February 25, 2021 0 Comments
Horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot / Original art for J. Southern Studio by Spirited Animals
Welcome to your March 2021 Tarot Scopes!
March notable dates and transits:
Tarot Card: 8 of Swords- Trapped in a painful situation
New Moon in Pisces: This is an important time for taking a step back and being behind the scenes. This New moon is taking place in your hidden 12th house. Here you find the ability to intuitively tap in and uncover something hidden. For this New Moon, ensure that you take time alone to either meditate or catch up on some sleep. This is a powerful time to do some intention-setting revolving around your spiritual beliefs. Dreams may also be exceptionally visual and symbolic.
Full Moon in Libra: Unexpected events revolving around relationships and partnerships are expected. For some, this is a make or break time for commitments. There's lots to learn about healing your own issues during this moon. By taking the time to work on your own inner wounds, you increase the likelihood of strengthening bonds with another. Those seeking commitment may just find it, while those of you who are single, may catch the eye of someone significant.
Where to watch and pay attention: Your physical body is much more sensitive than usual up until the end of March. If you're feeling exhausted or still recovering from an injury, take plenty of time to rest. If you’re under a considerable amount of stress or dealing with anxiety, this can manifest as illness or mental agony. Watch for tension in the face and headaches.
Lucky days this month: 14th, 15th
Tarot Card: 7 of swords- Having the upper hand in a tricky situation
New Moon in Pisces: This is quite a lovely and social new moon. Around the time of this lunation, it's important to set intentions on wishes, associations, or anything involving friendships or groups. If you're looking to join a new association or network, this is the time. It's possible you'll be introduced to somebody new who could be quite a spiritual person. Be on the lookout for new groups or meet ups from online that teach or study metaphysics. This could be your chance to learn something you’ve always been intrigued by.
Full Moon in Libra: This is an extra important time when it comes to paying attention to your health. Around the time of the full moon it's very likely that your schedule, be that your working schedule or your daily routine, is altered in someway due to a health challenge. The kidneys and the lower back may be more sensitive than usual. It's also possible that a coworker lends a helping hand when you're in need. The health of a pet, as well as a romantic partner’s job may be challenged around the time of this Full Moon. Do your best to be supportive and help any way you can.
Where to watch and pay attention: If you're struggling and feeling isolated or alone, it's important to reach out and ask for help. Struggling on your own is not the solution. The universe is trying to teach you to be more vulnerable. Sometimes it's OK to not always be able to carry the load, both physically or mentally. Communicate your mental stresses, you’d be surprised who shows up to help you.
Lucky days this month: 16, 17, 18
Tarot Card: 10 of swords- Making a clean break from the past
New Moon in Pisces: The New Moon is a major opportunity for you to manifest a job or career change. This is the most powerful time all year to set intentions revolving around your professional goals. Keep in mind that visuals are a big part of the manifestation process. I would recommend creating a vision board from either photographs or magazine clippings. Place this somewhere you will see it daily as a reminder of where you’re going. For you to make a big shift in the professional realm, you have to BELIEVE and feel good about what you’re doing.
Full Moon in Libra: What an exceptional and romantic Full Moon! This will be a wonderful time to have a date with someone special, or perhaps even express how you feel if you’ve been waiting to drop the L word. This Full Moon is taking place in the creative and romantic part of your chart. This is also the portion of your chart that deals with children and creative projects. If you've been planning to expand your family, or complete a creative venture, now is the time! Allow yourself to feel all the feels this Full Moon, don’t hold back. Open your heart, even if it means being vulnerable.
Where to watch and pay attention: There can be some challenges in regards to a friendship later in the month. It's possible either you or someone else feels left out of the loop. When in doubt, communicate because there's room for healing here. I also advise you to refrain from any online or social media drama. This is likely to erupt closer to the end of the month, so you've been warned.
Lucky days this month: 19, 20
Tarot Card: 7 of pentacles- Receiving benefits that are due for you
New Moon in Pisces: This New Moon is very spiritual for you. It can feel exceptionally inspiring in the areas of travel, philosophy, and religion. It's likely recently you've had some sort of epiphany, allowing you to see the bigger picture in your life. If not, just wait; it’s coming. If you're setting intentions around planning a trip, publishing a book, or starting a new course, now is the time. This is an especially positive time to plan a long distance trip for either later this year or next. Those of you who are seeking legal counsel or are dealing with a legal matter, I advise you to wait until after this New Moon to do so.
