August 26, 2019 0 Comments
Welcome to your September 2019 overview!
We’ve got a lot of busy mercurial energy in the first half of the month. Now many inner planets are moving into the sign of Virgo. September is an excellent time to get down to details, focus on health-related matters, and be of service. The aspects these planets will be making to both Pluto as well as Saturn will have us thinking about power and responsibility in our lives. Critical thinking and problem-solving can help us gain a sense of solid ground and inspire us to shift into healthier ways of being. Virgo has no issues with tedious, detail-oriented tasks. To make the most of this energy, aim to stay busy and complete tasks the first two weeks of the month. You’ll have extra power and focus on getting the job done right. Both Venus and Mary will enter Venus around the 14th, making communication delightful and partnerships of all kinds enchanting. Expect a mysterious and illuminating Full Moon in Pisces on the 5th. This may open your intuition up to more than what meets the eye. On the 23rd of the month, we will welcome the annual Fall Equinox where we welcome the shift from Summer to Fall, but more importantly, a balancing of the light and the dark. The New Moon in Libra on the 28th helps us come into balance and learn to focus on healthy relationships with others. Stany tuned for Septembers New and Full Moon posts for further information and ritualistic ideas to celebrate these energies accordingly.
To make the most of my astrological forecast, please do read your ASCENDANT sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. The Ascendant tends to be very in alignment with your natal chart, the Sun is your ego and goals, while the moon is the emotional side of things.
Don’t know your natal placements? Check out a birth chart calculator, or schedule a reading with me!
Dates to note in September:
Tarot Card: Strength- Bold, creative, and full of energy.
This month is all about being practical. It’s crucial during the first half of September you plan accordingly and focus on getting organized or finding your purpose. Any creative projects now can be quickly whipped into shape. You have a lot of energy this month! You’ll be able to move closer to your career goals or aspirations. The Full Moon may throw you for a bit of a loop. This will be a time to retreat a bit, meditate, and focus on your spirituality. Be mindful of your psychological self, you’re more sensitive now. Hunches are real, follow them. There are lots of shifts taking place around relationships. Others may have a difference of opinion, but you’re feeling open-minded and appreciate what others bring to the table. Watch the competitiveness in your day to day life. If a change in boundaries is needed, so be it. Get ready to plant new seeds of intentions romantically, you’re well on your way to understanding others better.
Tarot Card: The High Priestess- Intuition and visions. Manifestations.
What makes you stand out in the world? This is a month to focus on your individuality and finding your place. You’re bursting at the seams with talent, and it’s time to let it shine. Children, dating, and performances may be a theme of the month. There’s an opportunity to commit to travel or continuing education that may help you expand your professional status. Be daring, take a chance. Later this year it will pay off. The planets in Virgo have you feeling confident, playful, and more joyful. Be cautious about jealous or overly controlling romantic partnerships. Don’t make any quick decisions when it comes to relationships. You love life is building into a more prominent decision this fall. The Full Moon will have you wanting to spend time celebrating an accomplishment with friends. Someone from the past may make a reappearance! But don’t you go there. The new moon has you thinking about business and the potential to be in a place of service. If you’re looking for a new job or building a business, this will be a wonderful time.
Tarot Card: Three of Wands- Exploring new opportunities, exciting news ahead.
Something big is coming together for you in the professional realm. You have a significant Full moon that suggests you’re getting a job, completing a project, or finally showing something meaningful to the world. You may be participating in interviews, so be mindful of how you come across to others. Your responsibilities between the home and career will be a balancing act this month. The polar energy this month with planets in Virgo, this will also require you to make changes around the house. Whether you want to rearrange furniture, pick up some new items for the home, or move. If you work from home, this is especially true. Its possible family may play a significant role this month, and it won’t necessarily be easy. Patience is the magic word. There may be a need to have a conversation with a loved one and smooth out some issues. Your romantic partners may be pushing your boundaries a bit, and it will be essential to speak up. There can be some unexpected expenses connected to your creative projects. Plan accordingly and don’t overspend or overly rely on credit.
