September 27, 2018 0 Comments
Monthly horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot / Collage by Janeva Zentz
Welcome to your October 2018 overview! The big news this month is lovely Venus will be making her rare retrograde into the deep dark waters of the abyss, Scorpio. Although Venus goes retrograde every eighteen months or so, this year is very… special. Get your candy ready because there’s going to be PLENTY of tricks and treats. With Jupiter in the mix, you’re bound to be given some deep insight into what you value. Venus rules love AND money, so when she retrogrades we reassess but matters in our lives. In Scorpio, it could be that a lost love returns and we decide if we REALLY wanna go back there again. This period lasts from October 5th- November 16th 2018, however, the actual shadow reaches clear into mid-December. Income is likely to fluctuate at this time, this is as a result of your relationship with money. It’s a great time to catch up on your taxes, examine a budget, work with a partner on new financial goals. Some of us may go back to business ventures from the past for a final reconsideration. New hairstyles, cosmetic surgery, marriages, and definitive relationship talk are all not recommended because Venus rules all of these themes. We are very prone to having second thoughts when this period is over and could be left feeling “What was I thinking”?!
Bottom line: Focus on what feels right. If something seems off, or a bit hazy, wait it out. This includes ex-partners, new business ventures, major big purchases, etc.
Now it’s not all doom and gloom. This retrograde is actually quite magical. Jupiter and the Sun illuminate the need to discover something. Maybe it’s secrets, but maybe it’s also antiques, vintage goods, or something that’s been missing and is just simply found. What this retrograde teaches us, take something from our past, recycle it, and determine if its worthy of resurrection. If it is, wipe the dust off of it and hold it tight. If it’s not, then recycle it, donate it, or give it a proper burial. Trust that by the end of this year, you will feel more secure and discover a new sense of security.
There’s a beautiful two week period post the New Moon in Libra that gives us the energy to set new intentions or work on relationships. This time, on October 8th, we learn how to better balance ourselves. Sometimes two can be better than one. Expect the unexpected on October 10th, with some intense Mercury Uranus oppositions, and some Venus square Mars action, people are apt to change directions suddenly. Avoid any possible frustration, arguments, and drama mid-October if, at all possible, there will be a slight sting to other peoples communication. There’s a sense of manipulation going on at this time as well, so it's important to be aware, but not reactionary.
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and spends the next four weeks digging deep. This allows you to really identify what needs to be reborn, reworked and set free. Scorpio is a rather emotional sign, so don’t be surprised if certain things begin to surface that you didn’t know were there emotionally to begin with. Expect the unexpected once again around the 24th, with a Sun Uranus opposition, and a Full Moon in Taurus. The key is to stay present in the right now and pay attention to what’s at play. Taurus is all about beauty, security and our investments. You may find yourself wanting to indulge in something a little bit more than usual.
From October 24th-31st are by far the most interesting days of the month. With the Venus retrograde conjunct the sun, and Mercury conjunct Jupiter there may be whispers of voices from the past, or quite literally the other side. Dreams of those who passed on seem more relevant now. You may be feeling more lovely, intense, and passionate than usual. Somethings will be ending now, but in doing so, something new begins.
Important dates this month:
October 5th- Nov. 16th: VENUS RX in Scorpio and Libra = Revision in love and values
October 8th: New Moon in Libra = New relationship goals
October 23rd: Sun Uranus Opposition = Wild thing!
October 24th: Full Moon in Taurus involving a Uranus Conjunction = What YOU need in terms of security
October 29th : Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio = Important messages
October 31: Venus Uranus opposition = Unexpected love and financial flux
Aries: Ace of Wands- A new opportunity that inspires energy and enthusiasm
The keyword for you this month is values. You’re being given an opportunity to really return to yourself and reflect on what you need. Be that from your partners to your finances. You’re being given the opportunity for people to be close to you. Someone from the past may very well return. If not, you’re thinking about them. The question is, does this energy from the past give you security? This is time to heal and release relationships that no longer serve you. Pay close attention to any budgets, or joint finances this month. Hold off on any big budget purchases you may put on credit. The New Moon will be in your house of partnerships on the 8th of the month. Use this as an opportunity to manifest someone new, or set new intentions with someone you’re already partnered up with. Unexpected reactions from partners around the 23rd of the month shake things up a bit. You may be gifted something unexpected, like a bonus or a raise around the full moon on the 24th. With all the fluctuation this month, just remember things come and go to help you find your balance. Stay grounded you’ll be fine.