Full Moon in Libra: This Full Moon has big things happening in the realms of your home or family. You have the opportunity to have an emotional heart to heart with either a family member, or a roommate. Also, it's very likely that you come to an understanding with a romantic partner on a home issue. If you have outgrown your space and feel like it's time to expand, now may be the time to have that conversation. Selling, moving, or rearranging your home is all very possible now. Look for support from someone special to help you see this through.
Where to watch and pay attention: Your work or career can have you feeling like the Lone Ranger. If you've been stuck and feeling like you're spinning your wheels, take a step back. Realize that any delays you have experienced were for good reason. It seems as if the universe wants you to move forward with your own independent projects or business. You're striving for more independence. While at times this feels like a heavy load, the next few weeks ahead will get easier.
Lucky days this month: 21, 22, 23
Tarot Card: 2 of cups- Joining another in a partnership
New Moon in Pisces: This New Moon can be a rather exciting and sexy time for you. It will be shining a light on your area focused on sex and joint banking. The aspects look rather positive compared to how the last few weeks have gone. If you've been struggling in the intimacy department, fear not. It seems as if you're going to merge with someone very special, be that financially or sexually. This New Moon offers you the opportunity to go deeper and heal issues revolving around abandonment. This is also a wonderful time to come up with a plan to pay off any loans or debt.
Full Moon in Libra: I predict an insane amount of either contracts, meetings, or phone calls at the time of this Full Moon. Pay extra close attention to any conversations that involve partnerships. It's also likely that you're partnering with a sibling or a close family member. Lend a helping hand or ear when you can. Signing contracts or moving forward with making changes in vehicles are likely. Thankfully Mercury is no longer retrograde, so you have the green light to sign anything important.
Where to watch and pay attention: It seems as if you’re either working your way through some challenge with someone legally, or perhaps at a distance. You may also find you have a crisis of beliefs later in the month. While this energy is overwhelming, it’s happening for good reason. The universe wants you to redefine your belief system. Don’t be so hard on yourself, practice positive words of affirmation towards yourself.
Lucky days this month: 24, 25
Tarot Card: Justice- Karmic situations in relationships unfolding
New Moon in Pisces: I'm expecting quite the show down during this New Moon when it comes to relationships. Quite honestly, all month there is a huge theme of relationships for you. The positive side, this New Moon is excellent for intention setting when it comes to commitment. If you're looking to meet someone new or expand an existing relationship, this is excellent timing. However, those of you who have struggled with getting back on the dating horse or being able to trust someone again may have some setbacks. Focus on forward movement, not the past.
Full Moon in Libra: This Full Moon can bring you some very positive financial news. Large purchases, gifts, and investments can all come about as a result of this Full Moon. It's very possible you're having to focus and commit firmly to your values. It's important that you know your worth, and not be willing to take any less. Someone may offer you a bonus or perhaps even a lucrative new proposal. Regardless of what comes in, it has to make sense for you. Weigh the pros and cons, and ensure you’re getting a fair deal. Don’t let anyone take advantage.
Where to watch and pay attention: There seems to be a theme revolving around either sexual healing or learning to manage your temper better. If you're looking for new ways to blow off steam, look into some form of physical fitness that can help you have an outlet. Boxing or some form of martial arts might be great. Learning to channel any issues with anger into physical movement might be just what the doctor ordered.
Lucky days this month: 26, 27
Tarot Card: King of Cups- A warm positive emotional connection, a water sign Man.
New Moon in Pisces: This is the most excellent time to set intentions revolving around your health or routine. This portion of your chart is in Pisces, and deals with not just your physical health, but your mental and emotional health as well. You’re likely to still be feeling a bit more run down than usual until the end of March. Here is where you want to be careful because you’re more predisposed to having a low immune system, or falling ill with a cold. Keep in mind the mental/emotional is what effects your physical body. Set intentions around keeping up a more consistent meditation/spiritual practice. When you can, meditate or stretch by water. This will have you feeling better balanced all around.
