New Moon in Cancer, June 20 & 21, 2020: Allegiance & Honor

June 18, 2020 0 Comments

New Moon in Cancer, June 20 & 21, 2020: Allegiance & Honor

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Allegiance 

June 20th/ 21st, 2020
Full Moon @ 0° degrees of Cancer
11:41 pm PST // 2:41 am EST (June 21st, 2020)


  • Sun and Moon conjunct in Cancer 
  • Sun and Moon in Cancer in conjunct Saturn in Aquarius 
  • Mars in Pisces Square the Sun and Moon in Cancer
  • Mars square the Nodes
  • Mars and Neptune sextile Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn
  • Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 
  • Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
  • Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
  • Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 
  • Saturn in Aquarius trine Venus in Gemini 
  • Venus retrograde in Gemini 
  • Mercury retrograde in Cancer


Look out for/ work with: New beginnings, home matters, kitchen magic, home cleaning, fertility, awakenings, breaking points, emotional awareness, intuition, births, reorientation, stabilization. 


Those of you who read my monthly interpretations know I generally begin by giving an overall thumbs up or down for the impending lunation. I would like to start this article off a bit differently by first delivering you a snippet of information from my Sabian Symbols book. Then you can make your own decision because "good" and "bad" is all relative. I also know how complex this and next month is astrologically; not everything is going to pan out right away. In fact, we won't be feeling stabilized until nearly August of this year. Yes 2020 is the year that just keeps on giving isn’t it? I joke that we’re entering a new level of Jumanji every month.   

The Sabian Symbols are a collection of all 360 degrees of the Zodiac. In the early 1920s, each degree was assigned a short "passage" that served as a prophecy by a medium. Essentially, it's a series of figurative (sometimes literal) excerpts that predict the future. My love for The Sabian Symbols has grown immensely throughout this last year. I find myself cracking it open daily to get an overall feel for what the future holds. But more importantly, I use it to help clients unlock hidden gems in their horoscope. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer will be one of TWO New Moons in Cancer taking place this Summer. This is extremely rare, and indicates a need to continue to work through the Cancerian mansion; home, family, security. This is Act I: zero degrees of Cancer. Act II will be taking place mid-the-month at 28 degrees of Cancer, suggesting a powerful and impactful degree that represents the excess or closing point of Cancer. For now- let's just focus on this month. Now on to my Sabian Symbols… 

KEYNOTE: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return.”

Interesting, isn't it? The theme here is picking a lane and sticking to it. Standing up for something. Committing to something and standing by it. Integrity and values. Defending ones values. 

This is an extremely potent degree. Any zero degree of a Cardinal sign is like something that starts with a BANG and ushers in a new energy of something significant. The zero degrees of Cardinal signs are strong points that usher in the changing of seasons. They also are connected to the World Axis points, aka the world's stage. Meaning events from this Eclipse will be seen and felt globally. The Moon rules the collective, so it's fair to say many will be feeling the effects of this empathically. This Eclipse just so happens to be taking place along with the Summer Solstice. For two of these events to take place within the same day is nothing short or coincidence. This New Moon is not just any old New Moon; it's a Solar Eclipse. Solar energy is ripe with the opportunity to burn or combust. It's a physical cleansing, a purification. Unusual for it to be taking place in a watery sign. This specific degree reminds us decisions made now are not only a turning point but a breaking point. This lunation is meant to align us in a particular direction. It will help us become acutely aware of who we are in allegiance with. We have now reached a square to the beginning of the Zodiac (0 degrees of Aries). This is a moment of crisis, a sharp turning point. On the "ship" which symbolizes the ego-consciousness floating, as it were, on the sea of the vast Unconscious, the individualized will makes a crucial decision. The dominant Yang force allows the Yin force to begin its six-month-long rise to power. This is expected to take place when the Sun moves into Capricorn at the Winter Solstice in December 2020. 

Likely, like most eclipses, it will require us to move forward and not look back. Many people will be emotional and find the path forward is something similar to birthing pains. Themes of family and the homeland will be e emphasized. In the weeks ahead, many will be facing housing or family issues—continued relocations or changes of residences. Expect broad sweeping changes in the lives of Americans in the weeks ahead. I expect significant political party changes, new movements, and, more importantly, a brand new path forward. Will it be a new political party? Perhaps a reset in the housing market? Time will tell… Granted, like I said, much of this will take weeks, if not months, to fully unfold. If there's one thing that's for sure, this Eclipse will be the most potent, and the most significant of all of 2020. In between eclipses is also a bit of a funky time, everything is in flux. We still have two other eclipses in July, and more events are likely to shake out. For now, I recommend waiting a day or two to allow the eclipse energy to stabilize before doing any manifestation work. Just because it's a powerful eclipse, it doesn't necessarily mean you NEED to practice magic or ritual. If anything, in my professional opinion, I, for one, will NOT be doing a ritual. Between the still lingering Venus retrograde and another two eclipses, I am saving my magical intents for next month. This is a time for introspection and allowing events to unfold that help us become more so aware of what direction we NEED to go in. If you resonate with that, lean into it. Trust me when I tell you that your magic will be more precise and have more intent next month. During eclipses, we want to be still and hold space. Many will benefit from waiting 12-48 hours before doing any ritual work. Fasting and prayer/ meditation is ideal until the eclipse window has calmed down. If you must mix up a simple ritual bath/ cleansing wash to soak in or clean your home with, I will attach the recipe below. Don't worry; I'll be sure to have something special for you all for next Cancer New Moon in July!

TLDR? : Events are about to take place in your life that brings you to a moment of decisions. You may feel as if you're torn between your head and your heart. Acknowledge your feelings. Stand in your truth. Ask yourself who or what are you pledging allegiance to, and is it best for you in the long run? Who is your family? What or where feels like home? What emotional needs do you have? Are you showing up for them? Take a bath. Focus more so on how you can take steps now, emotionally, or physically to better align with where you want your life to be in six months. Patience will be rewarded. I promise you if you listen to your heart and take the leap of faith, you will be rewarded come the New Year. Stand strong. 


Ritualistic Inspirations

Witch Tip: Try the Water candle to channel that Cancerian energy for the rest of the month, or any of our Moon products to amplify your intentions! Also, our colored Spell Candles are a great tool during ritual.


Ritual Soaking Bath or Floor Wash

Use this ritual wash to soak in, clean any crystals, or surfaces. It's fantastic as a floor wash! If you're cleaning your house, be sure to sweep and mop from the back of the home OUT the front door. For ritual bath uses, soak in the mixture, and pour the bathwater over the crown of your head. Get out, and air dry if you can. This soak will help remove any negative energy, or eclipse hangover feels.

Combine all ingredients in a pot and fill partway with water. Cover and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and strain. Add to a bath, or to a jar to cool down. This may be stored in a glass jar in the fridge for up to one week for continual use.  
  • 1 part natural salt (Sea, grey, pink Himalayan)
  • 1 part coconut water
  • 1 pinch of cascarilla eggshell powder
  • 1 handful of hyssop 
  • 1 handful of dried or fresh rosemary
  • A sliced up whole lemon 
  • 1 dash of Florida water*** (optional, and be careful as this is flammable. Do not let it over boil in the pot)





Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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