Tarot Card: The Empress- Beauty, mothers, family, or positive new business ventures.
Communication is vital this month. There are numerous opportunities for your thoughts to be relayed to some pretty significant people. Keep a notebook handy and jot down notes whenever genius ideas strike. You’ll believe in whatever it is you’re emailing, speaking, and learning about. Others will be very taken back by your sense of confidence. Do your best to stay organized, and not getting overwhelmed. This energy may relate to you traveling, which can be an excellent way to destress if you’ve spread yourself too thin. Schedule any travel plans with CAUTION and thoroughly check all the details. The full moon may allow you to connect travel and education. Conversations with close family members or neighbors can be exciting, they may want to come along. Making changes around the home are very likely, and you may seek the assistance of someone to make these improvements. If you live with someone else, do your best to appease all involved. Not everyone will share your taste.
Tarot Card: The Moon- The subconscious, dreams, or intuition. Unexpected events. Reflections.
This is the perfect month to up your financial game. With all the planets in Virgo, you have extra drive and determination to gain more. Be mindful finances only improve through being organized, and willing to get down to the details. Setting up a budget and sticking to it is an integral part of the process. These planets will also fully support your self-esteem and build into an active month of self-confidence. Expect lots of busywork, with more communication than usual. It’s possible you need to choose your words wisely. They have power now. There could be a sense of stress with others misunderstanding you. If you’re burning the candle at both ends, rest and recuperation are essential in September. Saturn is waking up to helping you shift into more positive habits, pay attention. Take the necessary breaks and time off to unwind. Relationships should be full of love and romance this month. You may find yourself feeling much more sensual than usual around the time of the Full Moon. Enjoy it!
Tarot Card: Three of Cups- Having fun and partying with others.
There’s a gang of planets in your home sign giving you an extra boost this month. This will be a great time to let your self-expression shine. Likely you’re more so a personality that chooses to be of service to others, but this month it’s all about you. Your charisma and confidence will be visible to everyone around. Take some extra time to make some updates and invest in your physical appearance. Just the right hair cut, or maybe even an updated style will bring a lot of attention your way. Although you’re generally a more reserved sign, your sex appeal and charm will surprise you. Your finances and personal goals for the future may seem to come together in a much brighter way now. If there’s a specific project or personal goal you have in mind now is the time to focus on it. Relationships can be more so challenging than usual mid-month if you don’t feel like a partner is excited or supportive of a personal goal of yours. Shift gears and don’t take it personally, this is temporary. Any relationship issues should be resolved around the time of the full moon.
Tarot Card: King of Wands- Bold, courageous, and creative. A fire sign man.
The question is; what do you want? Focus on this now, Libra. Early in the month, you may find yourself needing space or being reflective. Meditation and spirituality can be something to lean on and get clarity. Answers are coming to you, pay attention to your dreams. Someone from the past may potentially make an appearance, but it’s purely for closure. The universe is aligning in all the right angles to bring you all you’ve ever wanted. Your ambitions should be sky high in the second half of this month. If there’s any planning, or behind the scenes work that needs to be done, you’ll do very well this month. Boundaries will be a big theme, as it’s possible you’ll need to assert yourself with home and family matters, and how these areas interfere with your career. You’re likely to be drained more so this month by others. Don’t be too much of a people pleaser. Otherwise, you’ll wind up resenting it. The end of the month as planets shift into Libra, you’re likely to be feeling more so energized and ready to get out and about in the world. Social gatherings in the weeks and months ahead will dazzle!
Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune- Luck is on your side, new opportunities coming your way.