Taurus: Four of Pentacles- Saving and investing
Try not to get discouraged if this month appears slow. It may feel like a bit of hurry up and wait, but that’s ok. Use this time wisely and take time to focus on you. Next month the energies pick up much more quickly. This month your ruling planet goes retrograde. Venus makes he way back through Scorpio causing some friction with a partner. Over the next six weeks, you’re being asked to examine how you relate to people. The truth is, you don’t entirely have much control over what other people do or say. You are being asked to go inward and focus on you, not your reactions. Revaluate if you feel loved, or perhaps angry. If space is needed, so be it. But don’t go ending things just yet. The New Moon on the 8th is all about healthy checks and balances. New opportunities at work or within your health routine is expected. A partner may show you another side of their personality around the 23rd. Don’t take it personally, just continue doing you. The Full Moon on the 24th is in your sign. This makes this day all about you! Do something nice for yourself today, maybe treat yourself to lunch, a massage or pick up some new clothes. You are worth it!
Gemini: Two of Pentacles- Juggling many things at once
You may be feeling like getting back on track with any health or diet routines. Perhaps you’re also wanting to get things organized. Take the next six weeks to reset and reassess these areas of your life. Are you striving for more work-life balance? Are you loving your work? Are you making time for romance? This is a great time to make time to juggle both of these subjects. If you’re not totally thrilled about what you’re doing for work, you may find yourself romanticizing going back to something you used to love. There may be some sort of golden opportunity in a hobby that you overlooked. The New Moon on the 8th is all about enjoying yourself, having fun, and the potential start of a new business. Make time to do something connected to theaters, concerts or plays. Communication is excellent and you’ll find that you're speaking out more than usual. The Full Moon on the 24th is in your hidden sector. Thoughts, emotions, and situations may surface that you weren’t aware of. Don’t suppress any emotions now, this is a time to heal. Breakthroughs and divine inspiration may come about from this period, but only if you listen.
Cancer: Nine of Cups- Enjoying yourself in a straightforward way
Opportunities to emotionally heal and make peace with certain people and situations come about this month. If things have been feeling off with a family member, or your home don’t fret, that’s all about to change. Focus on what makes you happy, you may find that hobbies from the past suddenly interest you again, like cooking or crafting. On the 8th of the month, the New Moon lands in your home sector. You may find yourself shopping for deals to redecorate, or rearrange your living quarters. Just don’t be too hasty with picking lavish colors or furniture. Look more for something at an antique store or garage sale. For some of you, this may be looking to physically move or declutter your space. Mid-month you begin feeling very inspired and creative. The Sun helps you focus on pleasure and something you take delight in working on. On the 24th the Full Moon is in your friend sector. Expect an unexpected and exciting invitation to an event or club. Perhaps you find yourself socializing with a new group of friends, or noticing changes in an existing friendship. If its the later, say no to drama. You’re outgrowing friendships that no longer suit you.
Leo: Eight of Wands- Things are finally within your grasp
Emotions run real deep this month. Venus is moving through your emotional home and family sector. This is an excellent month to be very upfront and aware of your feelings. Venus is heading toward your house of communication, so whatever is coming up for you in October, you’ll be able to better communicate next month. Perhaps you’re looking at your budget and figuring out ways to make a move later in the year or manage finances with a partner or roommate. The New Moon on the 8th allows you to become more clear about what it is you want, and strategize how to get it. It’s possible an offer from the past may circle back around and you’re in negotiations for something big. Networking and connections to others seem positive. Is there something you are wanting to learn more about? If so, plan strategically to learn more about this subject later in the year. Writing and expression seem favorable mid-month, so be sure to jot down any notes, dreams or ideas that come to you then. There’s a tightness between your work and home obligations in October, the key is to communicate what you can and can not do, and you’ll be fine. You shine brightly on the 24th, with the Full Moon in your career house, so be ready to present something significant.
Virgo: King of Swords- Firm but fair
Be super mindful of how you communicate with others this month. You seem to be going back and forth about how to better express yourself to a partner. Are you feeling frustrated and unappreciated? Pause and reflect before being reactionary and saying something you don’t mean. Sometimes your partners aren’t aware of how much stress or anxiety you’re dealing with. Heated arguments can bring out some feelings that come across the wrong way. You and your self-worth are what is important now. Perhaps write a letter, or send an email if things are too challenging to discuss in person. The New Moon on the 8th n in your income sector, setting the stage for how to ask what you feel you’re worth. You may have been negotiating a deal recently and suddenly have a breakthrough and get exactly what you’ve wanted. Watch your wallet this month, and really make sure you’re not totally investing in something that may be out of your budget. The Full Moon on the 24th is about planning some travel for later this year. This Moon is also about becoming more in tune with your spiritual side, so be sure to infuse the trip with something inspiring.
Libra: Eight of Cups- Leaving one thing to move on to the next
Your Ruling planet Venus is turning backward from your financial house back into your personal sign. This is an excellent time to work on self-worth and self-esteem. The universe is providing you with an opportunity to reevaluate the relationship with yourself. People only pay you as much as you feel you are worth. If you’re looking to make more money, then this process starts with how you present yourself to the world. The New Moon in Libra on the 8th is the beginning phase of this process. A transformation is coming in the coming weeks. It’s important you don’t do anything too drastic with your style, hair or wardrobe. You may not be crazy about the changes you make now. Be cautious with any potential past relationships that reach out to you. This is merely just a test, and the purpose is to make peace with the past. Focus on moving forward. Pay attention to how you give and take and make sure everything in motion is in balance. The Full Moon on the 24th may bring an unexpected surprise about your intimacy and security. If changes need to be made so be it, its all about your bottom line.