Full Moon in Libra: This is a Full Moon in your natal sign. When a Full Moon takes place in this area of your chart, it puts emphasis on your physical appearance and your physical body. Likely there's some major decision that's coming about that has to do with your physical and emotional happiness. At times this Moon can have you feeling separate from another. The positive side of the effects of this lunation is coming home to yourself. This is an excellent time for a make over, or changes to your appearance. With positive aspects to Saturn, it’s important to be practicing radical self love, not just at the time of the Full Moon, but from here on out.
Where to watch and pay attention: There's some friction between yourself and a partnership. This could be business related or romantic. The universe wants you to learn about being independent and not always feeling like you need to rely on someone else. If you're feeling left out, or not totally thrilled about the way a partner is treating you, it's important to communicate. There's lots of room for healing this month, and the answer is being true to yourself. Those of you looking to bring the romance back into your life, the solution may be scheduling a bit of play time. Do something fun and spontaneous with your beloved.
Lucky days this month: 1, 2, 28, 29
Tarot Card: 5 of swords- Now is the time to make changes, even if it’s painful
New Moon in Pisces: This is a wonderful and romantic New Moon for you! This New Moon is taking place in your house of romance, creativity, and children. Those of you who are looking to expand your family or conceive, you're in luck. This is also a wonderful time to set intentions revolving around creative projects and perhaps even your own business. Regardless, some sort of transformation is going to be necessary. Keep in mind that any intentions you are setting now will take nearly 6 months to unfold, so take your time. This is a very dreamy and creative space in your chart, so perhaps painting, working with film, music, or photography is in store.
Full Moon in Libra: This is a big one for you. This Full Moon is highlighting the hidden sector when it comes to your relationships. It's very likely now is the time to air out any anxiety or previous haunts you had in past relationships. Don't be surprised if this comes abruptly, or even symbolically in a dream. This is taking place to help you move forward in your relationships in a more connected and intimate way. Now is the time to air out all the skeletons in your closet. Emotions may run a bit wild, but don’t mind that. Perhaps for some of you, these relationship or emotional blocks stem from your upbringing and issues you experienced as a child. Be gentle with yourself, and keep moving through the feels.
Where to watch and pay attention: There’s opportunities to better balance your health and diet in this next month. The second half of the month is ideal for making dietary changes, organizing your workspace, or committing to a physical work out routine. Pent-up energy or aggression will lead to physical ailments such as migraines or digestive issues. Come up with a routine that suits you best, and hold yourself accountable for making positive changes in your health. Stick with it. You’ll be glad you did.
Lucky days this month: 3, 4, 30, 31
Tarot Card: 3 of swords- Feeling the pain of separation, heartbreak
New Moon in Pisces: This New Moon gives you the opportunity for emotional renewal, and maybe even a new home space. Those of you looking to relocate, or possibly even find a new space in town are in luck! If you’re not looking to move, then this will take on more of an emotional vibe. If you’re feeling down or blue, rearrange your space. Open the windows, clear out the vibes. Take a nice long soak in a tub, or go for a swim. This New Moon calls for a cleanse and purification. Remember, your home is your temple. Decorate and treat it as so. Incorporate bits and pieces of art, music, and special things you’ve collected over the years. You will be feeling good as new.
Full Moon in Libra: This is a wonderful Full Moon for wish granting! Although we are still unfortunately in the midst of the pandemic, this Full Moon still promises to help you feel very connected to your friendships. There can be exceptional socializing, and celebrations with friends all around. It’s very possible that a friend either has a romantic interest in you, or you will meet someone while socializing. Regardless, this is a Full Moon not to miss. Parties, gatherings, and celebrations are to be expected. Be sure to get out of your comfort zone and do something special in the days surrounding this lunation. You won’t regret it.
Where to watch and pay attention: There's a great deal of opportunity for heart healing this month. Getting in touch with your inner child, or better yet, your inner artist can be just what you need. Take time to work on your hobby, craft, or express yourself creatively. This is just what is needed to get back in touch with who you are on a core level. Schedule play dates for yourself, take yourself on a date, or show off a talent. You don’t need someone else to romance you. Normalize falling in love with yourself again.
