April 27, 2022 0 Comments
May greetings to all, and happy solar return wishes to Taurus and early Gemini folks! Below are your intuitive tarot readings coupled with insightful astro snapshots by Richard, per sign, for this month ahead. I am also pulling a card for the collective, which you can use in conjunction with your personal tarot card to create a more robust narrative around what is calling your attention during this monthly cycle, or as a clarifier for your zodiac’s card.
Of note this month are the themes of change and action. Everyone is going through major lessons, cycles, and shifts: The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces last month likely cracked some things open, as well as slowed us down a bit (same with our entry into Taurus season). These sacred pauses are excellent checkpoints for introspection and assessing ourselves and how we are showing up in our lives. Now, May is bringing the Jupiter/Pluto energy of transformation, asking us to use our newfound insights to make necessary change, take actions, and claim awesome opportunities that present themselves. Some of the work here will also be around our spiritual selves and the energy we have been holding through many incarnations; see the collective reading below. This month’s eclipse will be auspicious for cutting some cords and chopping off dead energetic weight so we may fully embody the change we’re ready for!
To get the most out of these Horoscopes, please read them based off of your Ascendant/ Rising sign, as these are the signs that are the basis of our monthly breakdowns. Your Ascendant sign is the sign of the Zodiac which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time, date & location of our birth, and it provides us with a much more individualized view of our personal astrology. If you do not yet know your Rising Sign, feel free to find it here: Chart Drawing, Ascendant. All you will need is the closest possible time, date & location of your birth. For those not able to find an accurate Rising Sign, you can secondarily read these horoscopes by your Sun sign and thirdly by your Moon sign.
Stay tuned for the Celestial Insights blog to see what the stars have to say, along with lunar magick offerings!
The overall energetic message for this month that you can use to expand and clarify your personal card reading is: The Hierophant. Another major arcana card for the collective, which is also the Taurus card, speaking to the fact that we are all moving through major cycles of growth and change, pains and all. This card speaks to spiritual growth, old dusty inner doors getting unlocked/activated for the purpose of learning lessons and releasing karma, the theme of teacher/guru energy (and your inner teacher) coming into you or being expressed through you, and according to some symbols specific in this card; atonement and forgiveness are highlighted.
This card is Key 5: Vau, which means “nail.” There is a lot of symbolism here, but I will note a handful of things to think about…. You can see the nine nails piercing the snake over the priest’s head. The nails refer to atonement, snakes represent many things, one being transformation, love, and Kundalini energy. There is also a dove (peace and spirit incarnate) at the snake’s tail, which can point to the ouroboros and never-ending flow of life/death, spirit/matter and our souls’ evolution through these processes. He is also covered by a faint hexagram (macrocosm), is holding a large wand (manifestation/direction of energy + 3 rings = 3 Aeons), and his left hands is in the Prana Mudra (“spirit of life”, channels healthy flow of vital energy, and is also a blessing). The pentagram (Golden Ratio = perfection and beauty) in the center of his chest has a child within it, which I interpret as the inner child being healed/reborn (or in psych terms, reparented) through the transformational divination process of this card. Goddess Isis stands in front of the priest, in the form of the Scarlet Woman and fierce Venus. Also of note are the Cherubim (or Elemental Kerubim) in the corners, representing primordial energies and the 4 fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. These are also in the corners of the Wheel of Fortune card in the RWCS deck.
The advice of this card would be to ground yourself and your spiritual learnings (Taurus = earth + stability) in the material world/your body, clean your energetic slate, have honest conversations with yourself and others, release ego blocks and stubbornness in order to understand your suffering or the suffering of others, learn any life/karmic lessons, and forgive those who come forth to you with an open heart. This self-honesty and humility bring spiritual healing and opens you to alignment with your Higher Self and enlightenment. Faith in your Guides and the Universe/Source energy may be testing you, which can be so frustrating and draining, but this is the tough love that pushes us to cull our inner resources and strength instead of looking outward.
Suffering seems very thematic these days on multiple levels and myriad layers… One of my favorite professors said yesterday that pain is real, but suffering is an illusion; an unconscious reaction to pain that is the abandonment of our inner Self (our “true home”). This is hard to sit with, but if you have been suffering, try to see it as a resistance to holding your pain, sitting in it, befriending it, and asking it what it needs or wants you to know. This is key in most psychotherapeutic work: moving toward the pain and the parts that are hurt by practicing mindfulness (curious nonjudgment) and compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh says that separation creates suffering… This can be separated parts of ourselves that need integration, but also separation from connecting with others. Reach out and touch someone, y’all. We all need it right now.
