctually decipher your deep needs is heightened.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 6th house, expanding your awareness around wellness routines and bringing in some serendipity to get on track for long-term health goals. Being Rx, this may specifically be mental health care. On the other side of the spectrum, Jupiter can expand things *too* much at times, so keep balance and moderation in check when it comes to both indulging in delicious food AND working out too much until the point of exhaustion. Venus enters your sign on the 21st, bringing robust love with purpose and expressing your love language as service to others.
Tarot Card- Knight of Swords (jumper: Queen of Cups): As an air sign, you will get extra mental stimulation, new ideas, and information with the speedy Knight of Swords this month, Libras! July is mostly Cancer season, so family and home are a theme, and the overall energy is fast-moving and assertive, sometimes defensive. The Queen of Cups jumping out is, to me, like a compassionate, empathetic therapist card that is nurturing and maternal, reminding you to keep your cool while simultaneously holding space for the feelings that come up. Some of you may be visiting moms, and there is lots of warm comfort there, along with a message to slow down and be patient. Wherever in your life you need to be more direct, that energy will be available, but communicating from a heart-centered and compassionate place is key to keep the vibes nice.
New Moon in Cancer: This New Moon activates your 10th house of career, public recognition, and honors. Use the fresh ideas and mental agility your tarot card is riding into July on to set intentions around calling in new goals and growth around your career. The Queen jumper could be that you are working in/heading toward a profession where you are nurturing, empathetic, or even an actual therapist, but it is also likely, as many court cards are, that this is a person coming in to help you with these qualities. Maybe someone who is a Cancer or has Cancer placements. In any case, security and feeling “at home” is the vibe with this New Moon energy.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, sex, and children (creative/human, it all counts!). There is “lesson learning” energy here with Saturn and transformation energy with Pluto, so think about where you are out of balance in your creative work or where you lack pleasure, and create new ways of being creative, either artistically or getting frisky. With the moon brightly shining on these blockages, you can now face them and remove them so you are in more flow and feeling connected and calibrated—very Aquarian essences.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 5th house, along with the Full Moon, so after working on balancing your creative world and where/how you seek pleasure, you will then have room for growth, expansion, new inspiration, and an almost spiritual feel to this part of your life. No major planets hit your house this month, but the moon moves into your sign on the 15th and 16th, so that is a good time for self-reflection and tending to your inner emotional needs. The moon will be in its waxing crescent, so you should start to see or feel your New Moon intentions coming to fruition.
Tarot Card- Eight of Swords: If you have had a lot on your mind lately, it sure has been piling up, and there is now an energetic cage around you, built by your own thoughts, sweet Scorps. Whatever/whoever has been causing anxiety and cyclic, intruding thoughts needs to be tended to either by a confrontational conversation or by doing mental self-care to get out of negative thought patterns. If it is something in your power to change, try to shift what is causing you to feel out of control and away from your power. The good news is, this is most likely worse in your mind than it actually is, but the mental helplessness is real. Do what you can to change your perspective from victim to participant, and release (or at least pause) any catalysts of anxiety.
New Moon in Cancer: This new moon in watery Cancer activates your 9th house of higher learning and spirituality. This lunation offers you deep healing and nurturing energy through expanding your mind (I want to say for some, plant medicine is very good for you right now) and either exploring or expressing your spirituality in a big way. You are intuitive and empathic, and finding ways to nurture yourself by setting intentions around increasing your spiritual self in any way that feels right will do you well. There is security (a big thing for Scorpios) waiting for you in the darkness of this moon.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 4th house of home, family, and security See? Security is a MAJOR theme for Scorpios this month, with a New Moon in Cancer, who rules the 4th house, which is all about where we feel “at home” and safe. Bring balance between work and home life, releasing responsibility where you can so you can tend to your family, biological or chosen. Old ways of doing things regarding family may need to be released, as well, with Saturn/Pluto energy wanting to break up old patterns and bring in transformation to meet you where you are today.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 4th house, so expansion and growth are the themes for your physical home, family, or the way you experience security. Anything from redecorating to moving house is up for review. Also, any family issues going on may get some deeper understanding since the Full Moon will shine on any issues, along with Jupiter stretching your perspective to see the full picture. Pluto Rx in Cap is all about this transformation, so check the part of your chart ruled by Capricorn to get even more insight on how you can tap into positive transformation energy.