Lucky days this month: 5,6
Tarot Card: Queen of Wands- A fierce woman, creative connections, a Fire sign woman.
New Moon in Pisces: This is an excellent New Moon to manifest better communication. If you're looking to draft up a contract, or perhaps even start a new form of education, now is the time. New software and gadget updates are positive as well. Those of you looking to update a vehicle or sign a new lease may do so just after the New Moon. Intentions will be very strong if they are written down or spoken verbally. Journaling can be a way to intuitively tap in. If you’re looking to learn a new language, now also may be the time. Stop by your local book store and look into grabbing a new book, or download an app to help get you started.
Full Moon in Libra: Big changes are happening in your workspace around the time of this Full Moon. It's very likely that some of you will be reaching major milestones or accomplishments. Those of you who are ready to quit or leave a job may do so now as well. But don't fret, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. The only challenge that I see is quitting a job may very well affect where it is that you are living. On the flip side, taking a new job may also lead to a relocation. Look to the end of the month for answers to some of these questions. Be mindful that this Full Moon put a spotlight on you, and you're more likely to be under the microscope professionally than usual.
Where to watch and pay attention: There may be some challenges brewing either with a roommate or a family member. If a family member is going through a challenging health issue, you may find it hard to see them. The truth is it may very well be emotionally draining and better for you to keep a distance. Do your best to be available, but keep boundaries. Don't over extend yourself, this is the month to be focusing more on you and your emotional well-being.
Lucky days this month: 7,8
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords- Important conversations about boundaries, contracts.
New Moon in Pisces: This is the strongest time all year to set intentions revolving around your financial and material life. If you're looking to get a raise, or make a proposal professionally, now is the time. It's important that you're staying visual when manifesting. Consider making a vision board, or an altar space dedicated to the element of earth/water. I recommend incorporating a chalice, as well as crystals or anything that you find valuable. This is also a time where you clear up any financial challenges related to spending or budgeting. If you’ve been feeling like money is constantly coming and going, come up with a plan to be more financially aware of your spending.
Full Moon in Libra: Is traveling on the horizon? You or perhaps even a partner may be hankering to get away and take a vacation. You may also make connections romantically with someone who lives in a far away place. Regardless, follow your heart. It's very possible that you can blend a romantic get away with a more spiritual journey and make both happen. Also, this is a time where a partner may have to travel, be that for work or perhaps even an opportunity to continue their education. You also benefit from considering continuing your education, formally or informally. If you’re invited to teach, or publish something with someone else, take the opportunity!
Where to watch and pay attention: Your words have the opportunity to hurt or heal this month. The choice is yours. Be mindful of how you communicate and come across to other people. When in doubt, take time to sit down and journal your feelings. You’re more likely to verbally spar in the second half of the month. Avoid any conflicts with siblings or neighbors, as a situation may arise that has you heated. Breathe and count to 10.
Lucky days this month: 9, 10
Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles- Unwilling to let go of something, being stubborn or inflexible.
New Moon in Pisces: This is a fresh start and an excellent New Moon for you. The energy of this New Moon gives you the opportunity to set intentions for yourself, and your physical body for the year ahead. It's important for you to sit and meditate and reflect on what it is that you want for yourself personally. You will need time alone to do this. I recommend working with water, taking ritual or cleansing baths, and listening to chants or Binaural Beats. This is an excellent time to purify and detox your body. Eat light, and drink lots of liquids during this time. Pay special attention to your intuition and your dreams.
Full Moon in Libra: This Full Moon goes hand-in-hand with the New Moon earlier in the month. This is more the detoxing and shedding of skin phase. This Full Moon highlights your relationship to others. This is a time to examine psychic chords, or sexual connections and if they serve you. Secrets and issues pertaining to joint resources, or perhaps even relationship shadow work may come up. If a partnership is dead, it’s time to clear house and remove the energy. Equally, there’s room for renewal, but only if it serves your highest good.
Where to watch and pay attention: Healing issues of self worth and finances are likely to come up later this month. Come up with a personal plan of action to streamline new ways of making money. This starts with you. The better you feel about yourself, the more you’re in alignment with your self worth. The money will flow when you align these beliefs. Remind yourself you are worthy on a regular basis. Be open to receive.
Lucky days this month: 11, 12, 13
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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