Time to get out and socialize. It’s possible this month you find new social contacts or groups of friends. Get out and have a good time, romance may likely strike when you least expect it. Networking opportunities may pop up as well. Expect lots of invitations for celebrations all around. You may find you’re more optimistic than usual and feeling motivated to accomplish some long term goals than usual. This shift in your perspective can make magic happen. The one thing you want to watch is for not being too overly indulgent mid-month. You may find yourself overspending, eating, or partying. Opportunities present themselves to potentially travel, or learn something new now that Saturn is waking up from his retrograde. Perhaps you can take a trip or a workshop with a friend? These aspects bode well for all forms of writing and communication as well. Watch out around the full moon, as it’s likely going to be hard to say no to others. Stick to your guns and don’t back down if someone pushes your buttons. The end of the month is perfect for letting go of any hang-ups in love, especially if this has been a long time coming.
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands- Busy fast-moving energy. Sudden changes. Keep moving.
What a busy month ahead! You have a great deal of energy moving through your professional realm. You may be picking up the slack at work and finding all sorts of energy to get things done. Higher-ups are likely to notice your sense of responsibility and willingness to get the job done right. If you’re seeking employment, launching a business, or starting a new position, this may go very well. Leave the doubt at the door and be optimistic that whatever is taking place for you well will GO WELL. It’s not all work and no play, you’re likely to hear from friends asking you to come out and have a good time. It may be challenging to decline. However schedule constraints will require you to attend some events but not all, so pick wisely. Distractions are very likely this month, so keep moving forward and don’t let people or situations get in the way. If you can do this, you will see the results that you desire and prove to be unstoppable. The second half of the month, socializing will be much easier. Balance is a crucial factor in all senses this month, keep this in mind whenever you’re feeling off-kilter.
Tarot Card: Kind of Cups- Feeling overcome with emotion, A water sign man.
You will be amazed how easily you can attract what it is you want this month with ease. Planets in Virgo are extra supportive for you in September. Travel, continuing education, or publishing may be on your mind. Especially anything connected to creativity or intuition. Spirituality is slowly but surely playing more of a role in your life nowadays than usual. There may be an opportunity to plan travel to places you’ve never been before. International business or meetings will go smoothly. If you do find yourself traveling, don’t be surprised if you meet someone in a faraway place. Story telling and publishing will be exceptionally blessed. The second half of the month, your focus is on business networking and excelling professionally. You’re likely to get a great deal of praise for a job well done. Promotions or raises are possible, so keep a lookout. If you’re working on group projects keep an open mind, others are likely to give you perspectives you weren’t aware of before. This will benefit you in the long run.
Tarot Card: Four of Wands- Celebrations, parties, temporary accomplishments.
This is a very sensual and invigorating month ahead. You’re more in tune to security needs. Your stability and how you manifest things are very tied together. You’re shifting into a place of believing that anything is possible. You may be feeling extra concerned about a partners budget, or paying something off. Handle any financial situations with great care and thoroughly read the details. Lust and passion are very possible this month as you have a jam-packed 8th house. There are opportunities to dive deep, expose fears, or even secrets. Emotionally you will be reborn in the weeks ahead, even if this means going through it alone. If you’re looking to partner up professional with someone, this can come up now. Occult, esoteric studies may be extra fascinating. These topics can be tools to help you break through some significant psychological hurdles in your life. Don’t shut others out this month, it’s a time to practice being open to letting others support you. The full moon may bring completions in travel, higher education, or maybe even moving to the next stage of your spiritual development.
Tarot Card: The Lovers- Divine union, passion, and intimacy.
Relationships and connecting to others is such a significant theme of the month. You may have others tying to assist you in some way. If you haven’t been feeling the love lately, you’ll be surprised how quickly this changes. Sweetness is expected with others. It’s time for you to put energy into your relationships. The full moon is in your sign, making you well aware of things you haven’t wanted to take a look at in some time. Creatively you’re ready to put yourself out there and make significant changes in your life. You may be feeling dreamy and optimistic about who you are becoming. If any heart to heart conversations are needed, they should go smoothly, you’ll find others are very attentive to your needs. The second house of the month a secret may be exposed, or perhaps an old wound resurfaces. Don’t be afraid of what’s coming up now. This is to move into a new state of being. If others want to invest in you or your ideas, proceed forward. You’re worth it.
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions. In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!