Spellwork Sessions: Cleansing with Mint and Cinnamon for the New Year

January 08, 2020 0 Comments

Spellwork Sessions: Cleansing with Mint and Cinnamon for the New Year

Spellwork Sessions

Cleansing with Mint and Cinnamon for the New Year


I don’t know about everyone else but the shift of the new year and decade in Gregorian calendar has been intense to put it lightly. Intuitively I’ve noticed a lot of people are either sick right now, hermiting themselves, or making huge promises of “new year, new me.” All these responses are ok; however it is the dead of winter right now in the northern hemisphere, and it’s ok the rest, hibernate, and be in seclusion. With that said, perhaps it’s time to pay attention to what we can release, cleanse, and remove from our spaces, body, minds, and spirits in order to give ourselves the boost we need to build a strong foundation. This cleansing ritual was channeled by me via the Akashic Records. The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the records wish me to deliver this message for the collective:

“Dear ones, now is the time to rest and reflect. Where can you allow some release at this point in your life? What has become too heavy to carry on your own, and how can you free yourself from the grips of illusion? We ask these questions not to overwhelm you, but to direct your attention to the core of the issue. No one person or source is to blame for the collective suffering. We know and see that there is much sadness in your hearts right now, and we ask you with all the love in our hearts to keep your hope alive. We offer you this ritual as a gesture of assistance in clearing the pathways of your heart so that your true essence may shine."

What you’ll need:

  • Real Salt (the larger the salt crystals the better)
  • Fresh Mint Leaves
  • Almond Oil (use olive or coconut oil if you have an allergy)
  • A Cinnamon Stick

Simple Steps & Procedures:

While in the shower before you wash yourself, take a handful of salt and scrub your body from the neck down, avoiding sensitive areas. As you scrub repeat this mantra ‘I cleanse the loads that are not mine to carry. I release you. Thank you.’ Please do not just mindlessly scrub! It is important that body and mind are together in this. After you scrub, wash yourself as usual. We suggest shampooing your head as well to cleanse your crown if possible.

Once out of the shower, take the fresh mint leaves and crush them in your hands. Then rub them all over your body from the neck down, avoiding sensitive areas. As you do this say, ‘I welcome freshness, clarity, and divine truth into my life right now.’

Next take the oil and massage it lovingly and slowly into your skin. Allowing yourself to experience what it’s like to nurture yourself. The oil acts as a protective barrier, and you might enjoy visualizing any heavy energy sliding off of you with ease.

Finally burn the cinnamon stick in your bathroom and use it as a wand to smudge your body and your entire space if you wish. When you are finished say aloud, ‘It is done.’”









Camille Langston is a Reiki Master teacher in Usui Shiki Ryoho technique, psychic medium, tarot reader, musician, and actor living in Los Angeles, California. Read her bio here.


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