April 08, 2021
What an exciting month we have ahead! Personally I love the energies of the very first week of April. Just coming off the heels of a full moon in Libra last month, the sun in Aries moves with Venus for nearly the first week. This puts a great emphasis on self love, self healing, and passion. Venus runs hot in Aries, and often very much in alignment with pleasure. This can be wonderful for taking charge of your personal appearance, as well as pursuing your hearts desires. Watch out for power struggles closer to mid- month with other people, especially when it comes to issues with authority. This will be when the...
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March 09, 2021
March will get started off on the right foot! Thankfully all planets are moving direct, which ensures that whatever we are working on, the cosmos will bless it with positive and smoother energy than what we have experienced in previous weeks. Around the 10th of March, Mercury moves out of his shadow period, allowing us to communicate and move about more freely. That means many of you can move forward with contracts, moves, and changes to your gadgets or vehicles. Mercury will be retracing his steps in the sign of Aquarius, bringing yet another
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February 09, 2021
My friends, this by far is probably one of my most anticipated monthly overview articles. I remember back in 2019, looking at my ephemeris for February/ Spring of 2021 thinking, “I can’t wait to see how the world evolves and what comes of the stellium of planets in Aquarius”. At the time it wasn’t quite clear just exactly how the world would gather together and make strides towards unity. Two years, a world pandemic, major economic and political crosses later: here we are. It’s safe to say our work is cut out for us. If there is one thing astrology has taught me, it’s that you have the ability to create...
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January 28, 2021
Welcome to your February 2021 Tarot Scopes! To make the most of my astrological horoscopes, please read your ASCENDANT sign, followed by your SUN and MOON sign. This will give you the best advice and be the most appropriate timing-wise. Don’t know your personal astrology? Check out this free astrological calculator, or book a session with me! To read this month's lunar and planetary happenings, along with any specific ritual and symbolic inspiration, look out for our article Celestial Insights later this month!
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January 11, 2021
What better way to start off the New Year than with PLANETS DIRECT!! We have a solid month before anything goes retrograde. This means the cosmos are blessing us with forward motion and want 2021 to start with FULL steam ahead. Looking over the two lunations- the New Moon in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Leo- they both seem as if they’re catapulting us forward into massive change. While the first New Moon has the Sun and Moon in close proximity to transformative Pluto, many of us will be having one last hoorah with...
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December 30, 2020
Welcome to your January 2021 Tarot Scopes! To make the most of my astrological horoscopes, please read your ASCENDANT sign, followed by your SUN and MOON sign. This will give you the best advice and be the most appropriate timing-wise. Don’t know your personal astrology? Check out this free astrological calculator, or book a session with me! To read this month's lunar and planetary happenings, along with any specific ritual and symbolic inspiration, look out for our article Celestial Insights later this month!
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December 13, 2020
The year is winding down and with a bang. Astrologically we are now in the midst of Eclipse season once again. In early December, we are just coming off the November 30 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. There is a two week period in between eclipses before the second eclipse, which is a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. The time between eclipses is a funky one where just about anything can happen. I always tell my readers it is a cosmic portal in time where doors open and doors close. This eclipse particularly piques my interest with the handful of planets conjunct the karmic south node point in Sagittarius. Both the Sun and Moon move together to create the New Moon Solar eclipse, highlighting the need to start new. New Moon Solar Eclipses are New Moons on steroids. This is a beautiful time to...
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November 27, 2020
Welcome to your December 2020 Tarot Scopes! To make the most of my astrological horoscopes, please read your ASCENDANT sign, followed by your SUN and MOON sign. This will give you...
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November 11, 2020
Hoping you all faired well in the heat of last month’s Astro turbulence. Thankfully, I do see the cosmos easing up slightly this month. The big news is the end of several major planetary retrogrades. I want to take a moment to touch on each one and exactly why these retrogrades have taken place. I always joke and tell clients that retrogrades are almost ALWAYS happening. If it weren’t for them, we’d never “clean out the fridge” life-wise. Inner planetary retrogrades such as Mercury and Mars can be felt much more intensely than, for example, a Pluto or Neptune retrograde. Inner planets closer to Earth tend to feel like things are a bit wonky; however, they generally pass more quickly and have shorter retrograde periods.
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October 28, 2020
November 2020 Horoscopes for each Tropical sun Sign! Read even more about the month ahead on our blog, Celstial Insights : November 2020!
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