
Celestial Insights: The Cosmic Dance of Venus & Mercury Retrograde, March 2025

Celestial Insights: The Cosmic Dance of Venus & Mercury Retrograde, March 2025

February 25, 2025 0 Comments

As we navigate the celestial currents of 2025, a unique astrological event awaits: both Venus and Mercury will be retrograde simultaneously. Venus will transition from Aries to Pisces during its retrograde, while Mercury will retrograde in Aries. This rare cosmic alignment offers a profound opportunity for introspection, reassessment, and personal growth. When these two influential planets appear to move backward in the sky, their retrograde energies prompt us to slow down and reevaluate critical aspects of our lives. While the experience may seem challenging, it ultimately serves as a chance to heal, reset, and reconnect with our true desires and intentions.

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Celestial Insights: March 2023

Celestial Insights: March 2023

March 01, 2023 0 Comments

It’s Pisces season! Enjoy the depth and breadth of compassionate cracklings, spiritual connections and synchronicities, creative flow, and also closings. Pisces is a very poignant transitional sign as the ruler of the 12th house. There is something akin to “inner honor ceremonies” as our personal planets cross this threshold, and for all when the sun ingresses this sign. We lovingly, sometimes grievingly, part with certain energies, ideas, and relationships before a cosmic rebirth in the spring upon Aries season. Take a final swim in February, kiss those inner waves, and see what you can’t bring up to your shore during this celestial portal.

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Celestial Insights: February 2023

Celestial Insights: February 2023

February 02, 2023 0 Comments

We start February, the month most associated with love—both romantic love, self love, and agape— with Venus in Pisces, adding a dreamy, soft energy swirling around our hearts… The low vibration of Venus in Pisces is being gullible in love or money, overly generous to a fault, and/or getting completely lost and dissolved in another, which *can* be an ecstatic fantasy space to pop in and out of...

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Celestial Insights: September 2022

Celestial Insights: September 2022

August 24, 2022 0 Comments

September harvest blessings to all! The Pagan sabbat celebration this month is Mabon, which falls on September 22. This is the autumn equinox and harvest festival that has very ripe and abundant “crops” or whatever you had planted as a seedling and have been cultivating throughout 2022. Lammas gave you a taste of the direction, success, and growth you were achieving, and Mabon is maximizing that growth and bringing even greater insights. Feasting, music, ritual, and sharing of resources are all joyful and meaningful ways to give gratitude to the land, to your body, to your support system folks, and to your Guides/Spiritual helpers/Universe/God. Being the autumnal equinox, this means there is equal light and dark on...

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Celestial Insights: March 2022

Celestial Insights: March 2022

February 26, 2022 0 Comments

Welcome to March, friends! We are in the midst of collective forward movement and growth—from above in the cosmos with no Rx planets all the way down to earth, as our daylight will last longer as of the 13th with Daylight Savings, plus the cracklings of spring at the equinox later in the month. At the beginning of March, we have a powerful new moon in Pisces, whose natural watery, mystical, and ethereal realm is given some structure and framing by the Mercury/Saturn conjunction on the same day… Excellent balance above and below!

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March 2022 Tarotscopes

March 2022 Tarotscopes

February 26, 2022 0 Comments

March greetings, and happy solar return wishes to all Pisces and early Aries folks! Below are your intuitive tarot readings coupled with insightful astro snapshots by Richard, per sign, for this month. We will also pull a card for the collective, which you can use in conjunction with your personal tarot card to create a robust narrative around what is calling your attention during this monthly cycle. To get the most out of these Horoscopes, please read them based off of your Ascendant/ Rising sign, as these are the signs that are the basis of our monthly breakdowns. Your Ascendant sign is the sign of the Zodiac which was...

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February 2022 Tarotscopes

February 2022 Tarotscopes

January 28, 2022 0 Comments

After Mid-January’s shifting of the North and South Nodes of the Moon into Taurus and Scorpio, where they will be transiting for 18 months, the noticeable shift in energy is becoming fully felt this February as the collective’s attention is now shifted into the fixed modalities of the zodiac. Each of the twelve signs fall into one of three modalities, being Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. These modalities summarize the way in which a set of signs approaches life, and embodies their general temperament as a whole. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and are related by modality due to their nature to be more grounded and physical. These signs are concerned with staying...

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Celestial Insights: September 2021

Celestial Insights: September 2021

September 03, 2021 0 Comments

Greetings, all! We are in the beautiful medicine of Virgo season, where tuning into your physical and mental health and the well-being of all will bring healing and connection opportunities. We then enter the sweet season of Libra, where every vibration of love wants to be felt! Speaking of balance, we have another sabbat approaching on the 22-23rd, the autumnal equinox, or Mabon. This is the second harvest celebration, where there is equal day and night. Think about the theme of balance in terms of light/dark and yin/yang energy…


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Celestial Insights: March 2021

Celestial Insights: March 2021

March 09, 2021 0 Comments

March will get started off on the right foot! Thankfully all planets are moving direct, which ensures that whatever we are working on, the cosmos will bless it with positive and smoother energy than what we have experienced in previous weeks. Around the 10th of March, Mercury moves out of his shadow period, allowing us to communicate and move about more freely. That means many of you can move forward with contracts, moves, and changes to your gadgets or vehicles. Mercury will be retracing his steps in the sign of Aquarius, bringing yet another 

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Full Moon in Pisces, September 1, 2020: Coming Out of the Fog

Full Moon in Pisces, September 1, 2020: Coming Out of the Fog

August 28, 2020 0 Comments

This is a mystical and magical Full Moon in Pisces. The Sun and Moon make their monthly opposition in the mutable water sign of Pisces. Full moons are known for being a time of magnification and magic, and with this lunation, it will be nothing short of otherworldly. Pisces is a deeply connected and intuitive zodiac sign. During the time of this Moon, activities like dream work and astral travel will be highlighted. Profound subconscious truths can be unearthed now. Pisces is associated with creative pursuits and the planet Neptune. Music and water will be exceptional channels for collective energy. Integrating these into your magical rituals or routine will bring about profound psychic insights. This Moon will bring out our compassionate side and the need to cut through anything hazy to make room for

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New Moon in Pisces, February 23, 2020: Deja Vu

New Moon in Pisces, February 23, 2020: Deja Vu

February 19, 2020 0 Comments

All aspects considered this is generally a positive lunation. This New Moon in Pisces may have a few of you doing a double-take, or experiencing Deja Vu. The Sun and the Moon make their monthly conjunction offering us an opportunity to start fresh. In the mutable water sign of Pisces, there is more going on than what meets the eye. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac and rules over most everything mystical. Currently, we are just in the beginning phase of a Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Some things may feel a bit up in the air, almost as if you’re waiting for the chips to fall. The beauty of this New Moon is the powerful, intuitive energy it provides. For those who are looking for cosmic messages from the universe about which way to go...

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Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

February 19, 2020 0 Comments

The sign of Pisces dwells in a rich inner world and can be a conduit for brilliant dreams and creations. In the highest manifestation, Pisces can be of service with their unconditional love and healing capabilities. Pisces are connected to the higher realms and can feel everything around them, which can cause some confusion. Whether they choose to channel their intuitive knowledge into healing and art or into climbing the corporate ladder; they will need to learn to...

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