Tarot Card- The Fool: How exciting! A new journey or endeavor is calling or about to ensue in the month of July, Sag buds. Thinking about release and changes from June, what is something you’ve been called to do? Where can you start fresh without any baggage or influence from others to create something new and wonderful? The Fool is the beginner’s journey in the tarot, card zero, so this is clean slate energy with lots of optimism and excitement. Tap into your greatest sense of freedom and adventurous spirit, and jump into the unknown with a full heart. This is divinely timed and you are ready.
New Moon in Cancer: This New Moon activates your 8th house of death/rebirth, the occult, transformation, and oftentimes, other people’s money, like taxes and inheritance. With security being an influence from Cancer and a theme around all things 8th house, this New Moon calls on you to gestate some personal power around new beginnings. You are at a precipice of some sort with The Fool, so empowering yourself in ways that make you feel secure and at home anywhere you go is key.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 3rd house of communication, community, learning, and short-distance travel. New beginnings are afoot with empowerment and transformation simultaneously happening, so this Full Moon asks you to do the detailed work to get things moving on a strong foundation. Making lists, running errands, short trips may be on your schedule.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 3rd house, so an increase in all the Full Moon possibilities like maximized communication and running around may expand under Jupiter’s influence, especially around personal, inner work. Thinking about thinking is a theme! Retrograde Juno (asteroid of marriage) conjunct the South Node is in your sign all month, asking you to revise your most intimate partnerships and spaces where you are committed, then purge the parts that no longer serve. In Sag, Juno wants to expand for your highest good, bringing truth—a Sag theme— to all areas of major commitment.
Tarot Card- The Devil: This is your card, Caps. In the tarot, The Lovers are united and partnered by deliberate, healthy choice, but when they collude with low vibe energy, form unhealthy attachments, lose control with obsessions or addictions, they become The Devil card. Because this card is ruled by Capricorn, this could be calling on you to take a very sober, deliberate look at recent choices. After all, many planets are in retrograde, so reviewing and revising are healthy actions for all. But if the obsession and addiction part resonates, please be gentle with yourselves while working to free yourself of shackles that keep you away from your personal power. The psychoanalyst, Bowlby coined Attachment Theory, which highlights that bonding is a basic human need, and the attachments we make (or don’t) as children play out throughout our lives. In the spirit of retrograde energy, perhaps reflect on unhealthy or unstable attachment patterns from when you were a wee tyke to understand some present patterns that are playing out. Once you name these difficult patterns, you can heal them.
New Moon in Cancer: This New Moon activates your 7th house of intimate partnerships, lovers, and close relationships (including frenemies). Starting new relationships is auspicious, especially in a water sign (emotions) that revolves around home, family, and security (4th house). Bring awareness to and revise any existing relationships where you feel insecure and not “at home.” The Devil card calls on you to see where insecure attachments lie and where we do not feel safe. Transforming unhealthy patterns and/or using the dark moon for shadow work around obsession/addiction to relationships will be powerful and healing.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 2nd house of value and worth, both financially and personally. Using the energy of The Devil card to bring awareness to addiction or obsession, and the New Moon to check in with your inner self about your closest relationships, this moon will highlight the problem areas around lack of security, or blockages to abundance of security. Your goal is to reach that comfort and security by empowering yourself.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius hits your 2nd house, so the work you’ve been doing around abundance will pay off, as this transit tends to expand abundance (financial or self-worth), but most likely self-worth, since the planet is Rx, indicating inner work. Pluto is still Rx in your sign through the beginning of October, so transformation and your relationship to power really are your major themes this summer, Caps!