The first half of May sees us through the last of this year's first eclipse season. Ending April with a partial solar eclipse in Taurus, Mid-May we have a strong total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Eclipse seasons are periods in time where the longer term growth and releasing patterns of our life become more visible. We may experience disturbances to the general flow of our life, become aware of something substantial that needs releasing or letting-go of, and feel a push out of our comfort zones into something new. Generally speaking, these periods are not great times to make deliberate efforts towards manifestation, and generally speaking, should be times of sitting back and paying attention to what may be unfolding. Once eclipse season comes to an end (after May 16th) we can take the information gathered and take action (within what is reasonable to do of course).
This May, we see an interesting play of energies. While we are rooted into Taurus grounded nature, we actually have a lot of stuff shifting under the surface with mercury going retrograde through most of the month in Taurus. May also sees Jupiter, the planet of faith, expansion and wisdom, move out of his home sign of Pisces, into Aries. This brings a strong energy of forward movement and drive, while Mercury looks to re-examine areas of our life which might be calling for a do-over or evolution.
Tarot Card: The Tower
Ok, before you get stressed—remember: there are no “bad” cards in the tarot! These are energies available to us… Furthermore, I had a revelation about the Tower card several months ago (I did a 2-part video on my IG if you are interested) about the Tower coming in as sacred Eris energy. Eris is Mars’ sister and represents Divine Feminine Anger, social justice, zero fucks about consequences when she is standing up for injustice. So, this card for you, Aries friends, is energetically connected to you as a sign ruled by Mars (and whose name comes from the god Ares). For some, this is an invitation to connect/re-connect to your sacred anger and speak out against anything that feels unjust. Eris work asks you to confront your and others’ shadows and do the work in those dark spaces. She has a Chiron vibe, where pain can be transmuted into fuel and power. You can check your natal chart and see what house asteroid Eris is located, and where she is transiting for a more microscopic look at where this energy is manifesting. For others, the more traditional meaning of this card can be that if you have been resisting confronting something that has been yelling for your attention, it is reaching a boiling point… Your denial can only sustain so long before the universe will send a bolt to jolt you into action or change, and it won’t be easy. If you have been putting some important action, conversation, or confrontation off, this is the last call for your participation before something outside of your control is going to make the change for you! You got this, Aries.
Astro Snapshot:
May has one key word for you and that is, Beginning! So much energy is coming out of your Pisces 12th house of introspection and endings, and comes charging into your Aries 1st house of starting new and initiation. Jupiter and Mars (your ruling planet) hype us this newness and initiation coming into your 1st house, and it is a great month to tackle a challenge you may have been avoiding, but more importantly, to put yourself out there! May’s astrology is all about self-expression, authenticity, and activity. However, what’s at play here with the eclipses, does put a focus on shifting something in your relationship with money and materials, so be mindful of what that might be for you and be careful to not go overboard with this. Something to be mindful of this month for you (especially towards the end of the month) is going overboard, being too brash and burning out. Anytime Jupiter and Mars are in the same sign, there can be TOO much hype, so just be mindful around that when it comes to areas of The Self and Ego.
Taurus, what a wonderful card for this month, since for many, it is your solar return! This card comes shining through after some sort of culmination, closure, or completion last month for many of you, indicating healing, rebirth, and success. For some of you, it is also pointing to success in whatever you have been working on/wishing for… The message is to maintain optimism and confidence in your pursuits, be vulnerable in order to create connection, and know that vitality is coming in if you have had health issues. Overall, truth, success, and childlike freedom (or actually freeing your inner child through some recent emotional work) are highlighted.
Astro SnapshotTarot Card: Death
Geminis, you have had some sort of poignant situation or realization recently, likely last month with that Page of Swords, which has opened up something needing to be healed and transmuted. The Death card is coming in to herald that composting of whatever old, outgrown, or stagnant energy in you or between you and another(s). Consciously confront what is ready to go and be released so that a healthier, stronger, more evolved part of you (or relationship) can be birthed. Change is needed somewhere in your life, and by being honest with yourself and others about what is ready to transform, you can start this process. The full moon eclipse in Scorpio is a great time this month to really do some deep digging (Death is the Scorpio card). Embrace this change; it is a sacred purification process that will clear space that you may have been holding lots of pain in through many lifetimes or even transgenerational trauma. There is a line drawn now where the “old” you (or “old” relationship, etc.) is in the past and the “new” can take form. This is the most cleansing card of the deck, so claim this medicine and shed your skin.