Scorpio: Seven of Cups- Daydreams and hopes
Time for a transformation. Something is sifting about the way you want other people to see you this month. One of the most important things this month is to stay true to YOU. If changing something about yourself appearance wise makes you feel more confident, so be it. Just nothing too dramatic or hasty. Pay close attention to your intuition as Venus moves closer to your hidden sector, there may be a need to listen to what your gut tells you. If something feels off in terms of a business or romantic relationship, meditate on what exactly isn’t being shown to you. The New Moon on the 8th is all about an emotional clearing. Allow whatever has been weighing you down to be released. It’s important to speak out when it comes to your relationship. Communication frustrations are likely but can be avoided if you speak from the heart. There is an opportunity here to grow together rather than apart. On the 24th the Full Moon brings the balance needed within relationships. Remember you can’t change other people, only the way you react to them. What comes and goes in the coming weeks is meant to be.
Sagittarius: King of Wands- Unconventional and often inspiring
You’re preparing for a bigger reveal next month, so be patient with debuting anything major until later in the Fall. This month is more about working behind the scenes. Because directions are apt to change, do heed this advice. It’s possible you’re reevaluating a particular group or friendship. If you’re looking for new social networks to belong to, feel it out before committing to anything in October. The New Moon on the 8th is beautiful for new social beginnings. You may be connecting with people you more resonate with on a deep level. Inspiration runs high and you may partner with others on new projects. It’s possible a secret romance is beginning, but you’re not entirely sure how someone is feeling. Be sure to thoroughly do your research on them before jumping in too quickly. Meditation, writing, and time alone are very beneficial this month. Metaphysics and the occult may seem more appealing now, especially if it heals your soul. On the 24th of the month, the Full Moon illuminates your health and wellness. You may need to make some changes in your schedule and create more of a work-life balance. Rest will be needed more this month, so if you’re feeling a bit emotionally drained, get some Z’s!
Capricorn: Four of Wands- Changing your lifestyle in an exciting way
Call in the troops if you need some support from friends this month. Socially there is a sense of deciding who is and isn’t in your corner. Expect to potentially reconnect with a friend from the past who truly brings you joy, and potentially even some professional advice. Now is the time to begin reassessing your career, and making some decisions about where it’s going. The New Moon on the 8th gives you a total breath of fresh air. You should start feeling more confident about how you carry yourself in the world. Start putting things in order to take action next month. Mercury is very busy in your social sphere, so connecting online with others, or posting a resume may be just what you need to get the ball rolling. The Full Moon on the 24th inspires you to blend your work and creativity together to feel more complete. Dating and relationships seem eventful, so expect the unexpected. Love can strike at any time later in the month and catch you off guard. Suddenly a lot of what you’ve been wishing for begins to take shape. It's up to you to take practical steps now to help these new situations grow.
Aquarius: The Tower- A necessary shake-up in order for things to change
You may find yourself making a laundry list of things that aren’t really satisfying for you at the beginning of October, and that's ok. You’re getting ready to evaluate and reassess what brings you pleasure. If you’re considering planning a trip somewhere that you’ve visited before, that just may happen. The New Moon on the 8th is all about going somewhere and creating space for hope. Just make sure you look over the details thoroughly and that this trip is within your budget. It’s also a key time to look into what spiritually feeds your soul. Do you have an interest in taking a class or learning something new? If so, do your research and find something that's within your financial abilities. The Full Moon on the 24th is in your home and family sector. This is all about making some changes in your home, and being very practical about your budget. If there are some challenging aspects in regards to your family, use this as an opportunity to find a solution. For some of you, this is about finding the balance between work and home obligations. Emotionally this can be a bit of a challenge. Keep in mind it’s happening to encourage you to recognize your limits. Recognize what is shifting emotionally within you.
Pisces: The High Priestess- Spiritual wisdom from within
If you’re feeling like its time to get out of town and do some soul searching it’s time to do it! Granted, this may take some time to plan. Take your time and start the process after the New Moon on the 8th of the month. The New Moon is in your house of sex, partnerships, and intimacy, It’s possible that some type of secret or unexpected situation arises. This has to happen to allow you to evaluate and set new boundaries about your security, then move forward. If you’re feeling more agitated than usual, get moving and stay mobile. Working out can help you release any pent-up frustration. Negotiations are very likely, and there’s a need to find some common ground. People investing in you or your ideas are likely mid-month. If you’re looking to promote or publish something this an excellent time. The Full Moon on the 24th is in your communication sector. This allows you to be definite, and communicate something important. You may find yourself gaining some useful information to put towards a creative idea in November.
December 17, 2024 0 Comments
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Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions. In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!