Tarot Card- Temperance (jumper: Ten of Wands): Jupiter moves back into your sign this month, Aquarius friends, so your sense of self and beliefs are getting some expansion and luck energy… In that space, Temperance brings in divine balance. The Ten of Wands jumped out, indicating many of you have been feeling a major burden, are overworked, or emotionally exhausted. You have been carrying a lot of weight and it is time to release it. Temperance energy filters out the extra baggage so you can get back on track to fulfilling your purpose; working smarter, not harder. The burden of the Ten is ready to go, so mindfully moderate yourself, whether its food and drink or working long hours, and be patient and gentle with yourself and others. Intentionally take care of your body and mind, and your guides will do the rest. Cooperation and solutions to problems are on the way!
New Moon in Cancer: The New Moon activates your 6th house of day-to-day tasks, regular routines, and most importantly, your health. Small pets are also included, so some of you may be getting a new buddy! For all Aquarius folks, though, setting major physical and mental health goals and starting new, long-term health routines are the big focuses. Some of you may be starting new health routines as a new mom or along with your own mom/maternal-feeling companion. Others may be getting new workout equipment for the house or starting some at-home yoga, since this lunation is in the sign of Cancer, ruling the 4th house. Whatever you plan to do, now is the time to set these intentions and stick with them.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 1st house of self—your personality and ego. Major restructuring and transformation are happening here, where you may be letting go of old beliefs and stories about yourself that no longer make sense or suit you. Releasing ways of being and forgiving yourself and others is BIG right now. This is intense, Aquarius, but very beautiful, so focus on expansion and the connection that will ensue once you begin this new journey around self.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into your sign on the 28th hits your 1st house this month, as it toggles between your sign and Pisces until it stations direct in October. Since this is in your sign, y’all are in for some majorly deep insights and personal transformation now through the summer, sprinkled with luck! With one planet representing expansion, inner work, spirituality and the other highlighting where you need to take responsibility, accountability, and engage boundaries, take good care of your mental and spiritual health, friends. Be honest with yourself and others, but extend compassion to yourself and others during this journey, as well.
Tarot Card- Seven of Pentacles: Geminis also got this card, calling in optimistic patience to see where the seeds of intention planted last month are beginning to grow. For Pisces friends, I feel the energy of patience is also key, but I want to say this feels specific to spiritual and creative work. Wherever you have been investing a lot of time and energy and feel like nothing is “happening,” this is your message that it definitely is, but the timing is not quite there. I feel compelled to say be sure you don’t cut any corners, either! Look for small rewards here and there, be grateful for them, and know that bigger expansion is happening behind the scenes.
New Moon in Cancer: This New Moon activates your 5th house of creativity, kiddos, and all around pleasure. Some of you may be trying to get pregnant, and with the Seven of Pentacles, you may require patience, however, now is the time to set these intentions and visualize the family you want to have. For others, new homes, new family members, or new-found security is highlighted around this moon. Set your intentions and goals, but remember to take breaks when you need them, and remember the big picture. Also—remember to have fun right now! The 5th house is all about pleasure, after all.
Full Moon in Aquarius: This lunation highlights your 12th house of the unconscious, the shadow self, secrets, and dreams. Be sure you are getting good sleep and grabbing some alone time to do inner work and balance your energy. There is an expansiveness of intuition right now, so following your gut on important matters is wise. The moon in Aquarius with Saturn and Pluto nearby indicates you may feel an inner tug-of-war. Ultimately, if you consciously use the lessons from Saturn and surrender to the transformation of Pluto, it will lead you to the rebellious, free sense of self in Aquarius.
Astro Snapshot: Future-oriented Jupiter Rx into Aquarius on the 28th hits your 12th house and your ruling planet Neptune is now stationed retrograde. As previously mentioned, your inner psyche, unconscious, and shadow self is getting some attention this month. Expansion of understanding is a theme, especially when it comes to parts of your subconscious/unconscious self. Again, patience and reflection are important, especially patience with yourself and your transformation. The nebulous fog of Neptune direct gets cleared when he is Rx, so things you could not see before may now become apparent. There may be some harsh truths, but there is A LOT of room for deep healing, Pisces friends.
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Kerstin from The Mirrored Lantern has practiced right hand path magick and tarot for over 28 years and has been a lover and learner of astrology for just as long… She is currently in graduate school for Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Spiritual & Depth Psychology. Follow her on instagram @themirroredlantern for witch tips, occulture, and depth psych tidbits!
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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