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune
Similar to Gems, this is another card about change… For many of you, there is a major cycle closing out and a new fated one coming in. It’s the Jupiter card, so associated with luck and expansion… This card speaks to a change fueled by getting in alignment with your soul path and destiny, so knowing that this energy is available, be aware of signs and synchronicities that point to personal fortune and be open to chance encounters and opportunities—and seize them! A big reminder for all from this card is that life is constantly changing, everything is in flux. Like a shark, stagnancy causes death, so we must move through it all with as much grace and gratitude as possible, seizing opportunities and joy as much as possible. What goes up must come down, and what’s been down will find its way back up. It’s also important to release control sometimes, trusting that the universe/Source/our Guides have our back.
May holds such a strong push towards sharing more authentic and self-expressive versions of yourself with the world around you. You may find this month that both the outer community around you, and your inner world will go through some reorganization or changeups. This is due to Mercury retrograding in your 11th house of community and society, bringing change and shifts to this area of life. You may also find that there is an emphasis to focus on personal ambitions right now, as Mercury calls you to retrace your steps in the area of life dealing with ambition, hopes and dreams. It might be a good time to check in with what truly brings you joy, and potentially clear away the voices of others that weigh in with their expectations or opinions of what you wish to build in your life.
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Clarity, new information, and/or truths are coming in for Leos this month. If you have been in a situation that has been nebulous, cloudy communication, or waiting for an answer, the Ace of Swords is coming in to cut through the fog and bring clarity. For others, there may be a communication on your end that needs to be expressed, so this is your sign to reach out speak your truth/the truth and provide clarity to someone. This card can also speak to mental clarity and focus, so the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces had to hazy, this month will usher in some cool winds to (I smell peppermint oil) to wake you up and help you focus better… And even feel less depressed if that has been resonant. Overall, the keyword is breakthrough relating to fresh energy, ideas, and info! Fill that diffuser with peppermint oil this month, Leos.
Tarot Card: 5 of Cups
Damn y’all… You had 8 of Cups last month, offering you the advice to finally walk away from some relationship or drop emotional baggage that has been a pattern for you. This month the cycle moves back to the 5 of Cups, indicating the pattern recycling or a different situation that has you feeling some grief, disappointment, or loss. Please know everyone is going through some major shifts, growing pains, and emotional fluctuation… For you, relationships seem to be highlighted. Can you pause and explore what relationships may be out of balance (lack of reciprocity), out of alignment with your values, or that cause negative emotions in you? For some, there may be a disappointment this month, but this feels more like a cyclical relational energy that is calling your attention. You love balance and can often sacrifice your own comfort to make that balance happen, so it feels as though this card is asking you to look at places and people where you pour out your cup until it’s dry… For everyone, I would offer for you to reassess your expectations in certain relationships and also tend to the emotional baggage sitting your emotional basement. Bring that shit upstairs, dust it off, and unpack it with someone you feel safe with (therapist, counselor, family, friend). Lastly, remember that there are upright cups behind you, so changing perspective (perhaps after adjusting your expectations) can help reduce the grief and sadness you may feel at this time. Be sure to read the collective card reading of The Hierophant at the top of this blog for guidance on suffering.
May access vulnerability and the ways in which certain levels of vulnerability grants us space to step into experiences like love, authentic relationships and even healing. Instead of forcing yourself to be vulnerable, this month calls for you to instead take a look at your environment and alter things to create a better environment which is more conducive for the levels of vulnerability your spirit is seeking. Authenticity should be your guiding star this month and serve as a major focus for you. Don’t be surprised if May’s astrology put in your path the idea of needing to speak up for yourself, have some faith that what resides on the other end of speaking up may be something you previously thought was not an option for you or your relationships.
Astro Snapshot:
Astro Snapshot:
Astro Snapshot:
Astro Snapshot:
You can contact Richard for sessions or readings via Instagram @Ozomapilli, or by email at Ozomapilliastrology@gmail.com
Check out The Mirrored Lantern's weekly elemental tarot readings on Mondays @themirrroredlantern on Instagram for weekly insights to supplement this big monthly energy reading!
February 25, 2025 0 Comments
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